• Member Since 4th Jul, 2015


Male to female crossdresser , Has tenddencies to scream (when scaired ) or cry like a girl ,Loves My Little Pony ( Hugh Fan ) and Loves Dragons ( And loves to go shopping for women's clothes ) ^_^

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It came without ceremony and without warning. A huge monolith of mechanics, steam, and smoke that was unlike anything Equestria had ever seen before. It's origins are a mystery. One that demands to be solved.

Chapters (6)

Sequel to "the sun is setting." Sunset Shimmer decides that she is going back to Equestria. However that would mean she would have to face Celestia. However she is not alone, as some friends lend a helping hoof.

Art by chanceyb & theroyalprincesses

Chapters (1)

A thousand years ago, Princess Celestia banished her sister to the moon, that much we know. What wasn’t known, and what Celestia kept secret was that before her banishment, Luna had given birth to a foal. Now a thousand years later, as Nightmare returns to Equestria to bring about Eternal Night.

Twilight Sparkle, protege of Princess Celestia, struggles against the tyranny of this ancient foe. But how will she be able to save herself and her friends when the truth of this ancient legend crashes down upon her? Twilight will have to confront herself...and her heritage.


Chapters (27)

16-yr-old Twilight has been held in stasis for a millennia, ever since her mother was banished. Now, she must wait. Wait for her mother to return, wait for justice on Celestia and wait for a kinder world. After all, who would trust the Daughter of a Nightmare?
Inspired by Polaris501's story 'Heir of the Nightmare'
Currently going through an edit.

Chapters (7)

Alone and afraid, Sunset Shimmer has been living off of the streets in Canterlot ever since she ran away from home. She is barely holding on as it is and winter is coming soon, and Sunset doesn't know how she's going to survive this one. On a particularly cold night, she's out searching for something to eat when she bumps into the last pony she expects to see walking through the slums: Princess Celestia.

Edited by Alcatraz
Cover art drawn by Dilarus

YouTube Reading!

Chapters (1)

In the world of Equestria there lives creatures like ponies and other magical creatures, filled with adventures with Twilight and her friends. Until one day a strange creature from another world falls into the world of Equestria, a creature called a human! The young boy who has never learned about friendship might finally get the chance! A HiE fanfic, OCx?/Light Harem.

Chapters (4)

You're the newest human in Equestria, and you're the guest of honor in the castle while the Princesses figure out a way to get you back to earth. One night, while out looking at the stars, Princess Luna comes to pay you a visit. HiE Fluff One-shot.

Chapters (1)

It was going to be a wonderful day of hanging out with her friends at a gaming convention, filled with whatever antics the group of friends got themselves into. If only that was truly to be.

A confrontation with a strange merchant lands Dark Souls fan, Revan Eckley, in a world of technicolor equines as none other than Ornstein the Dragonslayer, the very character she had cosplayed as! Now she must set out into this ancient Equestria, and face whatever horrors that she comes across. Her arrival could not have been better timed, as it seems dragons are ravaging this land, and the Dragonslayer must rise again.
I may add tags as the story progresses and they become necessary, though for now what you see is what I believe I shall stick to.

Chapters (4)

"Have you ever heard the saying 'The enemy of my enemy is my friend...?'"

Humans and Ponies have co-existed in relative peace for thousands of years. However due to their past relations, they harbor a bitter resentment for one another...although no longer down right hostile...

When terror and chaos rain throughout the Crystal Empire on a peaceful starry night, the Crystal Guard find themselves overwhelmed by a force in the darkness. They struck with unbelievable speed and left without a trace, taking with them, the Crystal Empire's beloved Prince and Princess. No one even caught a glimpse of the ones that abducted their leaders under the cover of Luna's night. The Royal Sisters of Canterlot were quick to launch a full scale investigation to reveal their whereabouts but to no avail.

Only weeks after the incident did the shadowy organization behind it all reveal themselves...What are their motives, why have they taken Shining Armor and Cadance hostage? What exactly do they want? And what does the human visitor to Canterlot have to say?

Chapters (4)

The warmth of the summer finally fills the air and every filly and colt in the city of Canterlot is looking forward for the Summer Sun celebration, especially a little pony, called Sunset. Little does she know that very occasion would be the beginning of a new life for her.

Chapters (1)