• Member Since 10th May, 2015


This is for the ones who dream/ Foolish as they may seem. [No longer active]

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...what? It's a school bake sale.

Seriously. Just a perfectly innocent little filly trying to raise some money for her class by selling baked goods in one of Cloudsdale's better-known establishments. A completely normal event in every possible way. Absolutely nothing bad is going to happen.


...well, nothing bad is going to happen to her.

Now with author Patreon and Ko-Fi pages.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to It’s Not Easy Being Green… and Purple

Spike lives in a giant castle with the company of not one, but two mares. So everything's just peachy, right? You know… ignoring how unhinged his castlemates can be in conjunction with how much magical power they happen to have… and sometimes abuse.

Having read the previous story is not strictly necessary to enjoy this one, though it will help in regards to the second section.

Spike vector from dipi11.

Chapters (1)

It’s not easy being the only dragon in a town full of fickle, forgetful ponies.

Spike’s day is not off to a good start. Twilight is in micromanagement mode and it seems every pony is at least a little crazier than usual today. He’ll try to push through like always, but the population of Ponyville isn't going to make it easy for him.

Gore tag for a possibly cringe worthy pie eating competition.

Chapters (2)

Quite a bit happened as Chrysalis's defeat approached and everypony finally escaped the reformed changeling hive to celebrate at the Sunset Festival in Starlight's old village. After all, when many characters who don't usually meet end up paired together, there are bound to be some interesting interactions--new friendships can be realized, old friendships can grow stronger, creatures can learn about each other, and fresh views can be shared. The point is togetherness and finding comfort in the fact that in Equestria you never have to be alone.

...Unless you choose to be.

The end of Chrysalis's evil reign brings peace to all but careful contemplation to one as Starlight Glimmer and her friends have a well-earned celebration of the magic of friendship.

Chapters (1)

A pony only gets one cute-ceañera. Twilight Velvet knows this, and she knows exactly how her friendless daughter wants to spend hers: nose-deep in a book, just like every other day. Twilight Velvet has other plans, all revolving around finding somepony to come to her daughter’s party, somepony to be her friend.

Featured on Equestria Daily
The original version of this story took 6th place in The Writeoff Association's December 2016 contest, “Has That Always Been There?“

Chapters (3)

Pinkie Pie was bizarre. She talked about many things that ponies didn't understand. She teleported from place to place. She even spoke of strange creatures who watch her recorded moves and write stories about her!

But today, Pinkie Pie was not bizarre. She was sad, and she lets the only other person available know why.

Chapters (1)

Celestia has just announced it: Equestria must surrender to humanity or face destruction. Gathered in a chamber, the restrained Element Bearers await their horrible fates. That is absolutely what is happening here, and not a bit of manipulation from a sun goddess that has gone far, far too long without getting some.

T rating for sexual references, no clop here.

Chapters (1)

Where in the world did Pinkie Pie get her signature party cannon from? Why was Rarity so horrified to hear that Pinkie gave it away while they were in Manehatten? Why did Maud instantly choose to give up her new rock pouch to go and get it back for her?

What makes that cannon so special?

Based on a friggin' adorable headcanon that I felt deserved to be brought to life

Chapters (1)

After the girls suffer the effects of some spiked drinks, Twilight reveals a surprising fact about the human world's equine species—basically, they don't get drunk like humans do. Of course, this raises the question of whether or not the same holds true for Equestrian ponies.

The answer is a bit surprising.

Side story in my Harmony and Valor series. Check out the TVTropes page.

Chapters (1)

"Sunset, you weren't the first unearthly threat to come to this world, and you won't be the last. If we seem calm in the face of strange events, it's not because we're oblivious or indifferent to them. It's because they're not strange to us. The Fall Formal may have been the most important night of your life, but to us... it was Thursday."

(Slice-of-life adventures of Canterlot High's unlikely band of monster hunters.)

Now with a Tropes page, courtesy of AnoneMouseJr.

Chapters (35)