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You are anonymous the Lone human in equestria.
One morning afther you promised to bake some stuff with pinkie a prank gets pulled off on you.
only for many more to come. You think of a way to get some payback.
maybe it wasn't the best way, maybe it was...

My second story in the Heartwarming Moment series.
Who's next?

Chapters (1)

You are Anonymous The Lone human in equestria. However you always have a bro by yourside...
A rainbow colored one.
You are so focused on her being your bro you don't even realize she is hinting towards wanting to be more than bro's.
And one night after drinking a little to much.
Truth Shall Be TOLD.

Yet another Rainbro Story.
The start of a Heartwarming Moment series.
My first story. so hit me hard and tell me how bad it is...
I have no idea what to lable it so I just did the obvious.

Who's next?

Chapters (1)

As one of Equestria's more popular writers, you relish the chance to get away and work on your newest romance novel and some side projects, when you meet a particular yellow pegasus who happens to be a fan of your work and oddly enough, you're a fan of hers as well... She just wishes you weren't, because "It's so embarrassing..."

And here it is, the last in my "Mane 6" stories, By a Fireplace! This story, like all the others, takes place during all the others and has its own little niche in the timeline. I've had a lot of questions about the continuity of my stories, but please bare with me. I've got a plan, a timeline, and graphs.

Anyway, about the story itself... Hmm... Well, nothing really special or no warning I should post... This should be a pretty tame story, but if there's a development even I didn't expect, I'll make sure to put it here.

Well, enjoy!

Chapters (8)

You're an old stallion now. You've had a long, interesting life full of challenges and adventure, with precious little regret... except for one loose end that has haunted you for sixty years. And so you must go back to where it all began - Ponyville - to finally put these inner demons to rest. Will you finally be able to reconcile your matters with Annabelle "Granny" Smith all these years later?

With thanks to pre-reader Dragonas77.

Chapters (10)

Available as a book!

It is a fact that horses have served mankind for thousands of years, in times of war and in times of peace. Your horse – a chestnut mare named Zayna – helps you to earn your primary source of income, in the form of a riding school.

But then, a freak occurrence dumps you both in a strange new land populated by talking ponies. At first, they are a bit hostile due to a misunderstanding — but that's nothing when you realise it's not just ponies who can talk here.

As it turns out, horses can as well.


Featured on Equestria Daily.

This is NOT an Anonymous in Equestria story.

First two chapters edited by Shin Guyviroth.

Special thanks to Shachza and Alticron for their assistance.

Rated Teen for suggestive themes.

Chapters (8)

One day you decide it's time to change it all. Instead of minding your own business, you accompany Celestia to wherever she needs to go to. A bond is certainly being established...But what kind of bond?

My first attempt at a multichapter story. Celestia has been requested a lot of times for a heartwarming moment but as soon as I began, I realized something. I wasn't able to make a one shot out of it without breaking the story. Because of that, this will be the first story I've written with more than one chapter.

I have no idea how long it will be and chapters will probably be posted once every week.

Big thanks to my (retired) editor Keeper-of-Harmony.

Chapters (13)

Christopher Boatner is a diplomat from Earth, in Equestria to interview Princess Twilight Sparkle to understand pony culture and customs better. Thing is, he's unprepared for what amounts to one of the biggest discoveries between humans and ponies ever. Bad puns. A lot of them. Along with general ignorance about the creepy nature of cutie marks. Will Chris be able to handle the multitude of horse puns? Read to find out!

A big thanks to my editors Kaidan and The 10th Doctor, along with my pre-readers Skeeter The Lurker and Mr101 for all their help!

Chapters (1)

In the final days of her life, an exceptionally faithful student muses on the subject of her perfect and immortal mentor Applejack.

Now with Spanish translation by Spaniard Kiwi!

Chapters (1)

"Dear Princess Celestia... I hate you oh so much. Words cannot even begin to describe my contempt for your very being, but a letter will have to do."

Twilight writes an extra special letter to the princess after binge drinking for hours on end. The letter isn't about a lesson of the true meaning of friendship as the princess had come to expect. Nope, more along the lines of drunkard ranting and a copious amount of angst. Let's read it now, shall we?

Warning: Adult language.

Thanks to TheFIMguru and Mr101 for editing!

Chapters (1)

September 17th, 1862 became the single bloodiest day in American history when a battle was fought along the Antietam Creek near Sharpsburg, Maryland.

Yesterday, Fluttershy hummed happily as she watered her garden.

The two events are not unrelated.

Chapters (4)