Favourites 208 stories



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The Elements of Harmony, rather than destroying Nightmare Moon, separated Princess Luna from her evil side. Free from her 'weaker' half, Nightmare Moon sets her sights on a world ravaged by bigotry and war to establish a kingdom of her own-Earth, but not the Earth that we know.

A crossover between My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic and Code Geass.

Artwork by gavalanche.

Chapters (15)

The long trial was over, and Twilight - no, Dusk Shine's finally out from under that terrible shadow. Poor little Skyla and her auntie could move on with their life. Skyla's murderous grandfather was behind bars, and Dashville was simply beautiful in the fall!

And all Dusk Shine needed to do was stay out of the public eye, and never catch the eye of 'King' Sombra's secretive confederates. And make sure that she stayed in the local deputy marshals' good graces.

How much trouble could a slightly witchy woman and her orphaned niece get up to in a quiet Applelachian town like Dashville, anyways? Even if they were hiding in witness protection from their incarcerated drug-cult kingpin of a patriarch.

Chapters (15)

In the far-off reaches of Neo-Equestria, a race of actually heroic space ponies venture across the universe to save any planets in need of dire assistance. For nearly a millennium, they served to protect, acting as a beacon of hope. But an ancient evil has begun to awaken from its long imprisonment, and so it's up to the newer generation of ponies to save the day!

But as they do, they have to come face to face with several powerful monsters, crafty henchmen, and their own inner demons as they discover the true meaning of friendship wherever they go. They must make new allies in the most unlikely of places, and work together to bring down the dark sorcerer that threatens all of existence, even as their struggle brings them to a world similar to their own...

Let the adventures begin!

Chapters (3)

Far from the war with Conquest, far from the strife and struggles of Starfleet, and far from home, Sunset Shimmer awaits the end of Summer and the beginning of her senior year. Her friends are all waiting to finish their days of school and begin their lives as adults.

However, a dark cloud hangs over the rise of their futures. A being seeks to corrupt and change all that the heroes of the world have fought for. He seeks to destory the world and devimate the lives of all that Sunset has come to love.

She will face war and strife, love and loss, on this...her final adventure.

A crossover with Power Rangers, Digimon, and Yu-Gi-Oh.

Chapters (8)

"To my dearest friend, Twilight.

I know you have heard the rumors of how we handled your death, but I want to lear things up."

A death of a loved one is never easy. A death of a friend is hard and impossible to get over. For the element of laughter, this is true as well. How does one who embodies the spirit of hope and life, cope with the loss of her dear friend. This...is Pinkie's story.

A Fall of Starfleet side fic.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Long Road to Friendship

It is a new year for Sunset Shimmer; a fresh chance at real happiness with her five best friends and her girlfriend. But Sunset is constantly troubled by her uncertain future, and haunted by the consequences of her past.

For her battle against Princess Twilight has drawn forth ancient forces with eyes on the last bastion of magic: Canterlot City.

As darkness closes in, Sunset must find her light and guide her friends to defend their world against old rivals and legends best left forgotten, all while dealing with their ever-looming futures.

But when graduation comes, what will Sunset Shimmer do? For she is still a stranger in this world, with or without her friends, and the road before her guarantees nothing.

Of course, with the universe conspiring against her, it'll be a miracle if she even makes it that far...

Story plot edited by HenryAnthonyCourtler
Pre-read by DrakeyC
Wonderful cover art designed by HanasakiYunarin!
Text added by Amber Spark!
The page of Spectacular Tropes!
Presenting the French translation!

Chapters (80)

Sunset Shimmer and Princess Twilight Sparkle have both been plagued by odd dreams. Romantic escapades and tender moments between ponies they don't recognize that all end in tragedy.

Together, they investigate this phenomena, aware of the growing tug their hearts have for one another. The answers they find, however, may threaten to tear them apart.

Cover art from Yellowrobin. Thanks!

Pre-read by Oroboro!

Chapters (1)

All know the story of the pirate ship, the Crimson Heart and her cursed captain, a monster forced to haunt the seven seas until the end of time. All know to steer clear of the blood red sails, lest they run into hell itself.

Few know of Neptune's Blessing, a magical item that can grant whoever holds it anything their heart desires.

Twilight Sparkle knows both tales are not fiction. Though the last place she thought she'd ever be is on the Crimson Heart looking for Neptune's Throne where the wish awaits.

Sunset Shimmer lives a nightmare every day. She's ready to shed her monstrous form, and Twilight is going to help her one way or another.

But they aren't the only ones after Neptune's Blessing. The high-speed race across the seas begins as every flag seeks to claim the wish for themselves, and be crowned King of the Seas.

Pre-read by first mate, DrakeyC!

Cover art created by the super talented iojknmiojknm!

Now featured on Equestria Daily

Chapters (12)

April, YOH 1505 (almost 5 years after Luna's Return): Twilight Sparkle and her Companions defeated Starlight Glimmer at Our Town, and return to Ponyville. But though they are victorious, they bear battle-scars on their souls -- and they know that the mad mage is still out there, doubtless lusting for revenge. Sometimes, mere victory is not enough.

Takes place between S501-02 The Cutie Map and S5E03 "Castle, Sweet Castle."

Chapters (14)

After so many years, Sunset Shimmer is finally ready to return to Equestria. At long last, she will be able to reconnect with the land she was born in and feel the magic flow through her body once more. Most of all, she’s ready to face the mentor she betrayed, to apologize for everything and beg for her forgiveness.

Princess Celestia is eager to see her old prodigal student as well. Finally, she will have the chance to forgive her and reaffirm her love for her. What’s more, she will finally be able to give Sunset Shimmer what she has earned for herself and fulfill all the dreams she had since she was a filly.

At least, that’s how it was supposed to go.

Cover art by Bluse

Chapters (2)