• Member Since 3rd Mar, 2015


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Favourites 352 stories
  • Favourites 352 stories - 77 unread chapters
    Created by Sober
    - March, 2015
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Total Words: 15,908,810
Estimated Reading: 6 weeks



  • Featured 23571 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

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Queen Chrysalis has given Princess Celestia and Princess Luna an unwelcome gift for Hearth’s Warming. Thankfully, they can regift it to somepony. Who can regift it to somepony. Who can…

Changeling in a Santa Hat by Pein078 at Derpibooru

Chapters (2)

The Dash family is known for spawning brash, somewhat reckless pegasi that ponies still manage to find loveable. When Rainbow gets a surprise visit from her professional racer of a brother, not only does the fun get doubled, but with his arrival comes a string of strange events. Only time, effort, and a little bit of courage will tell if this speedy pegasus' arrival was just a very convenient coincidence or part of a plan set in motion by an unknown source.
Part of the Rising Sun AU

Chapters (6)

It's not every day that a person in the middle of war gets his few moments of respite, but for a veteran blood knight, he gets more than a few moments.

Gai'vahros has had his fair share of experiences when it came to going to other lands and even other worlds, but when he's thrown from the war-torn continents of Azeroth to the happy, peace-loving land of Equestria with no way back, he knows that he'll have to learn to adapt to this place as best as he can or die trying -- and no amount of bubble-hearthing will save him.

Chapters (42)

New and amazing discoveries present themselves to the Azerothian Paladin Titus, after he believes he has fallen to his death. He wakes to find himself in a land even more mystical than the one he came from.

This is a mlp/WoW crossover. Hopefully even those that don't play WoW will enjoy this, and even if you don't, I appreciate you giving this a read and the constructive feedback.

Chapters (10)

This story is a sequel to The Princess and I

Ever since the day I decided to give up my old life for a new one I could say that everything's going good. I mean I've got a great girlfriend, an awesome new house and pretty much everything else a guy could ask for. However I'm sure that a lot of guys you look at me funny if I said my girlfriend was a princess and I live in a castle and I'm sure they'd say horrible things about me if they found out that princess was actually a pony who can control the moon.
My name is Aedan Ryan, six months ago I came to Equestria because I fell in love with a pony named Princess Luna. (Crazy right?) Now after having dealt with having to take care of her, a whole new challenge awaits me... one that I and every other man in the universe could never really be ready for...

Cover art done by quizzicalkisses, very good artist... I suggest you check them out.

Edits by OneWingedDevil and Chivalry

Chapters (22)

I always wanted to go to Equestria. When I got the chance, I took the deal without reading the fine print. To my surprise, I didn't arrive there as a pony, or even as a human. It seems I get to view this world from a different perspective than what I've imagined.

My name is Echo. I am a Diamond Dog.

-Edited by the one, the only, Nathan Traveler!
-(Cover by Jovial_Shake of fimfiction.net)
-Now featured on Equestriadaily.com!

Chapters (26)

My name is Aedan and I'm your average run-of-the-mill guy from Missouri. I served in the Marine Corps for about four years, now I've been out for a year and I'm making a living on the edge of St. Louis. It's not the best of conditions for a guy like me to have to deal with, but I adapt and overcome. Then one Saturday morning on my daily jog I ran into something (well in truth she ran into me) I'd never thought possible. She calls herself 'Princess Luna'. She's alone and confused, but most of all, she wants to go home. And guess who the poor guy is that decided to help her.

rated Teen for talking like a Marine and some... 'Adult' situations...

Chapters (25)

The first story in The Journey of Graves.

Ponyville is getting ready for the arrival of Princess Celestia's marshals, elite of royal guard and travelling heroes of the people. But in all the hustle and bustle of party preparations, a lone traveler slips into town, a young man with business concerning Twilight Sparkle. What that business is remains to be seen, but you can be sure Ponyville won't make it easy for him.
After all, where would be the fun in that?

Chapters (8)

Equestria's origins are long forgotten, as well as its most powerful weapon, but when three stallions, unknown even to Princess Celestia appear in the middle of an elite forces camp questions are raised. One, the earth pony, appears to be silent, but his sheer size and strength speak for him enough, another, a unicorn, seems to be quite laid back and pretty self-centered, but he can hold his own with powerful magic that rivals and possibly surpasses the combat skill of Captain Shining Armor, finally the third, a pegasus, apperently the oldest and leader of the three remembers something about his past, more in particular, somepony. Follow the three on a journey that will tell them who they were, where they will be going and finally who they were really meant to be.
Starting with a prologue that goes over a lot of things and explains enough to you so you don't get lost in the actual story.
Alternate Universe tag because it follows the canon story line of events all the way until 'Magical Mystery Cure' No Twilicorn.
Cover art done by good friend of mine on DA... Thinkerten, check his stuff out, he'd really good.

Chapters (61)

Follow the adventure of the Great and Powerful Trixie after leaving Ponyville at the conclusion of her disastrous visit. Bear witness to her hardships as she faces the land alone, her trials, tribulations, past and present.

But lo, who is this stallion she meets upon the road? Who cares right? She hates him immediately. He's the only stallion so far who has refused to throw himself at her hooves, babbling in awestruck wonder. Besides. He's so boring! No emotion whatsoever.

But I suppose... Any company is better than none?

Chapters (13)