• Member Since 23rd Dec, 2012


Amateur Writer. Proud Brony since August 2012. Married to Fluttershy. Active Reader.

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After being blasted by the element of Harmony, Sunset Shimmer is left a wreck as she is left to reflect on her life, and how it came to being all alone with no powers, the only ones who are willing to comfort her are the ones who destroyed her. And while she just wants to be left alone... another part of her feels something that, while she doesn't want, she desperately craves.

Written for the Legend of Equestria, I got the deadline date wrong xp. So, just enjoy as it is, and I'll see for the heck of it if it's good enough for Twilight's Library. Don't worry, the next ch. of Elsa's Snowdrop is coming soon

Chapters (1)

Princess Celestia is reunited with her former student, almost.

Pre-reading by: Cryosite.

Chapters (1)

The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune have deprived Pinkie Pie of every one of her best friends. Without any will to live on, she decide to throw a final party in memoriam of her bygone friendship.

I don't think this requires a mature content warning. It is definitely sad, and somewhat dark. It has some off-screen murder (committed by the big villain Discord) and a little bit of suicidal stuff, but I managed to make a friendship lesson out of this sad story. The friendship report was the part which I had most fun writing. It contains my true thoughts on the friendship thing, and I believe is something that Pinkie Pie should learn someday.

You can also read this story on DeviantArt

Chapters (2)

With some time off from her duties at Cloudsdale, Rainbow spends some time with Fluttershy. Her short visit ends up being longer than expected when the day's storm hits prematurely.

Cover art by zacatron94 on deviantArt and used with permission.


Chapters (1)

Luna, on the surface, is acclimating to the new world and the society of ponies that currently inhabit it. She pretends to be alright when really, she is still haunted by the betrayal of her sister.

Celestia thinks Luna is adjusting well and has turned a new leaf from her nightmare moon days. She has no clue that her sister is still hurting from sins of the past.

Each lonely night makes Luna realize just how dreadful her life is and contemplates vanishing from Equestria. She decides that tonight, while all ponies sleep, she shall make her silent disappearance from their world.

Proof-Read and Edited by :Rain Walker
Art By: Some-Pegasister at Deviant Art

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Sunset Shimmer's Unpleasant Discovery

Twilight Sparkle returns to the human world intending to take a short vacation from her princessly duties, and to catch up with her non-Equestrian friends. One sleepover at Pinkie Pie’s house later, Twilight comes to learn something fascinating—and horrifying—about her very human body.

This story now has a spiritual prequel: Sunset Shimmer's Unpleasant Discovery, by Bootsy Slickmane, rated [mature]. While mine pokes fun at the characters, his offers the more serious take.

Preread by Stiggerzz and Majin Syeekoh.

Rated Teen for sexual references.

Featured on:
Fimfiction.net Feature Box (11/01/2014)

Chapters (1)

When Sunset saw Sonata Dusk return to CHS and experience a very familiar treatment, she encouraged her friends to reach out to the Dazzlings just as they'd done with her after the Fall Formal.

Several months later, Aria and Sonata have come to discover some joy in their new life-after-magic. Adagio, however, has continued to refuse the offer—out of bitterness, spite and an unwillingness to give those 'rainbooms' the satisfaction of seeing her break.

What she has yet to realize is that clinging to this resentment is hurting no one but herself.

Thanks to Csquared08 for main editing, proofreading and bouncing ideas.
Thanks to Jondor for pre-reading, grammar/editing and offering advice on technique.

Chapters (5)

After running across the Crusaders in Manehattan, Rainbow finds out a little secret Scootaloo had been keeping from her.

Pre-reader: Kalen Nighteyes
Editors: Awesomeblaze, mobius160

Chapters (2)

Sunset wakes up covered in blood once more. Like always, she has no memory of what she did the night before. However, there was a witness this time.

Edited by Rainedash!

Chapters (1)