• Member Since 4th Jul, 2015


Male to female crossdresser , Has tenddencies to scream (when scaired ) or cry like a girl ,Loves My Little Pony ( Hugh Fan ) and Loves Dragons ( And loves to go shopping for women's clothes ) ^_^

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Something's been on Celestia's mind these days. Luna can tell by the way her sister is acting, something isn't right. But is Luna prepared for the truth that her sister has been hiding for years?

Permission to use artwork from BreezyBlueYT on Deviantart, thanks a bunch!
Check out the previous version here!

Chapters (1)

With the memory stone crisis behind her, it's time for Sunset to deal with an even bigger challenge:

A caring Princess Celestia interested in seeing how Sunset lives on Earth.

* Takes place right after Forgotten Friendship, Teen for some tame Sun x Sci-Twi Romance Fluff
* Helps to have seen the two minute short Rarity's Display of Affection
* Cover From a Picture by akainu7
* Editing help by Clancrusher
* Featured on Equestria Daily's 2018 Sunset Day 50 Fic list! :yay:
* Translated into Chinese on Fimtale by Cyber Poison

Recommended - PresentPerfect

Chapters (5)

My faithful student, Twilight. I ask that you please come to Canterlot immediately. I have an important task for you to take. This task will help us get a better understanding of species other than pony kind. Your teacher, Princess Celestia.


What could Princess Celestia have for me to do? What will happen to me!?

Chapters (41)

When Luna thought that this night would be normal. She thought wrong for she finds a stranded and lost child infant in a box in Canterlot's many allyways. Now she must take it upon herself to raise him.

(Currently on Hiatus to cover editing!)

Chapters (21)

Zachary's life has been hard. His parents cared but left him to rot with his foster parents, who saw him as a slave. He gets beat up almost everyday by sixth graders, who don't know the true pain he has been through. How much more can he take? He then wakes up in a world unknown to him, where he finds out more about his past, and the dark truth that lies ahead.

This story isn't just a story about a child getting mistreated, then getting sent to Equestria, it's more than that. Everyone and everypony has a reason for what they do, but those reasons remain a mystery, until... you find out what is really happening. That's what I tried to do, anyway. It's your own opinion.

Cover art by: Johnrunner Jonrunner1

Chapters (11)

This story is a sequel to Free at last.

After Twilight made Zachary her official son, they have a great time with each other, as they bond as mother and son. While they have good encounter's with most ponies, they can't say that about everypony.....

Teen because I'm not sure yet

Chapters (7)

We've all heard stories of humans who find themselves in Equestria by happenstance. We've all seen heroes and legends be removed from their typical surroundings to this magical land. But what if instead of an adult, a mere infant ends up in Equestria? What kind of life might he lead? What will he make of himself? This story may answer that question, and many more.

Original cover artwork done by Void Heart (DeviantART here). New cover artwork done by Eztp

Chapters (23)

Part of The Destiny of the Ancients

Sunset Shimmer and the rest of the Humane Six are about to start their life on Canterlot University, but Rarity still has a surprise for all of them. Seems that one song that Sunset recorded in a game of truth and dare had found its way to the internet and has become a huge success.

With this news and deciding to maintain Sunset's anonymity in the human world, Rarity put 'Jem' as the official singer and the world unanimously want more of Jem, there is just one problem, she doesn't exist... or does she?

Originally part of The Many Destinies of Sunset Shimmer, here you will find the story of Sunset Shimmer's double life as pop rock sensation and manager of Jem and the Holograms and all the adventures and crazy antics that this decision will bring to her and her friends.

Chapters (14)

In another dimension, Sunset never became the demon and bully of canterlot High; instead, she let her desires for power and recognition push her into the sport of Sensha-do (the art of the tank), where girls learn how to control and fight WW2 era tanks. Sadly, something happened at the Blue Medal Cup and made Sunset abandon Sensha-do and change schools.

She chooses Canterlot high because it is a school that has no Sensha-do program and will finally leave behind whatever happened back then. In the school she meets new and old friends and destiny comes calling, forcing her once more to take command of a tank. This time not for personal honor or power, but to help Rainbow Dash and the school, regain honor and glory after years of losing at everything.

With a Vice-Principal Luna that is doing everything she can to stop the girls from reviving the Sensha-do team, to the shenanigans and craziness that follows the Equestria Girls no matter the dimension; Sunset and the rest will have their hands full.

Join Sunset and the rest of the girls in this comical and highly explosive new adventures as they dive into the world of tanks!

Chapters (2)

Celestia and Sunset's fights were getting out of control so with that in mind both decided to take a break from their mentor/student relationship.

With a lot of time at Sunset's disposition Celestia offers the unicorn a change of pace and perspective and shows her the portal mirror, but this time instead of the Equestria Girls world being at the other side instead Sunset finds a world where magic hids behind secrets and spells.

Accepting the chance to study at the prestigious Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Sunset will find herself in the middle of a war between good and evil; will a unicorn that hasn't been touched by harmony be capable of fighting the addictive power of dark magic or will she become a pillar for Harry and his friends?

What is known is that Hogwarts and the english wizard world are not prepared for the craziness and shenanigans of Sunset Shimmer.

Originally part of The Many Destinies of Sunset Shimmer.

Chapters (6)