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Season 6 Spoilers!

The ceremony to elect the next Dragon Lord is always a momentous occasion. Dragons from every universe go to witness it. They also commentate, complain, and talk about dietary issues.

It's sort of sad, really.

Chapters (1)

The Alicorn Amulet is mysterious, powerful, and harder to find than expected, but it is also very perilous. What if the shoppony remembered to mention that to Trixie? A little Trixie story that explores what would happen if it took Trixie longer to find the amulet than in Canon and also explores how perilous it is.

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle was tired after a long day's work. All she wanted to do, was lay down and take a thousand year sleep. However, when she jumped into bed, it didn't creak. That was the one thing she had gotten used to fast in this town, the creaking of her bed. So why wasn't it?

~Curse these stories and the inability to make pictures work consarnit!~

Chapters (1)

In a bygone age of Equestria, the great wizard Starswirl the Bearded and his apprentice forged a gateway to another world.

The less said about how well they actually fared in said world, the better.

Cover art from the gallery of auren-dawnstar. Proofread by themaskedferret.

Reading by Kate Walker.

Chapters (1)

After Twilight and her friends rediscover Starswirl’s last spell in the ruins of Golden Oaks Library Rainbow Dash asks, ‘why can’t we all become alicorns?’ Now Ponyville is host to five brand new alicorns and the girls have everything they could ever want; magic, flight, power, influence and all of Equestria wide-open before them... but being a Princess is far more than just having wings and a horn.

With thanks to Luna-tic Scientist, Lord of Dorkness, docontra, and JCatt for their help pre-reading. Cover image by Pixel-Prism.

Chapters (6)

If Zap apples make such phenomenal jam, why aren’t they used for the Apple family’s other famed delicacy: cider? Apple Bloom wants to know, and dooms all of Ponyville into finding out.

Featured on Equestria Daily
Pre-read by bookplayer

Chapters (5)

Live Reading by Skywolf!

What if Twilight decided to fight fire with fire when dealing with Starlight's time warping revenge plan?

Not what she expects.

Inspired by something I felt would've been good to actually see in the episode and would've added to it. I feel it'd have been a great scene had Twilight tried to fight fire with fire and change the past so Starlight's plan could never happen to begin with.

Hope you like it!

MLP belongs to Hasbro!

Cover art thanks to Violyre on DA !

Chapters (1)

Every night, shunned and on her own, Luna watches the moon. Little more than a cold silhouette to the mortal lives on the ground below, she watches over Equestria in her own way. Despite her misery, she will not give up her post.

Rated "Teen" for suicidal themes.

Written for the Weekly Contests Prompt #10, though the idea had come a while before that. Original cover art by LethalAuroraMage. All credits go to her.

Unfortunately, since I deleted the old story, all comments were deleted. I apologize for the inconvenience, and I hope I won't discover that I need to rewrite the whole thing again. There were parts that were left alone, but a lot of changes were made.

Chapters (1)

After Shining Armor and Princess Cadance all but obliterate the changeling army with their magic, Queen Chrysalis awakes to find the twisted corpses of her subjects. Blinded by grief, she's forced to make the decision between enacting her revenge against the Princesses that caused this calamity or saving her remaining subjects. It shouldn't be such a difficult decision, but what if saving her people means sacrificing herself?

Just how strong is Chrysalis' love for her changelings?

We Will Always Remember

Chapters (1)