• Member Since 24th Apr, 2015


A fan of the Man of Tomorrow who just so happens to love Friendship is Magic!

Favourites 273 stories



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Sunset is eager to help her friends, and two of them happen to need help that only she can provide. How to make a guy get over his crush on a cute, mysterious, magic-wielding girl that occasionally visits from another dimension? Sunset has an answer.

Chapters (1)

It was supposed to be a normal day for Princess Twilight Sparkle. Organize some new books, prepare for next week’s meeting with Dragonlord Ember, check up on Starlight’s progress on Friendship lessons, and spend some time with her friends. Maybe even watch a problem between individuals figure itself out. Nothing really out of the ordinary. Yes, it was supposed to be a normal day for Princess Twilight Sparkle…

…So WHY was Flash Sentry in her castle, having his face get more acquainted with the floor? Why is the portal to the Human World working without her book being used as its power source? And why did she have a feeling that there was going to be a whole world of headaches in the coming days?

AUTHOR’S NOTE: This fanfiction may include MAJOR SPOILERS from “Equestria Girls: Legend of Everfree.” You’ve been warned.

Chapters (2)

Miss Cheerilee is out shopping and happens to bump into Miss Harshwhinny at a Hallmark store, who's looking for just the right card for the occasion.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to The Magic Inside

Camp Everfree is here, and a certain couple couldn't be more excited.

Coppermane was thrilled to attend camp with all his friends, but mostly to spend time with his princess in a different setting. Fluttershy couldn't wait to be out in nature with her prince, and show him the true beauty of the world around them.

But when the magic around them starts to get out of control, Fluttershy and Coppermane may encounter their biggest relationship obstacle yet.

Sex tag is for some suggestive content at the end.

Coppermane & Fluttershy Series: 5.0

Chapters (10)

Friendship Games Spoilers ahead

In the wake of the magical fiasco that was the Friendship Games, Sunset Shimmer invites her new friend Twilight over to spend the night, and Twilight comes to find out that the two have more in common than she ever would have expected.

Preread by DragonShadow
Cover art changed due to viewer confusion.

Chapters (1)

The people of Equestria and Gaia may have a lot in common with each other, but when one world is populated by ponies that possess the gift of magic while the other has bipedal creatures that don’t, there are bound to be some differences.

They will have different traditions, different values, different beliefs, and different celebrations.

Of course, harmony and friendship is all about embracing the things that make people unique, and if there is going to be harmony between these two very different worlds, it is important for everyone to understand these differences.

Fortunately, there are a couple of girls who are very eager to learn.

A collection of short stories that take place in the same setting as my Harmony and Valor series, but are not part of its official canon.

Edited by GirlOfManyFandoms.

Chapters (4)

When Flash feels down on himself, Ditzy Doo offers some insight.

Slight spoilers for Equestria Girls: Legend of Everfree

Chapters (1)