• Member Since 10th May, 2015


This is for the ones who dream/ Foolish as they may seem. [No longer active]

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This story is a sequel to Luna makes toast.

One average evening, one average princess, one average kitchen, and one average checklist on how to cook... Somehow, this sounds very familiar.

A simple one-Shot about sweet Celestia doing perhaps one of the most mundane tasks... Again, this sounds familiar.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Celestia Makes Dinner.

One average afternoon, one average princess, one average town, and one average grocery list... Perhaps it would be best not to explore it.

An ordinary one-shot about innocent Cadance doing perhaps one of the most mundane things... Once more, perhaps it would be best not to explore it.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Cadance Makes Lunch

On a most remarkable day, an astounding princess, embarking against all odds and presumption tackles the thought impossible... Now, history will be amended.

A spectacular one-shot detailing the momentous occasion that overshadows all other traces of recorded history.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Twilight makes tea.

They thought it was over. They thought they were safe. They thought everything would return to normal, and Equestrian society would finally be able to breathe easy knowing that it couldn’t possible get any worse.

But everypony forgot one very important, itsy-bitsy, adorably destructive, tiny little detail.

This is a continuation of the "X makes" anthology by Overlord-Flinx

"If you want, you can write it. " - the magnificent Overlord-Flinx

Chapters (1)

One average morning, one average princess, one average kitchen, and one average bag of whole wheat bread slices... No one could mess this up.

One-Shot about beloved Luna doing perhaps one of the most mundane of tasks.

Chapters (1)

When Rarity throws a client get-together at Canterlot Boutique, nerdy geologist Frazzle Rock sees an opportunity to confess her feelings for the older mare. But can her fantasy survive Rarity’s stern professionalism, Pinkie Pie’s excessive attempts to help, and a totally unnecessary musical number?

Teen/Sex rated for drug and alcohol references, language, childish innuendo, and mature themes. No actual sex. Not even kissing, actually. Did I really write this?

Edited by Cerulean Starlight

Chapters (1)

Ever since Chrysalis swore vengeance on Starlight, the mare has been making preparations for the day she'd strike.

Twilight is just as concerned, but more for Starlight than an attack from Chrysalis.

Chapters (1)

Using a human shower is intuitive.
For a human.
Fluttershy is not a human.

Written for a close friend.

Special thanks to Door Belle for editing.

Chapters (1)

Princess Twilight Sparkle has discovered something momentous: she is descended from the legendary Star Swirl the Bearded! In her excitement, she goes to Canterlot to inform Princess Celestia of her discovery.

Celestia then proceeds to inform Twilight why her relation to Star Swirl isn't actually all that important.

Teen/sex rating is for mentions of polygamy and ponies having offspring.

Day 12 of my Self-Imposed 28 Fics in 28 Days Challenge

Chapters (1)

Celestia has much on her plate. Foreign Diplomats to please, a Nation to run, and little ponies to keep happy and safe. It would help if she could rely on her sister, however Luna's archaic speaking keeps her from holding court as almost no one can understand a word she says.

It's high time Celestia did something about that.

(Commissioned piece for Dusty_Books)

Chapters (1)