• Member Since 30th Mar, 2015


Likes My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, Twilight Sparkle, Spider-Man, Guns, The Walking Dead, Math, James Bond 007, Grand Theft Auto V, Legos, and Jurassic Park

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The Battle of the Bands is over and the Dazzling's are now enrolled in Canterlot High. Sunset Shimmer, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Applejack and Fluttershy are doing there best to help them with the flow of things, from making friends to being apart of activity's.
But Aria still doesn't get the point. Until Sunset signs her Adagio and Sonata to help her tour new students. But to there surprise its not just one student but 5 new boy students. Only problem is there form of friendship is a lot different in behavior then the entire schools point of view.

Chapters (6)

Sunset Shimmer has a growing crush on Twilight but as with most people asking her, she's unsure which one. Once the girls find out, they try to push her to some kind of confession.

Some are more insistent than others...

Chapters (2)

Sunset was a student of the Princess, a magical prodigy, a diplomat and adventurer long before CHS. She was a researcher, an academic, a fighter, a lover, a general and a thief. She's been to far away countries, alien worlds and deadly jungles, crossed sea and scaled mountains, fought mythical beasts and rescued damsels in distress (and some times the other way around).
So when the time is right and audience is willing, she has tales and stories to tell, to amaze and to astonish.

Some may be tall tales, other - honest truth, and none may tell which is which, yet still, each story is what made Sunset who she is today.

I may accept prompts. Prompts must be in the form of a non-English or obscure fixed expression.
There's no schedule or promises for this fic collection. I write them as they come to me.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Seeing the Sunset

The Dazzlings have been defeated, but their story doesn't end there. Now they must overcome the dark times that lay beyond. It won't be easy but the three girls can stick together and make it through, right?

Takes place between EG2 and EG3

Big thanks goes to Icecreammac for editing.

Chapters (6)

Sunset Shimmer rules over the kingdom of Canterlot. She is hated and feared by all of her subjects. At her side stands Flash Sentry, her most trusted guard...and childhood friend. He would do anything for his princess, even taking a life.

Fluttershy lives in the quaint little village of Ponyville. Shunned by the villagers, she lives by herself in her cottage near the forest. One day, while in the forest, she stumbles across an unconscious alicorn. The two become the best of friends.

The paths of these ponies will cross in the worst way possible.

Based off of these YT PMVs:
(With a few twists, of course)

Chapters (4)

While hanging out with her friends, Sunset Shimmer learns that earth horses apparently can't vomit.

As a magical talking pony, this discovery utterly baffles her.

Proofread by the ever helpful RQK

Chapters (1)

Sunset Shimmer loans Pinkie Pie a thumb drive.

Except that it's the wrong thumb drive. And that it contains exactly what you'd expect to find in the wrong thumb drive to loan away.

Rated Teen and Sex for discussions of pornography and self-love.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to The Sunlight Project

After the disaster that was her Sunlight Project, Twilight Sparkle somehow manages to ask Sunset Shimmer out on a date. She isn't ready.

That isn't enough to stop her from trying. However, she needs all the help she can get to navigate the relationships in her life.

☀Edited by the kind and wonderful fourths.
☀Preread by Misago

Chapters (15)