• Member Since 30th Mar, 2015


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This story is a sequel to Moonlight Magic Mystery

It is towards the end of Senior year for the girls, all of them getting ready to plan for their future ahead of them. Adagio's life has been so much better since Ruby Shine was taken to jail during Junior year fall. She thinks she has the future planned ahead with her all her college paperwork done, already some acceptance letters, career choice of being an accountant and her boyfriend Flame Charge. But, that is until she meets her 12 year old daughter from the future, Allegro Flare, who at that moment seems that she will have a similar fate to her, if not worse.

Cover Art: http://www.deviantart.com/art/Against-the-Shadows-603706727

Chapters (12)

A new school, a new chance. Trixie's going to be popular this time. And what better way than to be Princess of the Spring Fling? But, Trixie isn't the only new girl. Care to know what happened to the girl who first challenged Sunset's rule?

Oh, and Maud's hanging around by some rocks...somewhere.

Cover art commissioned from IJAB

Proofread and editing done by Crowscrowcrow, like always. :pinkiehappy:

Stonewalled at the Spring Fling
Sitting on a Rock
The Quartz Quartette Quarrel
Cracks Along the Prism
Maud's Boulder Holder

Chapters (2)

Sunset Shimmer has finally decided to remain in the human world after the events of the Friendship Games, and has also resolved to study magic in her adopted home and defend it from any threats of dark magic alongside her friends. Then a mysterious incident leads Sunset and her friends to run straight into a dangerous world of supernatural beings that have existed in the human world for eons; twisted souls known as Hollows and the beings known as Soul Reapers that battle them. Where will this twist of fate lead the girls, and what secrets might be uncovered about their pasts in the process?

A crossover series between Equestria Girls and the Bleach anime/manga by Tite Kubo.

Now with TVTropes page!

New cover image by - Feather Book
Previous cover image by - Skijarama

Chapters (213)

Sunset Shimmer has had a few things on her mind for a while, so she sends Princess Twilight Sparkle a message asking her to visit and help Sunset think things through. After finding out her majesty's busy schedule will only allow her to stay just a little after Sunset's shift ends, Sunset asks Twilight to wait for her at her favorite coffee shop: the Sunlight Café.

Fan Reading!
The Sunlight Café Fan Reading.

Chapters (1)

Fluttershy develops a crush for another animal lover. Unfortunately, this guy is more interested in Sunset than he is in Fluttershy.

This isn't going to stand.

Chapters (1)

Sunset Shimmer.

Student. Renegade. Manipulator. Queen. Friend. Leader.

Sunset Shimmer is all of these things and more.

When the unthinkable happens and Sunset's homeland needs her help. What will she do?

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to A Delicious Victory

The Dazzlings won.

Shortly after their victory over the Rainbooms, the sirens began their takeover of the world by infecting everyone with their song. In only a few short days, countries fell to the disharmony and chaos wroth on by the enchanting voices of the sirens.

Now, two weeks later, only a handful pockets of human resistance remain. The sirens are unchallenged as their might has grown along with their song.

But hope remains...

In the realm of Equestria, Twilight searches for a way to re-enter the Human World and set things right.

Somewhere in Canterlot City, a resistance movement is slowly being formed.

And within the sirens themselves, the trapped Rainbooms and Sunset Shimmer patiently wait for the moment to escape...

Chapters (1)

It's a known fact that if you are out sick and cannot do your job, you should stay home. Unfortunatly, when you are a high school principal this is a luxury you cannot have unless you have a substitute. Sadly, your sister's out sick as well. So who do you get instead? One Carapace Chrysalis. Hey, it was either her or Discord. Oh dear. Later, Celestia would realize the only thing her substitute would accomplish for the week was singlehandly uniting the student body against her in the total of one week. That's got to be a record... right?

Inspired by "Order of the Phoenix" and certain moments in it so credit to J.K Rowling for the original idea. Genius, that woman. Now expanded on the suggestion of KrspaceT!

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to Pinkie's Pepsi Predilection

Pinkie and Sunset have a little disagreement about chicken.

Chapters (1)

In order to contact Princess Twilight Sparkle of Canterlot High's new students, The Dazzlings, Sunset Shimmer reveals to her friends, a magical item that is capable of sending written messages between the two worlds. Pinkie Pie had always wanted to have a pen pal, and what better person to talk to than your(other worldly)self? Of course, as usual with anything Pinkie Pie does, shenanigans ensue.

Chapters (2)