3~5 1039 stories
  • 3~5 1039 stories Well written and entertaining but overall average quality.
    Created by xgfhj
    - February, 2015
Found 1,039 stories in 75ms

Total Words: 8,733,286
Estimated Reading: 3 weeks


  • 6~5 27 stories The best of the best, must read stories.

  • 5~5 83 stories Favorite worthy, but not on my favorites list.

  • 4~5 224 stories Memorable or special.

  • 3~5 1039 stories Well written and entertaining but overall average quality.

  • 2~5 254 stories I didn't like it, it was poorly written or just boring.

  • 1~5 39 stories I hated it, it was terribly written or it did something that I can't morally agree with.

  • unread 200 stories I haven't read it yet, I'll get around to it at some point... maybe.

  • re-read 36 stories Stories that I need to read again to properly rate.


  • Featured 23574 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

  • Interviews 408 stories Stories that have had their author interviewed

  • Reviewed 0 stories Stories that have been reviewed

Something bad has happened to Sweetie Belle, so why won’t anypony tell Apple Bloom what? At least she can keep her friend company, and Sweetie Belle can hear her talking. Everypony says so. She can hear.

If friendship really is magic, she sure could use some now.

An entry in the write-off event “There’s Magic in Everything.”

Chapters (1)

It's an ordinary day in Ponyville, until Applejack says Twilight is purple. She should have known better.

Prereader: CoffeeBean

Para español: Aquí

Chapters (1)

It can often feel in our lives that we're always overshadowed by someone better; Luna, younger sister to Celestia, has been feeling that way for so long that the nervous breakdown she suffered almost came as a relief to her. Now slowly trying to put herself back together, she is in for a very surprising reunion with someone she never expected to see again.

Chapters (1)

With a fierce storm raging around Ponyville, Twilight sees it as an opportunity to get some serious relaxing done; Rarity, taking shelter at the Castle of Friendship after being caught outside, hopes to have some one-on-one time with her friend. Both of their plans are foiled, however, when they realise that somepony very dear to them both hasn't come home yet ...

Chapters (1)

The life of a mail-delivery pony definitely has its ups and downs; today is very much a down as far as Ditzy is concerned, and she can't wait to get home, put her hooves up, and forget about everything that's gone wrong for her in her life. On the way back to Ponyville, she runs into Rainbow Dash who, it seems, is also struggling with a bad day of her own.

Chapters (1)

It's Hearth's Warming in Ponyville, and Pinkie Pie is pulling out all the stops to make sure that the party at Sugarcube Corner is the best ever. Unfortunately, the hectic touring schedule of the Wonderbolts means that Rainbow Dash might not be able to attend. Scootaloo, hoping to spend some precious holiday time with her friend, idol and adopted big sister, is left miserable by this news. Rainbow Dash wouldn't be Rainbow Dash, however, if she didn't have a surprise or two in store for her.

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle is nothing if not a perfectionist; no matter what she does, she'll do it to the best of her abilities. When it comes to her relationship with Fluttershy, she'll settle for nothing less than the best. She has something important that she needs to tell her, and it needs to be said at precisely the right time. Because that's the sort of pony she is. It's just that ... it has to be at EXACTLY the right time with no margin for error.

Chapters (1)

Returning home after an errand, Fluttershy encounters an escaped unnatural storm from the Everfree Forest heading toward Sweet Apple Acres; determined to save Applejack's life, she sacrifices her own in the process. Later, at the Castle of Friendship, an impostor shows up claiming to be Fluttershy ... but she can't possibly be, can she? She has quite the story to tell Twilight and Applejack about what happened to her.

Chapters (5)

Sometimes, as an author, you have ideas for stories that you think are great, but others ... disagree.

The Wait of Expectation: Princess Luna has only been back home in Canterlot for a scant few weeks, but she is eager to both make up for her past and make amends with her sister after what happened between them a thousand years ago; she wishes to reinstitute the Shadow Guard, the Defenders of the Night, and Celestia gifts her with a few potential candidates. Whilst appraising them, however, Luna quickly discovers that Celestia is dealing with some issues of her own ... and they take on a very surprising form! [Slice of Life]

In Practice: Rainbow Dash has a reputation for being a little bit thoughtless; while she has her eyes set on glory thanks to a new trick that she's just learned about, Twilight Sparkle can only see the possibilities for disaster. Not just for herself, but for all of Ponyville should things go awry. She attempts to talk Rainbow Dash out of performing it, but unfortunately Twilight quickly discovers that, fuelled by adrenaline and ego, it's near-impossible to talk to her at all! [Slice of Life]

Caught Between Two Worlds: Feeling like a stranger in Equestria now, far more used to the pecularities of the human world, Sunset Shimmer is no longer certain that there's a place for her there any more; she doubts that her relationship with Celestia will ever be what it was, and her former friends and family are now nothing more than polite, well-meaning strangers to her. The only thing keeping her in Equestria is her relationship with Fluttershy who now has to deal with a resurgence of the bat-pony curse which once afflicted her. Together, maybe they can solve both their problems? [Romance/Slice of Life]

Chapters (3)

On a frosty winter's evening, Twilight Sparkle is out on a lonely hilltop all by herself waiting for a rare astronomical phenomenon to occur; while waiting, she has a strange encounter with some mysterious force that soon resolves itself into an all-too-familiar form. She quickly learns that the only thing which can improve a once-in-a-lifetime experience is having somepony close to her to share it with.

Chapters (1)