• Member Since 3rd Mar, 2015


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Favourites 352 stories
  • Favourites 352 stories - 77 unread chapters
    Created by Sober
    - March, 2015
Found 276 stories in 100ms

Total Words: 15,908,810
Estimated Reading: 6 weeks



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"In the beginning, there was nothing but all encompassing darkness that claimed all of existence within the void.
Yet even in this darkness, there was light.
A single speck of light that defied the shadows and slowly grew to encompass the known universe, bringing light to a once dark and dreary realm.
The being had wrested control from the void, yet it was not content.
With its power, it created the stars and planets that dot the seemingly infinite expanse of the universe.
This, was how the universe had truly come to be."
Creation of the universe according to the Church of Primis
Long ago, before the times of the princess's, the world stood divided. The father of the universe saw the hatred between the races of the planet, and sought to rectify his mistake of abandoning his creation, choosing to live amongst them once more.
This is where our story begins.

*Tags will be added as needed, or when the story. calls for it.*

Been featured like seven times now...wow, that's awesome, didn't think I'd even get it once.

Chapters (12)

Severe thunderstorms are a commonality when living in a mountain fire lookout tower; an event that comes and goes with ease. However, when a storm takes a turn for the worse and causes the resident lookout to fall unconscious, the scene that greets him on awakening is about as unsettling and unwelcome as can be.
Or is it?

With his radios and cellular service cut off, Equestria's first human visitor is left to his own devices to figure out why he and his tower are now in the middle of an mysterious and dangerous forest. Well, at least the clouds still move on their own, that's a good thing, right?

Look out Equestria, there's a new human in town!

*Takes place during/after Season 9

Chapters (14)

Featured on January 24th-28th, 2020

You stumbled apon facing the toughest challenge since coming to Equestria; fighting off three overpowered villains with a bell to take all the magic from the ponies. It is up to you to help stop them from getting more powerful by using yourself as bait. When Chrysalis encounters you though, a clever idea struck your vision.

To ask her out!

Cover art by mirroredsea

Audio reading by StraightToThePointStudio

Chapters (1)

Equestria is in a state of constant chaos.

Monsters roam the wilderness, attacking travelers and those who stray too far from the relative safety of the villages.

Brigands and bandits lurk on the roads, robbing and looting with little resistance.

Celestia and Luna's armies are being spread thin defending their borders from seemingly every direction.

Now, a brutal and beast-like warrior is found in Equestria during these turbulent times.

What role will he play in this tenebrous era of Equestrian history?

Featured on 4/24/2020 + 5/1/2020 Thank you all :heart:

Chapters (9)

ONE SHOT STORY (also first RGRE story ever, so be gentle.)
(This is an odd take as the elements are there, just not that prominent.)

My dearest Twilight,

A new dictator has come out from the shadows and taken hold of a nearby settlement, making it her little kingdom. She holds it with an iron hoof and ruins the lives of those poor ponies and other creatures living there. I am sending you and your friends there to stop this mare and bring an end to her tyranny and drag her kicking and screaming to Canterlot, where she can face justice.

Your Loving Teacher,
Princess Celestia

Chapters (1)

Princess Celestia was going for an incognito stroll through the town in order to unwind from court, that was until she came across a small oddity of a shop called 'Cliff's Craft' on Elder Street.

So, she decided to pay Equestria's only resident human a visit.

[E] Means it has been professionally edited.

Mild violence, swearing and sexual themes.

Please note: In this story ponies (and others) are similar (anthropomorphic) to humans. Though ponies (for example) are generally shorter, have fur, magic, cutie/destiny marks, and the extra appendages like wings or horns.

Also shout outs to:
PurpleFloof for editting!
Dekaskittalz for proof reading!
Vongoalyken for the advice!

Chapters (10)

The mind is an odd thing, sometimes capable of changing a person's entire worldview with the shift of only a few key details. However, sometimes these shifts are far more widespread than they should be.

Celestia has noticed such a thing, and she is slightly worried. Thankfully, she has no shortage of old friends, and one of them offers a possible solution to her problems.

She's just left wondering one thing:

Who exactly are these "Phantom Thieves"?

Contains spoilers for Persona 5

Chapters (11)

For many a millennia he has slumbered beneath the earth, his strength recovering from a conflict as old as the sands it was fought upon. For many a millennia he and his people withered away into legends, spoken of by the elderly to their young as nothing more than stories before bed. For many a millennia the world itself forgot about this being, hidden away within a cage of dirt and rock and time.

But now he has awoken to find himself lost in a world nearly unrecognisable, dominated by a species he'd not laid eyes upon for many, many years indeed.

Yet there still lived a select few who knew him personally. To them, he was an old yet dear friend, long believed to have been lost to the cataclysm that cost him his people and his kingdom. Despite all the time that had elapsed and despite all that had happened throughout the years, they still knew his name.

Cyrus Perennem, 'The King Without a Crown'.

Chapters (6)

Any good chef will tell you that ketchup is a horrible condiment that ponies regularly use to ruin good food and hide bad flavor. Prince Baked Bean has finally had enough after watching his pregnant wife scarf down a dozen oatburgers drenched in the stuff to satisfy her cravings, and he's decided to attempt the impossible; turning ketchup into something worthy of royalty!

A what-if fic set in the Prince Beanverse!

Featured on 12/28/18 - 12/30/18! Thanks everyone!

Chapters (1)

Now that I was living in Equestria, it was time to finally buy a new house. I’d settled on the charming little town of Haywards Heath, and found myself a decent house that just needed some work to spruce it up.

Or so I thought.

I might have gotten more than I bargained for.

Chapters (52)