• Member Since 24th Apr, 2015


A fan of the Man of Tomorrow who just so happens to love Friendship is Magic!

Favourites 273 stories



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Upon seeing Timber Spruce and Twilight hit it up so well, Flash begins to realize that the likelihood of him being with either Twilight was becoming slim to none. Though it pains him, he's ready to give up on her. But, when a certain someone comes and surprises him, he may reconsider.

Set during the ending of Legend of Everfree. Minor spoilers.

Chapters (1)

When Big McIntosh comes by Carousel Boutique acting strangely, Rarity doesn't understand why he's acting even shyer than usual. But when he asks her to fix an old, ragged doll for him, it becomes clear that there's more going on than Mac will admit. Even if he were more talkative than usual.

Big Mac has always been hard to read. But it'll be even worse when he puts effort into it and makes sure no one finds out about his little stuffed friend—or the real reasons why he feels the need to hide her.

Artwork by SpainFischer/SophieCabra on DeviantArt.

Chapters (1)

Featured: 11/19/16

Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo don't admit to being Anon-a-miss, leaving the truth untold and all blame on Sunset. Feeling as though she's no longer wanted in the human world, Sunset goes back to Equestria. Little does she know, Canterlot High falls apart without her and its connection to Equestria.

Alternate ending to the 2014 Anon-a-miss comic, and takes place after Rainbow Rocks but before Friendship Games. I think...

Cover art by: ZuzuSky21

I'm really sorry guys, but this story has been cancelled. I tried really hard to finish it, but I just don't have the motivation to continue it. You can find out more in this blog post, if you want. Thank you so much for all the support, though! <3

Chapters (7)

A new town, a new life, a new school. Your parents got you your very own apartament for you to live in and finally get some independance from them. They of course enlisted you to one of the best schools in town since they want you to have the best eduaction there is, but there is a cost to having such a great education.

Crystal Prep Academy is not really known to be too social and accepting to strangers, but there are some students who are not as bad as they look once you get to know them, who knows, maybe you can get more than just a friend?

Warning: Violance, Innapropiate Language, Bullying, Blackmailing and a few other minor things. The list might grow as time goes on. Sex tag is there for suggestive content and conversations.

Got inspired to try and write my own fics by Holy You should totally go check their stories if you want some quality content.

Chapters (15)

Now in her late forties, Sunset Shimmer has built herself a career as a doctor. She has devoted her life to helping others, be it by prescribing pain killers or simply bandaging a scraped knee. A part of her longs to return to Equestria, but she is mostly happy with her new life. However, one day three very familiar girls drop by her office, one of them injured. Old memories flood back as Sunset is shown an unexpected harsh reality related to her high school life.

Chapters (1)

The Friendship Games are over, magic in the human world is once again under control (sort of), and Sunset Shimmer is looking forward to a nice, relaxing celebration with all her friends, both old and new.

Too bad she ends up stuck on repeat; living the same night over and over with no idea why and even less idea how to make it stop.

Forced to watch her closest friends live out the same mistakes again and again, Sunset must find a way to break the cycle before she herself breaks down... but is the solution as simple as it first appears, or is the wild Equestrian magic stirring in her soul a sign of something more?

Coverart compiled by my actual waifu (hands off, Sentry!) MelloReflections.

Chapters (7)

It all started with a simple question. "Can the portal go to other places besides Equestria?

The answer turned out to be "No, but we might be able to make one that can."

When their research is complete, Sunset and Twilight are pulled into an adventure in another world, where they meet even more doppelgängers of themselves. But their alternate counterparts may reveal some things about themselves they never knew.

Chapters (1)

An alternative to HiE stories. Midnight, a 14th century knight's steed and veteran of numerous battles during the hundred years war, faces her demise during one such engagement only to find that fate has other plans in store; including a chance to start anew in another world. But can a mare who knows nothing but conflict adapt to a land ruled by peaceful pastel-coloured ponies, or will it prove too much?

Warning: contains brief scenes of descriptive violence; especially in earlier chapters. Not enough to warrant an M rating, I think, but hopefully the mods will let me know if I'm wrong.

(Cross-posted from my Fanfiction.net account)

Chapters (9)

When Midnight Sparkle shattered reality in her mad desire to understand everything about magic, Daydream Shimmer was able to reverse most of the damage.

But not all of it.

Weeks later, Sunset Shimmer and her friends find themselves dealing with some annoying magical pests from Equestria that are running wild all over CHS.

Commissioned through Patreon. Find out how you can commission a story today!

Chapters (1)

Scootaloo isn't one to care about her looks. To her, awesomeness outshines all. That is, until her school dance. Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle were asked out... and Scootaloo wasn't. As she walks home alone after the dance, she can't help but wonder... is she pretty? At all?

YouTube Reading by Snogwritts

Chapters (1)