• Member Since 30th Mar, 2015


Likes My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, Twilight Sparkle, Spider-Man, Guns, The Walking Dead, Math, James Bond 007, Grand Theft Auto V, Legos, and Jurassic Park

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Sunset Shimmer, after her fall, is skipping class. Ignoring and being ignored by everyone. Attention comes from the most unlikely of places and perhaps an unlikely friendship is formed.

Written as a little love-song to my way, way overkill Teenset Shimmer and Teenlight Sparkle "series".
These are events that happens before "Teenset Shimmer Gets Wasted In Her Room While Listening To Nirvana" So I suppose it is some kind of prequel.
Started out as a bit of feel-good stoner nonsense, mercilessly thrusting my OC in everyone's face. Turned out a bit deeper, nature-romantic, still with a flair for the characters.

Contains light drug use.

Chapters (2)

In order for Canterlot high to win high school institute of the year, they must first win the equestrian military games. Along with Changling attacks. So Principal Celestia is forced to start a rotc program. Unable to find somebody to teach this class she is sent the most unlikey person ever, Major Benson Payne.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Revenant

Sunset Shimmer, for the first time since coming home, finally feels like she's home. She's got her own apartment, a new job, and, more importantly, a new group of friends that she couldn't be more grateful for having.

However, she has no time to celebrate, as the Armies of the Griffon Kingdom are knocking at Equestria's doorstep at the command of High King Sanguis Talon, and, with three of her greatest friends and two new ones, Sunset aims to keep them at bay.

Sanguis Talon, however, is not merely after conquest; he longs for something else...

It is highly recommended to read "Revenant" for the complete understanding of this work.

Rated T for profanity, sexual references, and scenes of violence.

Chapters (8)

By the request of Rarity, Sunset Shimmer and Twilight both remember back to how they first started going steady.

Chapters (1)

Sunset Shimmer, Starlight Glimmer and Twilight Sparkle all decide to have a friendly magic duel. It sounds innocent but when a spell goes horribly wrong the three find themselves in the other's hooves, literally. While trying to find a counterspell they have to deal with their new bodies, and learn a little bit about themselves along the way. What was going to be a day of fun competition soon turned into a mess of self discovery and revelations. Though as they say, what does not kill you can only make you stronger. Although no one said it was easy.

Slight shipping involved towards the end. Hence the romance tag.


Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash wants to write a rap. Somehow this leads to Sunset Shimmer explaining how magic in Equestria works.

Warning: Contains rapping, logic, and stupid headcanon

Chapters (1)

One trip to a hotel leads to Sonata and Rarity having a little mishap with the lift.

The pair are slowly going in circles as they struggle to get to one simple floor.

Chapters (1)

After a mishap with the ghost portal, Danny Fenton finds himself stuck in the strange world of Equestria. The worst part? He's got enemies here, too.

Part 2 onwards will be written with the help of MissytheAngle!

Part 1 going through re-edits by Curify. This dude is awesome, I seriously can't say enough about his greatness as both an editor and a friend. Thanks, man.

Chapters (12)

In the human world, Daring Do has acquired far too much media attention to maintain her secret life. Instead, she devotes herself to solving Earth's great mysteries. However, the planet's greatest mysteries are out of her reach. They are kept by a group of high school students who have seen things that most humans would never dream of. History meets magic in this Equestria Girls story. Inspiration drawn from watching too many paranormal television shows.

Chapters (6)

Part of The Destiny of the Ancients

When one door opens another closes down, but what happens behind those closed doors? What if you could find out what other surprises destiny had for you behind them?

My name is The Observer, I have existed even before Celestia and Luna, I have found an anomaly and that one is Sunset Shimmer, the first of pony kind to not only travel and reside in another universe, but also a being that has always been shaping and molding destiny around her, a being full of mysteries and danger.

The rules of the game have changed and the multiverse as they know goes beyond anyone's expectation.

I was the one who created them all.

From Celestia and Luna, to the ones who record the story Observer and Keeper.

So many lives and destinies across hundreds of universes, all showing that no matter what could happen, destiny is always fixed, except for one creature.

Sunset was born without a destiny and across the multiverse she has taken many roles; from mentor to guardian, from nightmare to savior. This is her curse and blessing at the same time.

From the scientific bases in Phobos and Deimos, to the frozen mountains of Skyrim. She is a protector of Konohagakure, a fighter wearing the sacred Cloth of the Phoenix, she is the Avatar, she is a singer known as Jem and many, many more adventures.

All of that is found inside this multiverse.

But a darkness that infects all is aproaching and will soon strike with only a few beings aware of the danger he represents to existance in general.

And what's this about a mysterious guest and a tea party?

Chapters (195)