• Member Since 4th Jul, 2015


Male to female crossdresser , Has tenddencies to scream (when scaired ) or cry like a girl ,Loves My Little Pony ( Hugh Fan ) and Loves Dragons ( And loves to go shopping for women's clothes ) ^_^

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A soldier, Tom "Blaze" Jacobs, from a special squad from the USA, found himself in Equestria, where he tries to adapt to the Equestrian life, and protect his new friends.

Tom is a boy whose originally dutch, but after a plane crash, he came into a special US army training camp, where childeren are trained from their age of 10, to become masters of the battlefield. When he is on a mission, he ends up in Equestria, where he tries to get new friends, and adapt to the life there.

Chapters (3)

A squad of US marines get transported to Equestria during a fire fight against Al-Qaeda. What will happen? Read to find out.

Chapters (10)

This story is a sequel to A Different Sunset

Sunset Shimmer was an orphan the day before. Now she isn't. Now she has a home and a good mommy to make her smile. So begins her day and she hopes the rest of them after.

Chapters (1)

A human baby, weak and fragile, is found by queen Gaia, the ruler of Equestria.Together with king Solaris, the two adopt you as their son.
Join our little prince in his times of joy and in his times of strife. With friends by his side and his little sisters, our prince will understand that friendship is magic. For he is, after all, the elder brother.

Insipred loosley onThe monster of Canterlot and (very loosley on...) The love of the sun (can't add a link because it's against FimFiction rules, go figure)
A little something I wanted to share, hope you enjoy...

Chapters (17)

This story is a sequel to Forced Adoption

Twilight is making a trip to Canterlot, to cheer up the royal sisters in their gloomiest time of year. While Twilight is there, she wants to know what makes the princesses so sad. Nopony knows, but what they do know is that "the dreadful months" have been happening for over 2 thousand years. With Twilight, you know what that long periods of time ago means: HISTORY REASERCH! During the night when the princesses were sleeping, Twilight finds the reason, to be more accurate: the reason finds her.

Will (possibly) come back. I'm not done with this story yet. It just needs an overhaul.

Chapters (8)

Jason, an orphan, sits around, dreaming of having a family. He mostly wants to do Christmas. But, his dreams finally come true! And, he gets adopted by a princess! And three cute sisters, who could literally make you faint with their cuteness. Life couldn't be better for Jason!
He actually had no say in the matter. The next thing Jason knew, he was taken to another world, ruled by ponies! He also had no say in the matter of his name. They changed it to Harmony. If she wasn't the ruler of the land (and not to mention they had phones... and CPS) he would call the Child Protection Agency and have her locked up.
... If they had it...

Chapters (26)

This is a collaboration with Fallout!
Four humans gone to Equestria in hope to share with humanity. But one more came. An orphan child. He tries to fit in, but it's impossible. After left at Equestria, Celestia, the princess of most ponies, finds the child. She decide to raise him on her own. Soon asking the other humans for there help with a few things. Will our h-
Wait, this isn't the story of the four humans?
It's about the child?
Well then!
Will this child survive? Or will he...er.....live a none happy life? Let's see!

Chapters (3)

Human Ray and his daughter Kathy are struck by a colorful bolt of lighting from a bright snow-like thunderstorm and are teleported to Equestria. Ray, In a world he knows nothing about, now has to make the ultimate choices of keeping his daughter safe. Will Ray trust the royal princesses and follow the rules of Equestria or do anything to support him and his daughters health.

I got the idea of writing this story from a forum talking about If there was any stories about an human going to equestria with their children, I haven't found one yet so I will be just writing one.

Chapters (3)

Roy was found and raised in Equestria. But after an incident that sent him back home, Princess Cadance was devastated, losing the son she always wanted. Now her son has returned. And he's staying for good.

A Sequel to Her Human

Chapters (1)

While taking a normal stroll through her home in Canterlot, Princess Cadance finds an unusual creature not native to Equestria. She decides to keep him and raise him as her own, forming a bond with a son she never had.

Chapters (1)