• Member Since 24th Apr, 2015


A fan of the Man of Tomorrow who just so happens to love Friendship is Magic!

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In the aftermath of Canterlot High's visit, Gloriosa Daisy wonders if she is truly the best person to continue running Camp Everfree.

Her brother Timber Spruce has something to say about that.

Chapters (1)

Sunset's friends may be away on vacation, but a broken air conditioner will still get her out of her apartment. And Sunset isn't one to let a little loneliness get in the way of an adventure! Perhaps she'll even be able to make a new friend along the way.

A heartfelt Sunset friendshipping fic, because the world could always use more of those! Special thanks to Lemielan for helping me edit this!

Chapters (4)

This story is a sequel to Reaching

Twilight Sparkle. The only person you ever talked to in school, and a true rose among the many thorns of Crystal Prep. Over time, you became close friends, fighting through the Crystal Prep snobs every day and protecting her from bullies. It was only a matter of time until you developed feelings for her. It seemed like it might be mutual too, but you didn't want to risk scaring off your only friend.

When she transfers to Canterlot High, you lose touch with her. Have all your chances with Twilight vanished forever?

But when chance reunites you with your friend, you might discover that she's lonelier than ever.

7th installment of the The Cute, the Fluffy, and Romantic

WARNING: May contain lots of fluff

**Featured from October 1-3, 2016 :raritystarry:

Chapters (1)

When trying to focus on her studies, Sunset Shimmer is stuck watching an annoying little filly who just won't let her study.

Original Art by Baekgup

Cover image by Novel-Idea

Now with Reading by Wubcake

Chapters (1)

Sunset is a pretty skilled person. But just how many things can Sunset do, Rainbow has to wonder.

Contains spoilers for Legends of Everfree


Chapters (2)

Fluttershy has been asked to give a lecture, and for once she's actually looking forward to being in front of an audience.

There's just one problem.

This incredibly annoying goose won't let her talk.

Chapters (1)

Not long after the girls saved Camp Everfree and embraced their newfound magical abilities, Sunset Shimmer starts acting strangely. She jumps every time her friends get even remotely close to her and she keeps everyone at a distance. This is especially worrying to Twilight Sparkle, who seeks how to make her best friend feel better.

-Equestria Girls Four Spoilers abound.
-Inspired by a bit of sunny picspam I discovered.

Chapters (1)

Blue Sky, an aspiring pilot, has had a crush on Sunset Shimmer for most of high school. When assigned as partners for a class project, he sees a chance to help them get a good grade... and maybe even a date in the process.

Cover art by BaekGup.

Chapters (1)

This is actually a pretty decent Friday morning, and not because of the lack of school for the day. It's easy to notice the magnificent details of your morning; the drizzling grey of the sky that made you sleepy all over again, the mattress you're lying on that you swear is made of clouds, the fluffy blankets causing your enviroment to be comfortably warm and the simple fact that you don't have anything to do for the whole day.


Who's leg is draped over your side?

(Random idea I had for a long time...that didn't sound right. Rated Teen for brief memories of bed-wrestling. *wink wink*)

Chapters (1)

Spoilers to those who haven't seen Rainbow Rocks yet!

After the defeat of the Dazzlings, Flash Sentry felt guilty for the cruel things he said to Twilight during the Battle of the Bands competition. He wanted to apologize to Twilight, but his guilt and not knowing how make an apology approach is what holding him back. When he heard that Twilight is once again leaving from Canterlot High, Flash knew that he must speak to Twilight before it is too late!

My head-canon of what happened sometime before the end of Rainbow Rocks.

Chapters (1)