• Member Since 4th Jul, 2015


Male to female crossdresser , Has tenddencies to scream (when scaired ) or cry like a girl ,Loves My Little Pony ( Hugh Fan ) and Loves Dragons ( And loves to go shopping for women's clothes ) ^_^

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Waking up as a quadrupedal bat-pony hybrid would ruin most people's days. Mix that in with some gender change and you have a recipe for a really bad week. Then all you need to do is make everyone else disappear and most would start to think they have gone insane.

Well thankfully I was already mostly insane, so I should be fine. Follow along while I get used to a new body and try to make my way from Santa Clarita, California to Colorado Springs.

This story is part of the United Minds project for the Ponies After People group.

Written by Lightfox Lowell
Co-Written and Art by Neon Noble

Chapters (6)

My name is Liam Anderson. I'm 16 years old, and I live on 1722 West Moon boulevard, in the small town of San Modesto, California. Or at least I use to. I woke up one fine morning to discover I wasn't sleeping in the same bed as I was. Or in the same room. Or in the same Body...
Or the same Gender.

Waking up and finding out you've become a woman is a pretty hard enough pill to swallow already. But, I'm an Anthropomorphic Female Alicorn (Unicorn with wings), I can fly and do magic, I have a sister, and a niece, and a nephew-in-law, and to top it all off...

I'm the Crowned Princess of an Entire Kingdom, populated by talking horses and other mythical creatures, and I'm in charge of "Raising the Sun".

I thought High School a pain in the @$$. This is going Suck! HARD!

Rated T for Mild Language and Suggestive Humor.

Chapters (12)

One wish, one night, and the entire world changed. Follow one man as he is given the chance of a lifetime.

This is a harem fic, and is rated T for violence, use of alcohol, and suggestive sexual themes.

Please leave comments to let me know what you think.

*This is a rewrite of my own story from fanfiction.net. Yes...it is me. This version will be edited and will be a much better read than the original, with part two to follow afterwards.

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters associated directly with My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, nor the original story. Any and all original characters are owned by their respective creators.

A/N: A note to my readers: this is technically a harem fic, but there will be NO lemons in it. The story will instead focus on the connections the characters share, as well as some other things later that I will leave to you to discover.

Cover art is thanks to WhatTheScoots, used with full permission.

Chapters (25)

The year is 2559, Spartan Josh Klarke - 452, had finished the war with his team, but when they escape the Ark, a UNSC frigate named the Starry Eclipse collapsed, splitting the ship apart. Now he and Jesable, are drifting in space on an unknown Galaxy, Josh puts himself in cryogenic sleep till rescue arrives, and Jesabel must drop a beacon and stay active as long as possible. 4 years, 7 months, and 10 days had passed for Josh and Jesabel, they drifted to an unknown planet, and wouldn't you know it, the Covenant are invading the planet as well. Guess it's about time for Klarke to wake up, and fight again.

Chapters (4)

I'm Lance Corporal Smith and I was on my way to war.I take nap on the plane and woke up to talking horse's. I still do not want believe this is real, but coming so close to death on the first day. I believe Twilight now. This place is real.

The name Smith is a military reference that it could be anyone they're is over a million people with the last name Smith.
There is a lot of military reference and strong language.

(I have no experience with writing)

Editor is fluttershy<3_66 so special thanks.

Chapters (4)

A young man named Dave, while writing a personal journal about his perceptions of liking the show "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic", is unexpectedly whisked away into the land of Equestria, where his memories about the world even being part of a show are erased, leaving him lost in an unfamiliar land. Luckily, help comes to him in the form of a pony named Pinkie Pie, who immediately dubs him her new friend, and introduces him to life in Equestria...

Cover art done by Redback Spino

Editing: Firebirdbtops

Chapters (137)

Three wishes can make all the difference in a battle for good and evil. Hum Drum best choose wisely.

Ancient Arabian artefacts are brought to Maretropolis to be on display at the Museum, but when the majority of the artefacts are covered in or made of gold, the Power Ponies can be certain that any one of the villains within Maretropolis are going to want it all for themselves.

And when Hum Drum discovers a Genie among the artefacts, he's going to have to choose wisely the three wishes he's given, otherwise's the Genie's curse may claim yet another victim.

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to Night of the Werewolf

After fully harnessing their powers as werewolves, Vinyl and Octavia open a stand by the town hall, biting paying ponies who wish to be werewolves. What can go wrong?

(here's da sequel dat ya'll wanted)

Chapters (1)

SEQEUL: https://www.fimfiction.net/story/295946/dont-worry-we-wont-bite-sequel-to-night-of-the-werewolf

"Stay away from me!" She screamed as her body changed under the light of the moon, her pupils small as pebbles, blood dripping from her hooves, and mouth as they became more wolf like. "I don't want...to...to hurt...you..."

Her body went limp as she fainted, her fur and mane frazzled, paws replaced her hooves, sharp fangs going just past her lips. Vinyl stared in shock as the wolf-like creature lifted itself from the floor with a low growl. It turned to Vinyl, canines bared. It rose its head and let out a loud, mournful howl, and attacked. Vinyl by now had been scared past her wits, and having read a fair amount of folklore herself, expected to be mauled. But instead,

It licked her...

Chapters (6)