• Member Since 4th Jul, 2015


Male to female crossdresser , Has tenddencies to scream (when scaired ) or cry like a girl ,Loves My Little Pony ( Hugh Fan ) and Loves Dragons ( And loves to go shopping for women's clothes ) ^_^

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Celestia wants Twilight and her friends to loosen up a little bit around her. Luna just wants to try the hard cider. During a surprise visit to Sweet Apple Acres at the tail end of cider season, Princess Luna has just a bit too much to drink, and when she makes a rather inappropriate joke, Twilight comes to the very uncomfortable realization that she has never seen Celestia excuse herself to use the restroom.

Chapters (11)

Lawful Crane and his girlfriend Pearl Lane happen to be in town during Anon-a-Miss' reign of terror in Canterlot High. Crane, being a skilled detective, is easily able to determine that Sunset Shimmer is being framed. Having devoted his life to protecting the innocent and punishing the guilty, he decides to expose the true Anon-a-Miss as an invisible avenger known as The Shadow. Through the use of a mysterious hypnotic power he learned in the far East, he is able to cloud other people's minds so they cannot see him, rendering him invisible.

Soon, Anon-a-Miss will learn that the weed of crime bears a bitter fruit. . .
Crime does not pay. . .
The Shadow knows!

This is a crossover with The Shadow Radio Show (1937-1954), a weekly radio program that dramatized stories from the pages of Street & Smith's Detective Story Magazine.

Chapters (3)

There is a flood on the horizon. Equestria's enemies have united, and the coming tide will not only change the course of history on one world, but two, and bring about a monumental meeting that will bring brothers and sisters from those two worlds together.

At long last, the downtrodden will rise.

The battle begins.

Chapters (41)

[Third Person] [World Building Exercize] [Stand Alone Story]

Long ago Equestria waged many wars of conquest to expand its borders. When word of Princess Luna's return reaches the distant Neighponeese Empire, Emperor Nori begins to fear for the future of his people. Worried that Equestria may end its thousand years of isolation and once again seek to expand its borders Emperor Nori invites the other world leaders to debate what course of action to take. Unfortunately, he is also visited by an uninvited guest.

This story has been completed before any of it was uploaded for your enjoyment.

Chapters (1)

[First Person] [Alternating Perspectives]

During a long and boring night, devoid of any ponies seeking to petition the Night Court, Lyra Heartstrings asks Luna a question. “Why did you become Nightmare Moon?” Luna answers her question, starting from the very beginning, recounting her long life of rejection, failure to achieve her goals, and marginalization. For the first time, someone besides Celestia gets to know the full story of Nightmare Moon.

Yet to be featured. But I know we can do it!

For my fan’s convenience: This story takes place in an alternate timeline of the Equisverse. No storyline beyond that of The Bridesmaids, Horseshoes, Dinner at Ravenloft, The Queen is Dead, All Hail the Queen, and Lyra-7% happens or will happen in this timeline. However, some world events, elements of the setting, and concepts from other works of mine apply, but this only pertains to foundational concepts such as thaumaturgic current. This is the more “serious” timeline.

Chapters (10)

This story is a sequel to In my Daughters Eyes

Princess Songbird, Daughter of Princess Luna and the biological niece of Princess Celestia was a sweet and kind filly who loves her mother with all her heart, even when that mother becomes corrupted and taken from her...

Chapters (7)

Princess Luna has always longed for a child to call her own. It was her dream. If only there was a way wishes could come true...

This is a prequel to 'Moonlights Daughter' detailing Luna's decent into motherhood.

Chapters (6)

During her usual nightly patrol of the dream realm, Luna happens upon a filly whose nightmares concern her. Twilight and Celestia investigate the filly's whereabouts, only to discover the filly is homeless and has not attended school in some time. During the night, Luna hunts the filly down to bring her to a foster home where she'll be cared for until a family adopts her. Everything ends well.

So, why is Luna heartbroken?

Author's Note: I started writing this story in January 2018, before seasons 8 and 9. I know what happens in those seasons, but with 20+ chapters (and getting longer if I continue it), it's too much to go back and try to integrate those seasons into the story. The last full episode I watched was Fame and Misfortune from season 7, so if anything in this story contradicts the actual canon, it's not on purpose. This is why I marked it "alternate universe", despite I wanted it to be a future version of the canon. Oh, well.

This story was inspired by Welcome, Princess Light Breeze on fanfiction.net by Snoopy7c7. I'm also aware there's already a story where Luna has a foal, but I haven't read that, so any similarities are coincidental and nothing more.

Chapters (24)

Devin Hall had a good life back on Earth. Just graduated college, steady job, and loving family. But when he is accidentally summoned by Princess Twilight Sparkle, the human will find out that war has many battle fronts in which to fight along with something worth fighting for.

Human X Celestia love story. I don't know, just felt like writing this. Let's see where this goes!

Chapters (3)

"Sunset, you weren't the first unearthly threat to come to this world, and you won't be the last. If we seem calm in the face of strange events, it's not because we're oblivious or indifferent to them. It's because they're not strange to us. The Fall Formal may have been the most important night of your life, but to us... it was Thursday."

(Slice-of-life adventures of Canterlot High's unlikely band of monster hunters.)

Now with a Tropes page, courtesy of AnoneMouseJr.

Chapters (35)