• Member Since 4th Jul, 2015


Male to female crossdresser , Has tenddencies to scream (when scaired ) or cry like a girl ,Loves My Little Pony ( Hugh Fan ) and Loves Dragons ( And loves to go shopping for women's clothes ) ^_^

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I am... or rather was your average twenty year old male brony. But let me introduce myself first, my name is Mi-... gah! dangit! was Mitchell and my favorite My Little Pony background character is Vinyl Scratch (or DJ-P0N3 for some). One day comic-con showed up in my hometown and instead of going as some silly anime or game character like all the other plebs, I went as the Equestria Girls version of Vinyl Scratch. I know, I know she is a girl but... it IS funny seeing the faces I get.

Anyway, to make a long story short, I bought the last missing piece of my cosplay, which was really just a pair of headphones that looked just like the ones the EQG Vinyl wore during the "Music to my Ears" short. That got me sent to Equestria many years in the past and, after a series of events (It was an accident!), I got myself stuck in stone.

I got out thanks to Dissy. And now that I'm free, I'll be here to spread the wubs! If only those uncool Daft Punk looking ponies would just leave me alone...

Chapters (17)

I wanted to just enjoy going to Supanova with some friends. As embrassing as losing a bet, my punishment being going dressed as Raven from Teen Titans is, I'm not going to let it spoil my fun.

However, waking up in the world of My Little Pony as Raven herself might spoil that fun. I mean, being an empath in MLP... after the Changeling Invasion at the wedding?

Yeah. I don't see any problems for me from that. Not to mention keeping my new powers under control when they're tied to my emotions and I haven't had all the years of training Raven did.

And let's not forget that my new powers are shadow magic, so basically Dark Magic. I don't see that causing me any problems socially, either. Nope. None at all.

T due to Scenes of Violence, Blood, (hence the Gore tag) sometimes and nudity of a young girl and other things.

Adventure and Slice of Life tags would be here if they didn't go against each other, plus there was no room. Sex tag mostly for when Raven is nude and how she talks about sex and similar things with the ponies at times.

Featured 3/5/2016.

Featured 12/3/2017? Wow. Thanks:scootangel:

Featured 23/3/2017.:rainbowderp: Um... okay.

Chapters (14)

One day, I become Princess Celestia in the middle of Lunch at school. A year of testing, spellcrafting, and preparing later, I end up in Equestria, thanks to Discord. Now, I get to meet Celestia, Luna, and others of Royal Company as I troll the shit out of everything. Maybe I'll learn some new tricks too.

Thanks to Blazing Archangel for pointing me to this picture. It fits perfectly!

Due to circumstances, this fic is no longer going to be updated since it was merged with Life as a Sonic OC Redux

Chapters (12)

David never did have an exciting life. He had a somewhat stable one, along with his roommate, which he considered to be his best friend.

He had a lot of expectations for his future, most were... Far reaching, so to speak. But nothing too crazy.

At least, that's what he thought.

And let me tell you, turning into a blue horse was not something within his expectations.

Disclaimer; Earlier chapters were written when I was still inexperienced. Newer ones are better in quality overall.

Chapters (22)

One's childhood never escapes you when magic and a certain motherly princess enters the picture.

Written for kicks and Momlestia/Sweet Celestia practice. But mainly for kicks.

WARNING: Written on late-night crazy sauce.

Rated T for swearing, dark implications involving drug usage and childhood trauma.

(And on a personal note: Don't use drugs to escape your problems.)

Chapters (4)

Random Alert! Don't take this story seriously!

Welcome everyone!

Ever wondered what would happen if Ponies took over the world with cuddles?

Ever wondered what Celestia and Tobias got up too after the chronicle ended, or maybe even Richard and Chrissy in-between the Acts?

Then this should probably satisfy all of those desires. So if you're here to read about warm, soft, loving, tender and affectionate snuggly goodness, then you've come to the right fic!

Enjoy, and stay snuggly!

Requests are accepted. Some chapters will contain some dark elements, but not enough to warrent a tag

Chapters (1)

Ryan Danver was a Stormchaser. he loved Mother nature at it's wildest but when he was struck by lightning he ended up in Equestria. In the body of a cyan colored pegasus.

Editing by Bazing and Dances with unicorns

Chapters (22)

This story is a sequel to Nightmare At CHS

Over fifty years have passed since Selene ended up in Equestria as the reborn Nightmare Moon. The bulk of the mane 6 are now old and misses the good times she has had with them.

She should have known better.

Now Twilight spell experiment went crazy and Selene finds herself in another Equestria and meets a pony she never expected to see.

Edited by Whodafaq146 and Crystal Glint

Chapters (14)

A Knight was summoned to help Nightmare Moon take the throne, but when she fails her summon remains, following his last order to stop all beings from entering the castle while his Queen fights for the throne, but upon Nightmare's return he receives new orders...

(Light Gore in select chapters)

Chapters (10)

Tom an Average Joe, saves a girl from an attempted rape. But he is fatalily injured and blacks out, only to wake up in a strange place in a body of a horse. A horse known to the locals as Nightmare moon.

Edited by Izanagi

Cover Art done by SwedishRoyalGuard http://www.deviantart.com/art/Nightmare-Moon-372321197

Chapters (12)