• Member Since 4th Jul, 2015


Male to female crossdresser , Has tenddencies to scream (when scaired ) or cry like a girl ,Loves My Little Pony ( Hugh Fan ) and Loves Dragons ( And loves to go shopping for women's clothes ) ^_^

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Celestia has faced many terrible foes throughout her life, from tyrant unicorns to the very embodiment of chaos. However, the time has come for the noble alicorn to fight against the most dreadful of monsters, a vile creature which dwells in the shadows of the night, flying through the darkness as it thirsts for the blood of innocent ponies.

It is time for Celestia to face... the common mosquito.


Written to fight my writer's block. It worked. I hope you like it.

A million thanks to Inumaniac for being my proofreader once again.

Read the polish translation here, courtesy of Dolar84

Chapters (1)

After ensuring nobody stays at Canterlot High School for the night, Vice-Principal Luna is about to close the doors and head home. However, when she checks the labs, she finds a flask with an odd content. The curiosity makes her taste it.

She would regret doing that if she didn't like what happens next…

This is a one-shot short story requested by JimmyHook19. Hope you like it.:pinkiesmile:

Images made by goattrain on DeviantArt.

Oh, and TwiPON3 has made a short sequel for this. It's here.

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash, after suffering a severe accident involving a high powered fan, refuses to return to the hospital to heal her broken wing. Instead, Twilight takes her in and makes her a potion to heal her wing. In an unfortunate accident, the potion swaps Rainbow's wings for a horn! As Twilight searches for a cure, she tells Rainbow that she may have to live with the horn for a while.

*Thank you to sapoltop on Deviantart for the photo: Uni Dash*
Featured on 6/22/14!!! :D

Chapters (12)

(The Redone Version) (EFH has it's own TV Tropes page! Thanks to redandready45! )

A human has been teleported to Equestria after a lightning bolt struck him. The ponies of Ponyville had never seen anything like him before. Full of fear and uncertainty, all of Ponyville, except for the Mane 6 and Spike, avoided him. The human, with the help of the Mane 6, must earn Ponyville's friendship before a way back home is found.

Rated Teen for some language and mild peril.

Chapters (18)

During his adventures in Another Life, Severus Snape is caught off guard by a question from Twilight Sparkle, and a casual conversation turns into something much deeper for the human wizard.

Something I thought of after finishing the above story, but rather than tacking on another chapter and ruining it further, I made this one-shot. Enjoy!

Picture is not mine, credit belongs to the artist.

Chapters (1)


Princess Luna and Luna Lovegood share little other than a name, until one day they both wake up in each other's places. Havoc and hilarity ensues as the unlikely pair try to figure out why and how they got there. Can the princess survive at Hogwarts? Will Luna drive everyone in Canterlot insane? Can the author write a satisfactory description? Well, probably not, but you should still read the story.

Chapters (22)

Princess Luna has returned to Canterlot, Luna Lovegood is back at school, the rift between the universes has been sealed, and everyone lived happily ever after.

Except that they didn't.

Weary of her life back in Equestria, Luna re-opens the portal and plunges directly into the magical world of Hogwarts once again. However, once she gets there, she finds that it isn't all cupcakes and roses; Voldemort is gone, but a new, greater threat looms overhead, ready to destroy not only this world but her own as well.

(This story is the sequel to "A Tale of Two Lunas". You should probably read that first. Rated Teen for occasional naughty language and general tomfoolery).

Chapters (7)

Octavia has a musical history and a side to herself she'd rather not have to explain outside of Ponyville. Inside Ponyville... well, everything was fine until she spotted Vinyl Scratch. What was she doing here?

Don't panic, Octavia! Don't freak out, don't lose your mind, don't....
Oh well.
(And check out Goombasa's excellent dramatic reading!)
Cover by Page Turner.

Chapters (1)

Renowned cellist Octavia Melody is robbed and left for dead in a Canterlot alley. Her best friend, Vinyl Scratch decides to take matters into her own hooves.

This is another one of my stories that is a framing piece for a reworked piece of filk music. Such as Twilight's Friendship and Fighting for Twilight. In this case the piece of music is "Walk Through the Night Side." There will be a link in the author notes.

Chapters (1)

After Spitfire dies in a training accident, Rainbow Dash unexpectedly finds herself promoted to Captain of the Wonderbolts. Along with the promotion comes a bequest from her former captain that will take Rainbow Dash on a journey into the beyond. To a place where the dead battle to preserve the living from horrors beyond imagination.

A realm that can only be reached by The Stormriders.

Chapters (1)