• Member Since 23rd Dec, 2012


Amateur Writer. Proud Brony since August 2012. Married to Fluttershy. Active Reader.

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Sunset Shimmer had no idea why everyone was taking to this new girl so quickly. What does she have that she doesn't? Besides friends? And an endearing personality? And a cute butt.

Chapters (1)

(This story is a non-canon derivation of The Evening Sonata arc, The Sunrise Sonata. There are some minor spoilers.)

Lying in Hospital with multiple stab wounds and broken legs, Aria Blaze is cursing her misfortune and the continuation of the miserable course her life is taking.
Unexpectedly, she receives a visit from her sister, Sonata Dusk. But something is wrong...

This is a nightmare style story, and contains scenes some may find disturbing... if you can picture them in your head, I mean.

Coverart by thegreatcat14

Chapters (1)

Cadance didn't know what to expect when her formerly banished Aunt Luna returned from her thousand year banishment. But, she's quite entertained by the hilarity. Especially if it means a chance to play a little joke.

Edited by Habanc. Preread by The Albinocorn, Foals Errand, and Timaeus

Cover art was done by Silfoe and used with permission! In fact, this fic is a gift for her!

Now with Spanish translation by SPANIARD KIWI.

Chapters (1)

(Special thanks to Jessy and Adequality on Deviantart for letting me use the cover art which is a cropped picture of a larger item.)

You've been best friends with DJ Pon-3, also known as Vinyl Scratch, for almost a year now. You've always helped her out at her concerts and got a backstage pass in return from her.

Though she's always worn those purple shades of hers, never revealing her eyes to you. So you can't tell what she's thinking or if she's even staring at you.

But today you're gonna change that by taking her shades off of her face when you go over to her house. Shouldn't be that hard for a unicorn like you......right?

(Rated T for teens due to light swearing and a rather suggestive scene or two.)

Chapters (1)

Not everything is always completely perfect on the holidays...

(I don't own the cover art. I got it off of Google. If you own it, let me know so I can credit you.)

Chapters (1)

Alone in a chilly night, a filly sits in a darkened alleyway. Surrounded by a blanket of snow and with nothing else but a tattered cloak to keep her warm, she stares down at a box of matches. As the night only grows colder and colder, she sets a match alight, looking to the tiny flame in the hopes it will keep her alive.

Edited by the ever efficient MagerBlutooth
Cover Art by Yours Truly

Chapters (1)

Dash has never been happier now that Scootaloo has her wings and can finally start training for the Wonderbolts. Only problem is, Scootaloo has no intention of joining and now has to tell her sister the truth and risk disappointing her forever.

Pre-read by Manaphy and Stygian359

Chapters (1)

Canterlot is experiencing some of the coldest weather it's had for the past few winters. The Christmas break has just finished and the thoughts of the holiday are starting to fade.

After the first day back to school, Sunset Shimmer runs across one of the Dazzlings, homeless and starving. On such a dangerously cold night, she takes compassion on the Siren and brings her home. Can her experiences help bring Aria out of the gutter? Will the Siren accept her help or, perhaps, her friendship?

Partly influenced by the insanely cold weather that my area experienced earlier this month.

Thanks to AShadowOfCygnus for pre-reading.

Cover art is ~Aria Blaze ~ by lorrainiaful. Used with permission.

Chapters (4)

Soarin' and Rainbow are expecting their first child. And since both parents are Wonderbolts, everyone expects the baby to follow in their hoofsteps, especially Rainbow. But once the baby is born, Dash's whole idea of parenthood is turned upside down, and she has to cope with the new creative challenges of raising their child.

Oneshot, Soarin'XRainbow

Chapters (1)

After a mishap with a senile, half-blind janitor mistaking her clothes for a wad of towels, Sunset Shimmer has to find a way to get home without being seen. Unfortunately, her plans don't exactly work out the way she'd hoped...

I've seen a lot of these types of fics as of late, and I broke down and joined the bandwagon. Honestly, even in the first movie, I've always liked Sunset Shimmer's character, and the second movie just made me like her character more, so I kinda wanted to do a Shimmer Fic anyway. I'm not really intending for this to be edgy, but honestly, some of life's funniest moments can come from a rather awkward situation... Hopefully I can make you laugh at least once.

Chapters (1)