• Member Since 10th May, 2015


This is for the ones who dream/ Foolish as they may seem. [No longer active]

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There's a new superhero in Canterlot City. Rainbow Dash isn't happy about it. At least her dad is there to vent to.

The second SYNCHRONY oneshot in the same continuity as Synchrony and Oathmaker.

Chapters (1)

Tartarus State Penitentiary, home to some of the most dangerous criminals the Canterlot City metropolitan area has ever seen.

Some of them have been in there for a long time, and most never make it out.


The first SYNCHRONY oneshot in the same continuity as Synchrony and Oathmaker.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Princess Twilight Sparkle and the Quesadilla Conquest

After getting a letter from Sunset Shimmer, Twilight Sparkle discovers that Sunset Shimmer and the Twilight from the other side of the mirror like to go on dates that involve checking each other out while they try on panties. Twilight Sparkle can't quite figure out what the big deal is, but decides that it might be fun to do with Pinkie Pie.

Of course, with Pinkie Pie, the unexpected should be expected.

An entry in the Weedverse.

Chapters (1)

Twilight breaks into Starlight’s room to figure out why she locked it.

Now she’s in, and regretting every second of it.

Reading by Steven1992 and Scribbler!

Chapters (1)

Equestria stands on the brink of ruin. A necromancer has raised an army of the dead and is poised to plunge the world into darkness. Monsters and brigands roam freely across the land, preying upon the innocent.

Only one hope remains. Armed with swords, spells, snacks, and a bag of dice, five heroes band together to defeat the forces of evil… if their rolls are good enough.

Welcome to gaming night in Ponyville.

Dramatic reading by Goombasa.

Cover image by Elosande used with permission.

Chapters (5)

Twilight knows Starlight Glimmer has been reformed under her guidance. Er, mostly—she’s still a work in progress, but there is no doubt Starlight is improving in her eyes.

However, there’s just one bad habit Twilight noticed that’s been nagging at her ever since she first saw it. But how would she converse about it? Should it be handled delicately? And when would she bring it up?

Today. Today, she would talk about it.

Chapters (1)

Nightmare Moon.... eternal night.... sun exploded into smitherins... at least, thats what Celestia expects to find when she finds out her little sister is last on the Princess Poll... again. For literally the thousandth time. Well, especially considering what happened the very first time the poll was released.

Chapters (1)

Sweetie was just a normal little filly, waiting for hearth's warming eve to arrive. That time of year when all little fillies are suppose to be happy and all hearts burn the brightest.

But when the latest Cmc stunt goes a little to far, Sweetie makes a horrifying discovery that turns her world upside down - and turn her friends against her.
Unable to bear the haunting looks of others, she runs away from home.

Thus - with the world seemingly stacked against her - she sets of on a journey to try and discover the truth behind her existence, and the secrets of her origin. And above all else if there is a place where she belongs.

Or will this be a heart's warming eve she'll be forced to spend alone?

(Warning: A Grimdark tale with scenes some readers might find both disturbing and heartbreaking)

Cover art by the amazing EstrosianHeaven.

Chapters (32)

You know what's the coolest thing about being a pegasus? You get to live in a cloud house.

And not just any cloud house, no. If you're as awesome a mare as Rainbow Dash, you get to stay in The Cloudhouse, with all of the luxuries and the possibility to put it anywhere you want.

Of course, when Rainbow Dash was offered the deal of a lifetime, a prized location in the airs above the Everfree, she knew she had to snatch it up immediately.

The only things it, she didn't expect her first night to be quite so... eventful.

Chapters (2)

The young Sparkle family and Cadence are at the beach, Cadence wants to bury Twilight in the sand.

Chapters (1)