• Member Since 4th Jul, 2015


Male to female crossdresser , Has tenddencies to scream (when scaired ) or cry like a girl ,Loves My Little Pony ( Hugh Fan ) and Loves Dragons ( And loves to go shopping for women's clothes ) ^_^

Favourites 410 stories
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Estimated Reading: 4 weeks



  • Featured 23595 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

  • Interviews 408 stories Stories that have had their author interviewed

  • Reviewed 0 stories Stories that have been reviewed

For the young unicorn Shining One, Gilda the griffin is the love of his life, but will they be able to live happily ever after, or will their differences tear them apart?

Chapters (1)

Princess Luna has a daughter before being banished to the moon. Nightmare moon's return brings about a massive change in Twilight's life in more ways then one. How will Twilight handle the changes in her life while trying to save the rest of world from Eternal Night?

Chapters (8)

Daniel Kroger is a Marine who likes military history, even if he found his interest by accident. He wakes up in a M4A3E8 Sherman in a forest, he struggles to understand how he got there. He hides from the local residents and protects them from harm when they enter his forest. They call him 'The Guardian'. What happens when he comes out?

Teen for gore and language.

Contains a misleading title, an author who has no schedule for releases, anthro ponies, horrid grammar at the start, wonky things mentioned once and never again, an author who probably shouldn't be writing in the first place.

When did I get featured?

Chapters (44)

After Luna's *interesting* approach to snuggling, you stop by Celestia's chambers to spend some quality time snuggling with her. However, like many simple actions in life, this one may lead to a deeper connection than you expected.

A sequel to "Shadowy Snuggles" and the fifth story in the "Snuggles" series. If you're new to the series, you can start with "Seraphic Snuggles", or just jump right in here!

Fabulous cover art commissioned from Akemiroses!

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to A Day in the Life of Lunar Night

Story is kinda.. "eh" so do keep that in mind if you want to read this sequel. I did a better job on the main story anyway.

Mission Objective: Do our Job and find Prince Blueblood to find out why he has been avoiding bat ponies and us more in general.

Come to find that the reason for him avoiding us is very unexpected and so interesting that we'll be surprised. We love our job so much if it means that we can be his personal guards in the end.


Romance tag is there for a reason :eeyup:

This story takes place about three weeks after A Day in the Life of Lunar Night and about a week after Lunar and Night meet the Mane Six

This is the last story in the Lunar Night series... I guess I can call it that and last overall which I will explain in the authors notes. Of course since this story is unedited I really hope it's not too distracting for any readers.

The idea for why Blueblood was afraid of bat ponies was a random one and worked at the same time so I just went along with it since it made sense.

This story is rated Teen for sexual moments, but nothing explicit.

Chapters (0)

Why does Equestria need a guided missile cruiser?
What made the US Navy sell it so cheaply?
How could Princess Celestia think this was a good idea?
Learn the true story behind one of the most controversial - and secret - arms deals in history.

Chapters (14)

This is where volunteering for things gets you.

Featured on FOB Equestria

Chapters (6)

A normal guy playing a game of team fortress 2 finding a server to find a map that says ponyville but right when he clicks connect to the server a portal opens up sucking him into the world of equestria turning him into a sniper. Will he make friends or will he just shoot them thinking it is just part of the game?

Chapters (16)


The lands of Equestria and Gryphonia are being tainted by pollution from human industrialization. With the gryphons threatening with war, can the ponies keep the peace between them and the humans? With the future of Equestria hanging by a thread, can the ponies and gryphons stand up to a technology that is much more advanced than their own? Or will they be doomed to destruction by the hands of man?

Editors: pjabrony, RobertBel98
Many thanks to CplHenderson for spicing up my cover art.
Character tags will be added as they appear. My first fic, criticism and feedback is welcomed. Human tech is approximately that of 1918

Chapters (9)

It's been 5 years since the The War. This is the first historical account of it, including eyewitness accounts from both sides of the war.

9 years ago humanity returned from it's self-imposed exile and started what became known as The Human War. That war changed the face of Equesteria forever. Now, after 5 years of tentative peace, it is time to tell the story of what the war was and why it was fought.

My first fic. Go nuts with criticism cause most likely the only one I ever write, unless I get another idea stuck in my head and it refuses to leave without writing it. It also lacks definite "main character". After The War parts just to show glimpses of post-war life, they are not suppose to connect to main chapters anyway, apart from the first one.

Also, in case you wonder that someone is commented on being dead in After The War parts but is not mentioned in main fic, well, history books tent to focus on major actions. They don't name every single dead soldier and usually jsut mention major battles, leaving smaller skirmishes out.

Chapters (10)