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The sequel to Wayward Courier. Read that first, or you'll get lost.

Two months after his first visit to Equestria, Thomas has returned. And this time, he's not alone!
Now the ponies have to deal with not only him, but a depressed snarky ex-Scribe and a Brotherhood Ghoul with her own list of incredible achievements and emotional baggage.
However, things aren't well in Equestria, as they quickly find out...

All major details relating to Season 3 are non-canon to this fic.

Chapters (39)

After living in a state of depression you realize the only source of happiness is in the show My Little Pony. But sadly, cartoons don't love back. It is a term you have grown to hate. But after a freak accident in Equestria, will your life turn out for the better? All you need is a bundle of joy - or six - to show you the right path.

NOTE: Two things. One, the beautiful cover art was made by Bitter-Knitter. Link to his/her deviantart page: http://bitter-knitter.deviantart.com/
And also, this is my first fanfic, so be wary of that. I will continue my writing only if supported to do so.

EDIT: Ho-ly shi-t. Did not expect in a million years to have this much support ;) THANK YOU!!

Chapters (8)

Luna starts up a Judge-Judy-like show. But, as time goes on she slowly starts to waste away from some unknown illness. Stubborn as she is, she won't allow it to keep her off the throne dealing with her duties as Princess. Will Equestria watch as she wastes away to nothing, on live television?

Chapters (13)

The mane six take shelter in a place that is, for now, safe from a disaster occurring outside.

This gruesome tale of violence and death is not recommended for colts, fillies, or the faint of heart.

Chapters (1)

Frosty Mug runs the premiere (and only) watering hole in Ponyville. He's been behind the pine for years, and listened to many a sob story, and joyous announcement. Enjoy his recollections of a rather strange week in which he served a different Element of Harmony every day, and a pony he would have never thought he'd have the honor of getting drunk. These are the memoirs of a Ponyville booze vendor.

Now with bonus drinks! Consider it 'Happy Hour'!

Warning: Shipping is mentioned.

Chapters (10)

Nigel Burke is a prescription drug addicted amateur surgeon, using surgeon in the loosest possible definition. Nigel lost the ability to move the right side of his body after a stroke, and his left side is scrambled at best. After ripping the heart out of a man in space and smacking a new one in as it floated away, Nigel returned to his boring desk job where he divided his time between throwing floppy disks at his co-workers, and playing Deep Dungeons of Doom.

However, that is soon about to change as Nigel finds a rainbow floppy disk at his desk. After managing to pick it up and insert it, he found a message from someone who called themselves, "Princess Celestia". This, Princess Celestia, told him that he was to be transported to the land of Equestria, where he would preform a kidney surgery on one, Prince Blueblood.

After popping a few downers, Nigel was transported to a world filled with magical talking ponies, although this wasn't all that uncommon for him. Now, Nigel must save the life of the Princess's nephew.

What have I done?

Chapters (1)

A simple click of a button lands the famed Swedish gamer PewDiePie in the land of the ponies, and now he must face daunting challenges and horrid foes in order to save himself and the rest of Equestria. Will he do it? Can he?

Cover art was the best I could find. Sorry for the inaccuracies implied.

MY APOLOGIES FOR MY POOR SWEDISH. Yes, I used Google Translate, and yes I know it's not very good.

Chapters (1)

Takes place after episode two of season two, but before the two episode finale of season two.

The mane six defeated Discord, turned him back into a statue, and reharmonized the world. Fixing everything Discord changed. Ponies who might have been influenced by Discord's powers, and the few unfortunate ponies who had a portion of Discord's power put into them, were all turned back to normal, and other than a few guilty memories, or in the case of the latter, a bit of mild insanity, all was well.

Not everyone who had a taste of Discord's power disliked it however, and, in fact, one unicorn in particular, had asked for it.

No one knows what drove the unicorn to ask for such power, but once he had it the poor unicorn had gone insane, throwing a few spells around and casually warping the fabric of reality. One of those spells teleported him away from Ponyville before the Mane Six defeated Discord, and while the distance didn't stop him from being affected by the world's reharmonization, it didn't get rid of the chaos in him entirely.

It was so small, that with effort, the unicorn could have rid it himself. It wouldn't have been too hard. After all, his special talent was offering psychiatric help through joint lucid dreaming with his patients. It was a nice ability, but it left him bored and tired of reality.

So instead of using his knowledge of how the mind works and his ability to fix unwanted issues through lucid dreaming to rid himself of the small portion of chaos energy in his mind, he used it all to amplify it, learn from it, control it, and most of all, use it to bring his own dreams and desires into reality, and warp the minds of anyone asleep to make them his obedient minions. Normally this wouldn't be too much of a problem, one blast from the Elements of Harmony would rid him of the chaos energy even if he tried to hold onto it, and his powers aren't nearly as strong as Discords yet, but there is one area that he might have surpassed Discord in.


Equestria needs help. Equestria needs YOU. You may not know why just yet, but you will soon enough. The question is: Do you have what it takes to help the Mane Six save the day? More Importantly: Do you want to? After all, if a unicorn can get a hold of Chaos energy strong enough to bring his dreams into reality, who is to say you couldn't do the same, with a little bit of help.


NOTICE: The system I have set up for the story hasn't been tested yet, so comments, criticism, and ideas are all welcome and very much appreciated!

Chapters (8)

You're busy preparing for a nice night, and a certain blue pegasus comes to see you.


Just like every day.

She can't take the hint that you aren't her 'bro'...


This is a light swing at 'Rainbro' stories. Enjoy.

Chapters (1)

"Humans.... Quite possibly the most infuriating mythical creatures in existence. If you ever have the 'luck' to meet a Human in your travels across Equestria, then you must be careful. Humans are extremely powerful creatures, some would say more so than Celestia or Luna, they are also more unpredictable than Discord. They can help you in a tight spot if you're lucky, or play nasty tricks on you if you don't hold the Human's favor. In my time I've seen a Human give a filly pounds upon pounds of gold, and the same one turn greedy ponies into gold. The only one I ever have seen 'face-to-face' was in my earlier years, he helped me repair my wagon when it broke down in Everfree Forest, by fix I mean a whole new one appeared not ten feet away, and the only thing the Human asked for in return was a spindle.... But be warned, never anger a Human, a trick or two in fair game is fine, but if you ever manage to truly anger a Human...... you'll be part of the small number ever to meet non-existence." - Star-Swirl the Bearded.

A silly nonsensical story, not to be taken seriously. Some chapters are not connected to others.

Chapters (4)