• Member Since 24th Apr, 2015


A fan of the Man of Tomorrow who just so happens to love Friendship is Magic!

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This story is a sequel to Sitting in a Tree

Sunset Shimmer. Smart, brave, talented, and beautiful. Is there a more perfect creature to ever walk this earth?

There's one problem, though. You can't seem to work up the nerve to talk to her. She's always with her friends, and you don't feel worthy to talk to a girl like her. What chance do you have?

But today is a new day. You've made up your mind. Today is the day. Today, you will talk to her. Charisma isn't your forte, but you'll have to find some within yourself if you ever want to ask Sunset out. Maybe just a simple compliment would get you on her radar? How hard can that be?

6th installment of the The Cute, the Fluffy, and Romantic

WARNING: May contain lots of fluff

**Featured from September 15-16, 2016 :raritystarry:

Chapters (1)

The portal between Equestria and Sunset Shimmer’s world has closed unexpectedly. Despite Twilight and Sunset’s best efforts, the girls have been unable to come up with a solution. Running low on pages to talk across the dimensional rift, Twilight reads what might be Sunset’s final message to her. However much to Twilight’s surprise, there’s also another message to a different pony.

Inspired by a conversation with Tired Old Man and the story The Last Page, with apologies to Holy.

Chapters (2)

It is a strange time for those at Canterlot High. Magic is running rampant, creatures from beyond the cracks have invaded and worst of all, a strange, new being has been causing mischief. But aid comes in the form of a new teacher, one who can help Sunset learn about magic. Learn what it means to be a leader. For she is not a Man of Steel, nor a Dark Knight.

She's a wonder.

I OWN NOTHINGGGGGGGGG! Cover art by Renae De Liz.

Chapters (38)

Months have passed since The Dazzlings defeat and their life is progressively getting worse and worse. With a stubborn leader who refuses to accept help from anyone their lives would seem to fade away into nothing. But one man will change that. One man will alter their course for the better. But will it be for the better of the world?

My second story ever written. Join me on this journey. Not only the journey of The Dazzlings but also my journey to becoming a better writer and my friend on becoming a better story teller. With that said, enjoy or hate.


Chapters (8)

After transferring to Canterlot High, Twilight Sparkle realizes she has a crush on Sunset Shimmer. Being the analytical type, she develops a plan to capture Sunset's heart...using the scientific method.

Sex tag for mild sexual references.
Edited by fourths.

Chapters (10)

A former villain on the road to reformation, still facing the consequences of her past actions. Five girls, together again, thinking fondly of the help and guidance they got from the pony princess from another dimension. And one troubled boy stuck in the middle, who has given up on love, and life.

Sunset Shimmer has reformed, but she knows she must right her past wrongs—there is a boy on the roof of Canterlot High, declared worthless and unlovable by Sunset herself, ready to believe her right and jump to his death. With help from Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie, Sunset must talk him down and convince him that what she said in the past isn't true, and that he deserves to live.

Meanwhile, the boy thinks back on his numerous attempts to prove to her, and to himself, that she was wrong. His solution: ask the five most perfect girls in school out on a date. Their mutual response: no. He must learn that love doesn't work that way, that a lack of romance is not a lack of love, and that he desperately needs help before it's too late.

Set in the Equestria Girls universe. Props to HudsonHawk for the title, and an extra special thanks to xoxPinkiePiexox for the excellent new cover art!

Chapters (11)

Twilight confronts the Tree of Harmony about the way it never sends her on Friendship Missions. The Tree explains itself. Kind of.

The original version of this story got 4th place in the Writeoff Association's 56th contest, "*Princess Not Included."

Chapters (1)

Everyone has one, according to Rainbow Dash. Everyone has a collection of porn. Rainbow is determined to find Sunset's.

Now with a voiced reading!

Sex tag is for raunchy humor and porn jokes.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Stress Relief

Coppermane and Fluttershy celebrate their one-year anniversary at the grand opening of the new karaoke diner in order to eat while enjoying some music, and hopefully spend some quality time together.

Tonight, Coppermane will pamper Fluttershy, and do everything to show her how much she means to him, and how much he loves her.

And in the atmosphere of a karaoke joint, he hatches only the most natural of ideas.

Coppermane & Fluttershy Series: 4.1

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Sour Sweet Voices

After Doctor Chrysalis voices her concern over your recent engagement, Sour Sweet believes that she needs to try to enjoy herself more. With that in mind, she decides that you and her shouldn't go to the Crystal Prep Prom together. What follows is a night of introversion and awkwardness as you both struggle to break out of your shells.

(Contains a brief reference to marijuana use)

(My seventh featured story! - 9/2 and 9/3/16)

Chapters (2)