• Member Since 30th Mar, 2015


Likes My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, Twilight Sparkle, Spider-Man, Guns, The Walking Dead, Math, James Bond 007, Grand Theft Auto V, Legos, and Jurassic Park

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After receiving an urgent letter calling for her help, Ember, Dragon Lord of all dragons, answers the call to aid Spike.

No matter what the problem may be, she knows it can't be so bad.


*If you are feeling generous you can buy me a Ko-Fi!!

*I personally thank Semaj for his huge help. He is one hell of an editor and teacher*

**Rated Everyone since I think it doesn't earn the Teen degree**

Chapters (2)

Twilight thought she'd had enough excitement for one day after meeting her human counterpart. Or so she thought until she was met with the uncanny feeling that Pinkie Pie was acting, well, a bit too equestrian.

Small oneshot based on the Official Equestria Girls blooper reel where it's implied the Pinkies from the two universes have traded places.

Chapters (1)

Everypony has secrets, and Applejack is no different. Apple Bloom's looking for answers only her older sister can give, but Applejack doesn't want to talk. If her secrets came to light, she fears they could crush the filly who looks up to her with nothing short of admiration.

Cover image by latecustomer. Story inspired by image.

Featured on Equestria Daily on Nov. 11, 2012.

See also this song, which was featured on Equestria Daily on June 27 and inspired by this story.

Chapters (1)

Adagio Dazzle locks herself in the bathroom, fills the tub to the brim, and gets into the tub. Sunset Shimmer has been away from Equestria for years, but didn't start thinking of it as home until she had friends. It's been centuries since Adagio and her sisters came to this world, they've had just each other.


With help from Kendell2.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Sunset Shimmer Lends Pinkie Pie the Wrong Thumb Drive

Sunset Shimmer visits the Castle of Friendship, and inadvertently discovers something that Twilight would normally keep hidden under her bed... except that since this is a pony princess we're talking about, it's obviously nothing remotely resembling normal.

Rated Teen and Sex for discussions of pornography and self-love.

Chapters (1)

Sunset convinces Twilight to spend a Christmas with her and the girls in their world so she could get a taste of what it's like while accidentally showing her one of the best parts of the holiday.
Featured on 12/17/14! *Dash voice* Aw yeah!

Chapters (1)

When Marcus Redpine woke up in a dark forest he was worried, when he started hearing voices in his head he was even more worried. Now stranded on a world of bloodshed and war he is on a journey to find a place he can call his own.

Will survive long enough to make a name for himself and find acceptance, will he go mad from the insanity that sounds him, or will he luck out and find a way home in all this insanity?

No one knows, but he's not going find out if he just gives up now is he?

Chapters (1)

Now forgiven for her past transgressions, life is going better than Sunset could have possibly dreamt of. With her best friends by her side, she's burning brighter than ever.

What she didn't realize is how that same flame could spark up and hurt others, in a manner she thought she had long since buried away.

Chapters (1)

"How many more Gems are trapped here?"

That was the question Steven asked Ruby, but was it true? Little did The Crystal Gems know was that there was another Gem held prisoner in the ship by Homeworld, Black Crystal. Just before the ship fell out of space, Black Crystal escaped from his cell and tried to find his way to the bridge and set a course back to Earth so he could make a break for it. But when the ship began shaking after some kind of explosion, he tripped and fell, accidentally activating one of the escape pods and being flung, not to Earth, but across the galaxy.

3 years later, he is now residing in an alternate version of Earth, where everybody had technicolored skin, so he fit in just fine, he is working a stable job to maintain his new home, and he's getting an education at Canterlot High School, luckily, he was able to work on some citizenship papers and other important paperwork to make him appear to be a legit human being. Everything was going great for him.

...Or was it?

Not only does he have to deal with Sunset Shimmer and her cronies, Snips and Snails, but now other Gems are coming out of the woodwork; The Crystal Gems, Homeworlders, and corrupted Gems. With his past quickly catching up with him, can he keep who and what he truly is a secret? And more importantly, what does Sunset want with him anyway?

Author's Notes:
A Steven Universe/My Little Pony: Equestria Girls crossover.

Black Crystal is my Gemsona.

If you wish to add your own Gemsona into the story, please PM me with details on your Gemsona, and I'll see what I can do. Not all Gemsonas will be in the story, only a selected few.

Chapters (6)

Sunset and Twilight happen to enjoy the same cartoon: Steven Universe. Still, they need to discuss a really big matter: their different OTPs with the same character. How terrifying. Once again, Sunset had to admit it was a really important matter.

PLEASE, don’t take this seriously. This was a request by the amazing IJAB, check his art out! And I hope you like it, man! Also: Bickering over ships is… not cool. Let people like what they like.
Edited by Exterminate Regenerate, thanks for dealing with my craziness.

Chapters (1)