• Member Since 4th Jul, 2015


Male to female crossdresser , Has tenddencies to scream (when scaired ) or cry like a girl ,Loves My Little Pony ( Hugh Fan ) and Loves Dragons ( And loves to go shopping for women's clothes ) ^_^

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This story is a sequel to Death to Nightmare

When Twilight and Selene have an unexpected guest Twilight feels it be a good time for her and Selene to visit her friends in Canterlot High. Especially after the prank Selene pulled on Celestia. However, their vacation runs into unexpected problems as the government and others are now quite interested in the oddities surrounding the high school.

Edited by Twisted Code

Chapters (4)

This is the story of "I" a random human with no recollection of my name and stuck in the body of Nightmare moon.

Join me, breaking fandoms, smashing the 4th wall, and rewriting my little pony as you know it. Because of course, there's more than one way to live a Nightmare.

Chapters (10)

Twilight Sparkle finally achieved her destiny. She was now a Princess of Equestria, and needless to say her friends were surprised. When a second, unicorn Twilight Sparkle appeared alongside the new alicorn, even Princess Celestia was shocked. Now the Elements of Harmony must help the pony make friends and learn magic, as well as get used to her surprising un-Twilightness.

Meanwhile, a 17 year old high schooler with nothing to do during summer hits his head and wakes up in Equestria. He must now learn how to live his new life as Twilight Sparkle's "twin sister" and survive in a town where a catastrophe happens every Tuesday or so.

July 18, 2016: I got Featured! This is awesome!
August 1, 2017: Another Feature!

Chapters (9)

This story is a sequel to Zecora's Big Surprise

Written with Pencils Writer's permission

Coverart from here

Twilight thought she had gotten all the surprises she could in life after she had gone from being a unicorn into an Alicorn, then finding out about a world where all those she knew in this world had human doubles.

She was wrong.

Zecora makes a sudden visit late one night after the Plumber Plants have been dealt with. What she has to tell Twilight shocks the Alicorn to the bone. Zecora is pregnant, and Twilight is the father.

However, Twilight isn't the only one of her friends now facing sudden parenthood.

I know i've already written one where Zecora is pregnant with AJ's child, but i couldn't resist this one

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Zecora's Wild Ride

Written with permission from DeathBeat

Applejack honestly wishes she could just forget about the events that happened in Zecora's hut several weeks ago.

However, after finishing her work for the day, she finds Big Mac waiting for her at the house, and he doesn't look happy.

When she goes inside, she finds Zecora speaking with a grim expressioned, while at the same time happy, Granny Smith and a confused-looking Apple Bloom, speaking with the very zebra the Applejack is trying to not think about.

Zecora has news. She's pregnant... with Applejack's foal.


Read the original and just saw this screaming at me. Note that i'll be keeping this Teen as possible, despite its predecessor being M rated.

In Popular Stories 9-13/8/2015. :ajsmug:

Chapters (1)

Twilight knew that there would be times she would find herself in over her head. When Princess Celestia decides that her proximity to a Village Hidden in the Everfree makes her a perfect candidate for participating in the village's introductory tour and citizenship ceremony, the young alicorn finds out just how little she really knows about her own world.

Quick note: I've been having difficulties with my formatting since the update so if it's messed up or anything like that let me know. I'll try to fix it ASAP

Chapters (7)

This story contains/will contain: anthro, hyper, mtf tg, species tf, futaThis story is written as a gift...

Boring life? ✅
Boring job? ✅
Changeling queen delivered by mail? ...
was not expecting that

Follow along as I deal with my new life with Queen Deciduous the Changeling Queen.

note: Queen Deciduous is a very close friend of mine’s OC and she was gracious enough to let me write this.

Chapters (2)

I was just minding my business, but the curiosity that is my mind forced me to almost take part in an experiment that changed my life.

I didn't want to do this. Not at all. But they forced me to participate in their "top secret" experiment.

And now, I'm a freaking female pony standing on its hind legs! At least they said it'll wear off in 7 days. What could possibly go wrong?

-Rated Teen for Mild Language and use of alcohol-

Chapters (2)

Jason was just your average teen, loved to play video games, got into trouble every now and then, and had ok grades in school. But one day, when he brought home a plushie Princess Celestia for his sister for her 7th birthday, his sister loved it. But the next day after his sister blew out her birthday candles, his life was changed upside down when he woke up as the pony Princess of the sun herself. Can he live his life as a pretty pony princess until they can find out how to turn him back?

Chapters (3)

The newly ascended Alicorn of Love is learning to use her newfound powers, including the ability to see emotions. When Cadance looks at Princess Celestia, though, she's sure that she must be doing something wrong, because what she sees makes no sense at all...

A brief story about feeling depressed.

And a continuation of my habit of naming stories after songs which may or may not actually be relevant.

Editing by TheMaskedFerret, inspiration by real life.

Chapters (1)