• Member Since 23rd Dec, 2012


Amateur Writer. Proud Brony since August 2012. Married to Fluttershy. Active Reader.

Stories I've read 714 stories
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Total Words: 5,055,644
Estimated Reading: 2 weeks



  • Featured 23597 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

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It's grey. It's lumpy. It's disgusting. It's on the school lunch menu. Nobody knows what it is. And it isn't even spelled right.

Just what IS "Mistery Meat"?

Apple Bloom and her friends are determined to find out...

Chapters (2)

Are there times you've ever wondered, "Jee, why did the girls at Canterlot High forgive Sunset Shimmer for her evil succubus meddling so easily?"

The answer's simple: "Because, deep down, she's a pretty pretty pony, you stupid melon fudges!"

Chapters (4)

This story is a sequel to Princess Celestia is in your bed.

It's hard to get rid of a sun goddess when she doesn't want to be gotten rid of.

Reading the prequel is highly recommended. Find Chapter 3 here!
Rated teen for mild language.
Now with audio reading by MelancholyIguana
Cover art by SilFoe.

Chapters (2)

Something happens and Fluttershy's wings are gone. She can't do anything about it as she falls from a great height. Rainbow Dash tries to catch her falling friend... I will let you read it instead of telling the whole thing.

I was on /r/mylittleonions and I saw this pic. I couldn't help but try my hand again at sad stories.

The artist's name is ZirBronium and has a deviantArt. Go ahead and go look at his stuff by clicking his name.

Chapters (1)

"She called me ugly, an ugly pony who lives in a mucky old farm! She called mah bow 'horrid' an' mah mane 'yucky,' an'...an' is she right, Applejack? Am Ah...ugly?"

Applejack teaches her sister a little something about beauty.

(Credit to cover is Togekisspika35)

Chapters (1)

Applebloom and Applejack were not only good sisters but were best friends. They are very nearly inseperable and do almost everything together. But when Something happens to Applejack... something terrible; how does Applebloom cope?

This story was read on youtube: "I Love You Applejack"
(Author's Notes: This was just a little sideproject that I decided to do, out of complete boredom. If it's not too much trouble, could you leave a comment below, telling me how you felt about this? Thanks!)

Chapters (2)

YouTube Reading by untamedwaters.

It's not easy being a child living with the knowledge that your mommy is never going to get to watch you grow up. But this was a young Rainbow Dash's reality. Despite her mother's cancer, Dash's family had still been a very happy trio of ponies. But all fairytales must end.

Rainbow Dash's father has come to terms with the approaching departure of the mare whom he called his 'angel'. When the time had finally come for her to say goodbye, would Rainbow Dash be able to accept that her mother will die?

"Mommy's going back to Heaven." It was such a comforting thought to Dash, but she didn't want her mother to go.

(Side-story to What's Really the Most Important, to shed light on what happened to Rainbow's mother. This is technically a prequel, since it takes place a good... 18 years beforehand!

Cover Art originally by TheToughestFighter


http://thetoughestfighter.deviantart.com/ )

Chapters (1)

Divided between two worlds for thirty moons, left alone with their individual thoughts, Twilight Sparkle and Sunset Shimmer meet again. However, Twilight brings Sunset an option that she had thought long and hard on. A single choice that would alter both of their beings for all eternity if accepted. A grand yet humbling gift left only to the other to decided.

Art beautifully done by Xaztein.

Chapters (2)

It's Christmas in Ponyville and it's one holiday Scootaloo could live without. What was so great about it anyway? It's not like she had family to share it with. But this Christmas, after wishing on a star, it seems she'll finally get what she's always wanted.
Featured on 12/20/14! Best Christmas present ever!

Chapters (1)

Sonata has a bad nightmare and asks Aria if she can bunk with her since Adagio is no where to be found. Aria of course refuses, but gives in, leaving them in a very interesting position when Adagio comes back.
Featured 1/7/15 Yaaaaay! Now with a reading by Wubcake! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O3bVXWO7L20

Chapters (1)