• Member Since 6th Jun, 2015


I'm a young artist with dreams of becoming a writer... A good adventure fic..... :D

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An ancient evil, named Chaos, has returned from an imprisonment older than Equestria. Twilight an her friends must travel to the lands that the three tribes forsook before Hearths Warming Eve in order to obtain the power needed to fight this evil. For this time, the Elements of Harmony will not b enough. Will they succeed? Or is their home doomed to a future seeped in blood and darkness?

Chapters (9)

After Luke fon Fabre had freed Lorelei, he was certain that he would die from the separation of his fonons. It seems that fate would choose a completely unexpected path for our hero. Luke wakes up in a mysterious forest, and eventually stumbles upon the town of Ponyville.

Author's Note: This is the first time I am uploading a fic on a chapter update basis, so the update schedule could get a little wibbly wobbly.

Legal disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters presented in this fan fiction. Tales of the Abyss is owned by Namco and My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is owned by Hasbro.

Chapters (21)

Markiplier was busy recording another video when he disappeared off the face of the earth. When he wakes up, he has three questions. One, why is he a pony? Two, how does he get back? And three, why the buck is Wade here too?
Rated teen for language and fight scenes.
WARNING: May include moments of Markiplier awesomeness. Scratch that, WILL contain Markiplier awesomeness. Also includes Wade and several bad puns. Also, I should probably stop talking.

Thanks to DarkHeartConflictGLaDOS for the cover art!
Written by chrisharte97, edited and spellchecked by me.

Chapters (1)

This will be my first fic on this site, and I hope I can keep it running for a long time. I, obviously, do not own any of the Hasbro oriented things, nor the Capcom ones.

Actual Description:
Pinkamena Dianne Pie has just acquired her Monster Hunting license. As a fledgling hunter, she has to make a trip to the remote island that houses the Moga Village. It's time for this girl to make a name for herself!

Story will be based off my actual adventures in Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate. OC will be added a few chapters in as the other protagonist. I hope you'll all enjoy reading this as much as I enjoy writing it.

Will include humanized ponies and a fair amount of swearing. Stuck the gore tag on because, as we all know, Monster Hunter is a violent and brutal game. And, for those unfamiliar, the title is a play on the game from the series called Monster Hunter Tri. I thought it was fitting, even though this adventure takes place elsewhere.

Chapters (25)

All Dante ever wanted to do was lay back, relax, and - eventually - open and run his devil hunting business. He certainly never wanted to get involved in anything regarding the fate of multiple worlds, power hungry demon lords, insane cultists, and certainly not parenthood.

But then he got a party invitation from his brother...and on the way to the party, he found a tiny orange pony, who proves despite physics to be far more than a handful.
Part of the PWNY-verse.

Edit: New cover art by sanyo21

Chapters (52)

Matilda and Cranky's wedding didn't go off as planned. That irritates Ponyville's chief planner, who incidentally happens to be one of the four most powerful ponies in all of Equestria. Twilight has many questions, and they begin with the whereabouts of a certain spirit of mischief.

Chapters (1)

Featured on May 14, 2013. And again on November 29, 2014 more times than I can count thanks to you guys.

Now with our own TVtropes page! Help us catalog the awesomeness.

Holy crap we've got a trailer too!

MLP:FIM is the property of Lauren Faust
Bleach is the property of Tite Kubo

Plot aspects for chapter thirty six onward contributed and improved by Ketvirtas and Alondro
Chapters 0-88 proofread by xbox432
Chapters 89-onward proofread by LyonAzakura
Partially inspired by Dirty Bit's story Cuatro
Further inspired by Christopher28's story A Different Viewpoint of Equestria
Further inspired by Trinary story Friendship is Empathy
Random plot elements inspired by SwimmingDalek98 and Phoenix Archangel
Story structure and pacing inspired by Tite Kubo

Ulquiorra Cifer was defeated at the hands of a mere human and died in Las Noches. Or at least that's what he thought. In the boundary that separates life and death for all Hollows, he's found by one that finds him interesting enough to give a second chance at life free from Aizen's control, and free to do as he pleases; he was just never told that his second chance of life would take him to an alternate world he never could've imagined even if he tried.

The land of Equestria is a magical place full of hope, and second chances. In this land where friendship is considered the most powerful magic in existence, can the Cuatro Espada find something that's been missing and learn how to live? Or will his presence be the downfall of the peaceful world and all of its inhabitants?

Chapters (155)

No one can deny an old fashioned superhero team-up, especially when that team-up involves another helping of the Power Ponies!

Taking place after the second My Little Pony movie, Rainbow Rocks, and the new Disney film, Big Hero 6, we find Twilight testing out a new spell, a way to travel to other dimensions. It works, only for one of Spike's comic books to get in the way, causing an upset in the spell's process, leading the portal to suck in Spike, his comics, and the Mane 6, sending them to an unknown destination.

They awaken, only to find themselves as the Power Ponies once more, and in an unusual city by the name of San Fransokyo. To make matters worse, the mishap with the spell, fused with the comics, unleashed the Mane-iac, more powerful than she ever was, and even backed up by her own private army of dopplegangers! Now, the Power Ponies must team up with the super hero team of that world, or risk darkness falling upon the city forever.

This thrilling three-chapter crossover adventure brings two times the hero, featuring the return of the Power Ponies! Let the adventure begin!
WARNING: Given that this story will contain some or plenty of spoilers, this story MUST BE READ by ONLY those who've seen Big Hero 6 already. Trust me, it's for the best

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to It's a Dangerous Business, Going Out Your Door

EDIT: 6,000 unique views! Thank you so much to everyone who has read and enjoyed this story.

TVTropes Page

An ancient evil has awakened. No, really, it has. From the depths of time, a black, noxious threat has risen up after millennia of imprisonment. It washes like oil over Equestria, swallowing up towns and uncovering terrible secrets long buried. Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy and Rarity are prepared to combat this great darkness. However, to do so, they must uncover the truths about the Elements of Harmony, and the truths about the ancient forerunners of Equestrian culture. What they find will challenge their conceptions of their own places in history and ponydom's place in the world. The six Bearers of the Elements must draw upon their friendship and the strength of their hearts to stand firm against the darkness. If they fail, it will mean the end of everything.

Chapters (55)

Twilight Sparkle finds an ancient book in her library about teleportation magic. After an experiement gone wrong she and her friends find themselves in a strange land with new friends and make some new enemies.
She must now try to find a way back to Equestria or face the possibility of being eaten alive by a new threat that lurks in the skies above.

Copyrights go to their respective owners - Hasbro, Bethesda, etc.

Picture provided by DJMoonRay.

I am very biased in the real game so any changes such as sides of Stormcloaks or Imperials are already chosen and will not be changed.

Chapters (22)