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Spitfire has a call sign, just like every other Wonderbolt. However, she tries to keep hers a secret, and it's FAR worse than "Rainbow Crash."

Based on season 6, episode 7: "Newbie Dash."

Fair warning: Written in about an hour and a half and with minimal editing.

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle has a secret. Not one that can change the world or overthrow the Princesses. But it is one that hangs over her head every day. One that colors her every thought and action. Or at least, that is how it seems to her. But when a rainbow colored pegasus asks her out on a date, will she learn to see past it, or will her secret tear apart a budding relationship?

Inspired by the excellent fic Asylum by Daemon of Decay.

Takes place before "A Canterlot Wedding."

Thanks to SilverSugar for the cover art. You can check out her other works here

Chapters (25)

Sunset Shimmer has grown and changed from who she was. For a long time she's kept to her own path through life in the human world and kept her silence from across the rift that separates her from Princess Celestia.

But there's something important to say and a lot of healing still left to do.

It's time they talked again.

Finalist in the Forbidden Knowledge event on http://writeoff.me/. A big thank you to everyone who critiqued and reviewed the story there.

Chapters (1)

Changelings. With their shapeshifting abilities, they could replace your closest friends without you suspecting a thing. With their reliance on emotions to survive, they could be leeching on your mirth at this very moment. With their queen’s fierce nature, they could pose the biggest threat to Equestria yet…

That is, if they didn’t just sleep all day.

Cover image by equestria-prevails.
And yes, the title is a tangential reference to Mendacity. I tried.

Chapters (1)

A reader's poll in Equestria's leading newspaper rates the Princesses by approval ratings.

OOC meta humor ensues as the four discuss the findings.

Pre-read by RT Stephens, MythrilMoth, and The Albinocorn.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to LT: Titles and Gifts

Story number six from the Lunar Tales.

When a group of day guards and Grey Plate call a new bat pony recruit - Midnight Flow - a freak, she seeks for answers about the origins of bat ponies. And they come from the most unexpected place.

Collab with Mistress Spectrum
Edits: My batponywaifu :heart: :rainbowwild:
Cover-art by hua113

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Fear Me, for My Name is Twaith!

My name is Twilight Sparkle, and now that a heart beats in my undead chest, I am finally ready to settle with those who love me.

Even Cthulhu.

This is kind of comment driven, though that's mostly to vote on who Twilight should pair with next in the story. None of them are connected, unless it's something like X Pt. 1, 2, etc. and just to show them getting married, moving in, watching universes explode, etc.

No shipteasing though. Just shipping. Lots of shipping.

Chapters (2)

At one time, Mount Olympus was the home of the Greek gods. Then they let the first pony in.

There goes the neighborhood

Editors: Tek, Themaskedferret, FanOfMostEverything, BluePaladin42, GhostOfHeraclitus

Cover art is Lady-Princess-Goddess by Cherryviolets and a commission for Mother-Of-Trolls
Now featured on Equestria Daily

Chapters (7)

Twilight Sparkle, pulling another late night, is finally confronted about by Spike and Starlight Glimmer. She reveals that she's been studying one of the realities she saw, specifically the one seemingly ruled by Flim and Flam. She just can't figure out how those two con artists could be as much of a threat as, say, Tirek or Nightmare Moon.

And then Discord shows up, telling her that she's looking at her information wrong. He volunteers to show Twilight, Spike, and Starlight what that reality is really like...

#1 in the Featured box on 4/25/2016. WOW. I'm... honestly surprised that so many people like this little dialogue heavy stream of consciousness fic. Thank you all very much!

Chapters (1)

It's been two years…

They thought that their friendship would last an eternity, but not all expectations are realities…

Cover art by me

Chapters (1)