• Member Since 4th Jul, 2015


Male to female crossdresser , Has tenddencies to scream (when scaired ) or cry like a girl ,Loves My Little Pony ( Hugh Fan ) and Loves Dragons ( And loves to go shopping for women's clothes ) ^_^

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John and his friends are exploring a mine when everything goes horribly, horribly wrong. After watching his friends die in front of him, John is saved by the newly crowned Twilight Sparkle. Now he must lean to deal with everything he's lost as he strives to fit into a the strange world of Equestria.

This is just a writing exercise for me while some of my other (non ponee) ideas marinate. Specifically, I'm trying to make my descriptions more vivid, show, not tell, and characterization. Probably could work on pacing, too. Any feedback is appreciated.

Chapters (7)

The Pony-Griffon War, fought over by ponies and griffons, is now the bloodiest war in Equestria's history. The ponies, now being turned like a wheel struggles as they were being defeated from the south. With their defensive line, the Celestial Line, all hope of keeping Equestria as an independent nation is lost. But for the ponies, there is still hope, one being in the form of battle-hardened 'beasts'.

Chapters (4)

UAV's are the future humanities alternative to man on man warfare. They are armed to the teeth with every possible gun. Very expensive to build and more so if one is lost. The drone was completing it's normal searches for anything out of the normal. A purple flash and it's whisked away forever, that's what most thought. Dejected and depressed the inventors walk away, not expecting it to come up ever again. A few days go by and not only is it back but it is a whole different world. Read as the story unfolds.
Credit for missile idea: Dubious

Chapters (3)

Sabre Rattle is a sixteen year old colt and the step-son of R.E.A.F. Major General James Jones. Within a week he survived an air raid, got a recording contract, and enlisted in the Royal Equestrian Army's new 3rd Armored Division. Now a specialist fifth class he must face his biggest challenge yet...watching the Cake twins.

This story is a side story to The Jolly Rogers. It isn't necessary to but it is recommended to read The Jolly Rogers before reading this. Cover art by sourichan

Chapters (1)

John Joseph was just an average patron of Comic-Con, right up until he was inexplicably transported to the land of magical ponies that he had once thought to only be fictitious. Now, like many other probably-innocent-visitors-of-popular-conventions-who-disappeared-off-of-the-face-of-the-Earth-without-a-trace-yet-strangely-no-one-seems-particularly-adamant-about-investigating-their-disappearances, John has merged with and taken the identity associated with the particular articles of fabric that he had decided to drape himself on that specific day.

It was just too bad that he had decided to go casual for the convention.

Chapters (1)

A collection of short stories with Toby experiencing his first holidays in his new home.

It has been several months since Toby has been brought to the land of Equestria by Princess Luna. His wish came true as he found a family in his loving mother in Equestria, Fluttershy, along with his Aunt Rarity, Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and Applejack. After enduring the heartbreaking loss of his mother, and to know that his own father, James was behind it, Toby found a father figure he deserved in Applejack's older brother Big Mac.

He has made wonderful friends in Ponyville such as The Cutie Mark Crusaders who has taken the role of his big sisters, and have made great friends in Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara.

After finally finding a new home in Equestria and letting go of the past as his father lies in jail for his crime, it is time for Toby to experience the great times that come in this new land and celebrate the holidays of Equestria.

Chapters (7)

It has been a year since Toby has arrived in his new home of Equestria. He has a wonderful and caring family, great friends, and a good life. However, Toby is about to experience the dark side of Equestria, and he will come face to face with an enemy of the ones he calls family that they thought they got rid of.

He is about to come face to face with the Queen of Darkness, the Queen of the Changelings, Queen Chrysalis. What evil plans does Chrysalis have in store for the young child? How does she plan to use Toby to extract her revenge on Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, and all of Equestria? Will the Mane Six be able to prevent something terrible happening to not only their home, but to their precious little Toby?

Or will Queen Chrysalis overthrow Celestia and take what she believes is her rightful place as ruler of Equestria?

Chapters (15)

I want to thank http://www.fimfiction.net/user/ShutterGuy] for the awesome picture he has done for this story. He captured Toby perfectly, so I give all credit to him and also he is a good writer, check out his story "Human and Pony alike", it is good.

Toby Mason is a six year old human child who wishes for someone to love him. One year earlier, Toby lost his mother Ashley Mason who died in a terrible car crash coming to pick him up from school one day. After Ashley's death, Toby was hard to console, but his father James Mason took the loss the hardest.

Feeling as his life ending along with Ashley's, James began drinking heavily, and in turn started becoming abusive toward Toby. Mostly verbally abusive, he would call Toby weak, pathetic, and blamed Ashley's death on him. Heartbroken by his father's actions, Toby would make a wish upon a star to find a new home, and find a new family who would love him and not be mean to him like his father.

How would the ponies of Equestria, especially The Mane Six react toward finding a lost human child in their land? Will the take him in and treat him as one of their own, or will they fear him and abandon him?

Chapters (33)

Celestia found me when I was just a baby. Alone, lost in the forest, who knows what would have happened if she hadn't found me. Not only that, but she's treated me with such kindness and love, she's like a mother to me, I hope this life never ends... Yet, even the good times must go, and mine, was going to end for the worst....

This takes place during My Little Human, from Glee Sunrises point of view.

Reading My Little Human first is highly recommended, most of this story will be very confusing if you do not read My Little Human.
Written by Merotik
Edited by Anonymous Blank

(3/14/18) ATTENTION: I will be creating a remake of this story. It will include most of the original characters from this story and may include new characters. However, the concept of the story will be rewritten entirely. Also, I am looking for anybody who wants to help with the remake of this story. Its just for fun and only if you want to. I'm looking for proof readers, editors, and artist. Anyone who helps will be credited and, if you would like this, links will be provided to your personal work. This is just for fun and there is no time limit, so there's no rush on anyone who wants to help.

This is a rewrite on an old story from an old account. The rewrite of: My Little Human and Only Human, will be published on this account: Deidorimu

Thank you for reading this story, and those that inspired me to rewrite it.

(6/16/19) The remake to My Little Human is currently being written. The prologue is finished and chapter one is nearly done. If you would like to read the prologue it is available right now. If you are having trouble reading it than send me a message and I will see what I can do so that you can read it. The first chapter will also be available soon as well. To read the sneak peak go ahead and click on the latest chapter of this story and than click the link provided from there. You will also need the password given to you in the chapter

I hope you enjoy the My Little Human Remake!

Chapters (10)

After discovering a human baby boy, Princess Celestia takes the child under her wing and raises him as her own. Yet, she knows humans don't belong in their world and one day she'll have to decide whether to keep him, or send him back to where he belongs.

Canon to the Era of Harmony.

Written by Merotik
Edited by Masblackops

(3/14/18) ATTENTION: I will be creating a remake of this story. It will include most of the original characters from this story and may include new characters. However, the concept of the story will be rewritten entirely. Also, I am looking for anybody who wants to help with the remake of this story. Its just for fun and only if you want to. I'm looking for proof readers, editors, and artist. Anyone who helps will be credited and, if you would like this, links will be provided to your personal work. This is just for fun and there is no time limit, so there's no rush on anyone who wants to help.

This is a rewrite on an old story from an old account. The rewrite of: My Little Human and Only Human, will be published on this account: Deidorimu

Thank you for reading this story, and those that inspired me to rewrite it.

(6/16/19) The remake to My Little Human is currently being written. The prologue is finished and chapter one is nearly done. If you would like to read the prologue it is available right now. If you are having trouble reading it than send me a message and I will see what I can do so that you can read it. The first chapter will also be available soon as well. To read the sneak peak go ahead and click on the latest chapter of this story and than click the link provided from there. You will also need the password given to you in the chapter

I hope you enjoy the My Little Human Remake!

Chapters (8)