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--Second Person Story featuring You and Fluttershy--

--Alright, this is the first time I have ever written a second-person story, so make sure to tear me apart in the comments. Seriously. I don’t want sugarcoated stuff. If it is bad, let me know and tell me how bad it is. If it’s good, make sure to let me know, as I have plans for a few more stories like this, with each of the mane six, and perhaps one or two background ponies. Maybe even Celestia or Luna. But I’m getting ahead of myself. Now, on to the extremely vague and cliched description as I am never good at writing these!--

You are a pegasus, and love flying through dangerous spots. But what if one of those spots is too dangerous? One night while flying, you crash and are seriously injured. You could’ve died, if a gentle yellow pegasus hadn’t of been nearby at the time. She offers to take you in. While living with her, you need to adjust to all the nature that is suddenly all around you; You have lived in apartment buildings all your life. And now you are feeling something weird about her. What is it?

Chapters (9)

[2nd Person]
You're just a homeless 6 year old who has no family. But all that changes when a pink party mare takes you in to a ginger bread barkery shop.

Proofreader/Editor: Card_Shuffle
Credit to ConnVolpe for making the cover image

Chapters (10)

[Second Pony Fiction]

Late one night, near Everfree Forest, an unlikely encounter manages to prevent you making a horrible decision.

Alright, I'm writing again. Sorry for the rustiness of this story; It's been a while since I wrote in second person, and for canon characters. This was pretty much just a warm up. Nonetheless, hope you enjoy.

Chapters (1)

You didn't buy Rainbow Dash a Hearts and Hooves day present.

And now she won't let you come inside.

Chapters (1)

"Get off of me Trixie."
Cover Art by Egophailic
Editing/Proofreading by EchoTheWolf

Now readings by TheaterCritic
Part 1

Chapters (2)

Fluttershy has found a new kind of creature in the forest. After tending to its wound, she brings it home with her and decides to keep it as her own. She soon realizes that this creature is more than just an animal and soon finds a way to communicate with it since neither of them speak the same language.

Chapters (1)

Not everybody comes home, and those that do can bring back more, or less than they had upon shipping off.

Chapters (1)

"A mortal life has meaning, purpose. Existence is defined by its fragility. Immortality is a sick mockery of life, with a caricature of significance.”

To the condemned, everything is beautiful.
To be mortal is to truly live.

Chapters (1)

Princess Celestia X Human OC. Enjoy and tell me what you think :)

My name is Samuel Higgott. And this is how I met Princess Celestia...and how we fell in love...and how we fell apart.

In a moment of weakness, all it can take is one person to break two hearts. And in this case...I broke hers.

I decided to upload this onto FIMfiction because I feel like it would be appreciated :) I may be wrong, but I might be right and you'll hopefully enjoy this.

Off we go then!

Sex is only mentioned but I'll chuck up the warning just to be safe XD

Chapters (2)

Not so long ago, Equestria barely defeated two almost unstoppable creatures known as humans, which they called the Second and the First. Almost five years later, another one has shown up. The military takes up arms, the princesses are stricken with fear, and the Elements of Harmony assemble, ready for battle. But 'the Third' has no idea what's going on, and only wants to know how he came to be here, and how to get back home. Good questions indeed...But will he ever get his answers? Or will his predecessors' legacy catch up to him first?

“Side story/prequel to Human by DannyJ, but can be read on its own. Contains spoilers.”

Chapters (7)