Favorites 335 stories
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    Created by BrianPony
    - October, 2014
Found 323 stories in 74ms

Total Words: 21,464,776
Estimated Reading: 8 weeks



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Twilight Sparkle decides to get farming lessons from Ponyville's premier farmers...Big Macintosh Apple. Apple Bloom sees this as an opportunity to set up the two single ponies. But she'll need Twilight's number one assistant, Spike, to help as well. Twilight could never imagine somepony as handsome as Big Macintosh being interested in some egghead unicorn. While Big Macintosh can't imagine someone as well read and beautiful as Twilight Sparkle being interested in a simple farm colt. But drama from Twilight's past may keep her from risking everything on true happiness.

This isn't the first fan fiction I've started working on, but it is the first I've chosen to post on here. I know TwiMac fiction has been done many times, and many of the elements here will be recognized in other people's stories. But I love the idea of these two being together. It's the whole opposites attract angle. Sure the most popular is FlutterMac, but to me the problem with that is both are so soft spoken I can't see their relationship being all that interesting. I'm sure there are some good ones out there, but to me these two are the ideal shipping. I hope you enjoy ^_^

Chapters (12)

Today, Applejack hosts another poker game in her cellar after a healthy amount of reviewing rules, hands, and such of Hoofington Hold 'Em with her friends. With everyone having 1,000 bits each, who will walk away with them all at the end of this nail-biting tournament?


First shot at a comedy. Constructive criticism is wanted.

Also, it has been awhile since I've played poker. Sorry if I screw anything up about the rules even after re-re-reading them.

Chapters (1)

Samhainophobia (pronounced Sow-wen-ophobia): A persistent, abnormal, and often very intense fear of the holiday Halloween (Nightmare Night).

Fluttershy has not been herself lately; she has been suffering from panic attacks, anxiety, lack of sleep, and has been locking herself tight in her cottage. The reason? Nightmare Night has come once again. This year when her friends take notice of her growing paranoia, they decide to try and help her overcome her unusual fear. However, when Princess Luna has a frightening agenda to scare everypony in ponyville, will the night be an unpleasant trick, or a surprisingly delightful treat? Only one thing is for certain: this will be a Nightmare Night that Fluttershy will remember for a very... long... time!

(My first fanfic! So don't forget to rate and comment!)

If you liked—or disliked—the story, please explain why in the comments. :)

Chapters (1)

(Formatting going underway. Sorry for any changes that may happen.)

After a long trek with his friends in the Everfree Forest looking for some rare flowers, Spike comes across a pond and decides to wash himself, which have been laced with Poison Joke petals. When Spike and his friends head to the Spa to cure him and Pinkie Pie of Poison Joke, Spike becomes aquaphobic. How will he ever cure himself if the only solution to Poison Joke is water?

Comments and Criticism are appreciated.

Chapters (1)

While re-shelving books at the library, Twilight discovers a journal she gave to Spike years ago contains stories about the great dragon hero Captain Invincible, who fights for Truth, Justice, and the Equestrian Way, defending the city of Ponytopolis from the diabolical Dr. Spectra and other assorted dangers.

There's just two problems: Spike clearly wanted the stories to be kept private, and Twilight just can't stop reading them.

Featured on Equestria Daily on 3/4/2013

Chapters (9)

Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon poke fun at Apple Bloom simply because she does not have her cutie mark. When an arts and crafts fair is preparing to set up in Ponyville, Applejack encourages her little sister to at least participate, but she soon succumbs to her own self-depression. Discouraged, confused, and upset from all the building up of verbal abuse, Apple Bloom one day disappears from Ponyville without a trace and it isn't long before Applejack is driven into mental insanity worrying about her. Silver Spoon betrays Diamond Tiara by confessing to Applejack the most likely cause of Apple Bloom's disappearance and quite possibly her true reason for wanting her cutie mark. And once Princess Celestia learns of Apple Bloom's problem, she decides to pay a visit to Ponyville herself to announce a very important lesson about bullying. Will Diamond Tiara finally realize the error of her ways? Or has her heart been permanently hardened by her own twisted misdeeds?

Also, we have a very special guest appearance somewhere in this story. Think you can find out who?

Gonna Cheer You Up
Wandering Loner
Let Your Light Shine
Happy Day in Ponyville

Chapters (10)

There comes a moment in everypony's life when they have to look back and see what they have done. There is nothing that I regret in my life. I have battled demons, defeated gods, and deciphered mysteries that the Princesses themselves doubted could be unlocked. All of that was just the beginning to a grand adventure.

Prior to Season 3
Story three in my Twidash Challenge: Feel Good Theme
Credit Image to PageTurner1988

Chapters (1)

Silver Spoon awoke one morning only to find that her parents had left without preparing her breakfast. Alone, with a strange voice lurking about and hungry, she must fend for herself. But in a world where an upper-middle class filly lacks sufficient cooking skills, there is only one food that can provide relief. Can Silver Spoon withstand the challenge of: Breakfast Cereal? Dig in to find out!

Chapters (1)

Spike introduces Pinkie Pie to the one game she can't play: Rock Paper Scissors. She takes it about as well as one would expect.

Chapters (7)

Early one morning, Twilight Sparkle gets up to make some tea.

Sometimes, a cup of tea is just a cup of tea. This is not one of those times.

Chapters (1)