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A story mostly for musicians.

Octavia Melody's life is about sound. She has never been without it. One day, Ocavia hears nothing except for the pressing sound of silence, and feels nothing but fear.

Cover art by MillenniaDan on Deviant Art

Chapters (1)

Having just returned from Starlight's village, Twilight and her friends set about salvaging what they could from the Golden Oak Library with sparsely any success. A few books here, a mannequin there. And with luck, a few reminders of the past can be re-discovered beneath the broken boards and fallen branches.

It is on this salvage that Twilight and her friends discover the doll Nyx had kept since her days of darkness had been less fortunate then most of her other belongings. Afraid of upsetting Nyx, Twilight requests Rarity's help, only things don't go quite as planned and Rarity ends up having to remake it from scratch.

So this story got mentioned in one of Pen Strokes newest Past Sins Sequel, Glimpses, There are no words that describe my joy at this. I thank him again for creating Nyx and Past Sins, and for being a splendid fellow.

Nyx and Gray Gale were created by: Pen Stroke
Pre-read and edited by: Word Worthy
Cover art by: shelbythehedgehog112

Chapters (1)

The long night was a period of suffering for everypony in Equestria, but nopony suffered more then the very alicorn that brought an end to the sun. Nyx suffered all through her time as Nightmare Moon, locking the only mare she considered her mother in a dark cell to rot.

Unable to forgive Twilight, and angry at her betrayal, Nyx made a doll in the likeness of Twilight which stared at Nyx when she vented her rage and abuse towards it. But no matter how much Nightmare Moon abused and beat the doll, none of it would change it's smile, nor it's caring and loving eyes; both of which tortured the mare of the moon more and more.

With her duties as the queen of the night, Nyx as Nightmare Moon must fight with her own morality and past as Nyx, and find the courage to forgive Twilight, and to face her once again, whilst becoming the queen Spell Nexus intended her to be, but anyone who knows this story knows the outcome.

Chapters (3)

A slice-of-life story about what happens when a villain's plans go awry, featuring Queen Chrysalis and her Changeling Hive. (Written for Equestria Daily's 5th Flash Fiction Event.)

Author's Note: For those who find the feeding of Chagelings to be a bit too grim, simply imagine that it involves the pony "victims" being snuggled by several cute little Changelings at once. If Flufflepuff has taught us anything, it's that Changeling feeding habits don't HAVE to be all grimdark. (Even though they kind of are.)

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Nightmare Moon's third coup

A simple continuation of where we left off last time, with Celestia being sent to a camp to work off those pounds on her flanks. A month has gone by and she is coming back for her throne, from her sister Luna who sent her away. Will it end tears, bloodshed, another thousand years to the moon, or something far worse?

Chapters (1)

Nightmare Moon returns and seeks to fight Celetia for the throne of Equestria! In here is the most epic battle ever!

Rated T due to something Celestia said. Naughty Celestia

*facepaw of idiocy* say it was Teen. Forgot to put it as teen. Second try, here we go!

Chapters (1)


An art that has been forbidden in Equestria for centuries. The princesses think that they have eradicated it, but they cannot watch over everything all the time.

Gilda was a brash, rude, violent punk who shamed her family with her bullying attitude.

Then she died violently and messily, and her father, distraught, enlists the help of griffon necromancer Melkonis, who promises to bring her back at a high price and bring her back he does, but there are some... issues in the manner of her rebirth.

Now Gilda is a patchwork creature living in a dark cell. She doesn't remember much about her past, but what she does remember has made her long for the outside world.

But, when she takes the opportunity to escape, will what awaits beyond her cell be worth the heartache?

This story is part of the Pony Dreadful 'Verse and is rated teen for gore and dark themes.

Chapters (5)

Some queens come to power through birthright, some through charisma, and some through strength and force.
But there are some queens who rise to power through cunning and treachery...and Chrysalis of the Changelings is perhaps the greatest of them all.
Long live the queen!

Special thanks to TheOneBehindYou and my best friend Lycan for giving me feedback, support, encouragement, and proofreading this conceptual look into how Chrysalis became the Queen of the Changelings.
The cover image is a screenshot, and the title is Latin for "Long live the queen! Long live the queen!"

Chapters (1)

It has been a few months since Twilight and her friends went to help save the Crystal Empire, and Twilight had to use dark magic to find the Heart. And ever since she got back, Twilight's been acting strange spending most of her time muttering to herself, hearing voices, and locking herself up in her now 'off limits' lab basement.

P.S. seeing how many corrupted twilight fics there are, I'm sorry if anything I write is from your stories.
P.P.S. Cover art credit goes to Sorelstrasz from deviantart

Chapters (12)

Princess Luna has been sent to the moon after being unruly. For a little while, she can't find much to do. But after playing around with her magic for a little bit, she finds out just what she could do with it. The moon was intended to be completely boring, but now... maybe Luna can change that. What will the princess's shenanigans lead to? Absolute awesomeness!

Chapters (8)