• Member Since 7th Feb, 2013


A mechanical dog built to fuck small horses

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When the students of Ponyville Elementary are asked to write an essay on what they're most thankful for, one report stands out among them all...

Scootaloo is a filly who's had a lot of ups and downs in her life, especially for somepony so young. She knows the meaning behind a lot of words regarding emotion, because she's felt them - deep down. Loneliness, confusion, wonder and happiness. And so, for once, an assignment won't feel so much like actual work, even if she has to do it over the holiday...

this is a fanfic for Thanksgiving yo, but srsly guise where's teh fluff-n-feelz tag

Chapters (1)

It started with one: one little pony that decided to crawl out of my monitor. Now I'm stuck with a load of tiny ponies. Things could be worse though they're entertaining to say the least. They tend to break stuff when left on their own though...but they're all rather well mannered besides that.

Note: I'm tired of being original, cute is better anyways.

Chapters (8)

Fluttershy needs a friend, she's cold and needs to be warmed up.

Chapters (2)

It's nice living with somepony you're close to. It's even nicer to share the same bed with that somepony, like Lyra and Bon Bon. Sometimes, it's just nice to sit next to them and watch your loved one sleep, especially when they talk in their sleep.

But when Bon Bon catches Lyra talking in her sleep, she isn't going to like what she hears.

I felt bad for Regidar being forced onto this earth, so I wrote him a short B-Day present. Enjoy!

Edited with the help of Flint Sparks, Skeeter the Lurker, and The Abyss

Chapters (1)

Additional tag: [Cute]
Rainbow Dash, age three, spends a heartwarming day with her family.
One cute filly, two loving parents, and plenty of time to themselves. What adorable, everyday adventures will they get themselves into? First thing in the morning, Rainbow decides that she is going to be a cat; it only gets cuter from there.

(First person Rainbow Dash)

Author's Note
Anti-Disclaimer: I take full responsibility as the author for any and all side effects that come from reading this story.*

*Side effects may include, but are not limited to: diabetes, heart attacks, cuteness induced head trauma, the feels, d’awwwwwws, and artery clogging sweetness.
Note: Any actual medical conditions are not my fault and I hope you recover quickly.

Pre-read by Sethi and Hopeless Appraisal

Chapters (1)

The unicorn and the pegasus Twilight and Fluttershy have a nice friendly sleepover at Twilight's library. As the event progresses, it escalates into something better than they could hope for.

Chapters (3)

It's a coincidence, right? I-I was just talking. J-just wishing. Wishing n-never worked. B-but here she is, and here I am. Oh I hope she doesn't hate me when I...ask her.

That star. I wish for somepony like me; you know, not that social, and I end up in this town. Crazy ponies, crazy friends, crazy...everything. Including ME!...Except... there's her...I guess the star DID grant my wish....

This is gonna be fun.... I decided on doing a ship-fic but I got this funny idea in my head to do a first person fic from two perspectives switching between the two mane characters. And lemme think...
1. I'm thinking of this as I write so I don't know what happens before I write it in...sorta.
2. Please comment, rate, and fav if it's worth it to you.
3. Give honest opinion please.
4. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Shall represent a P.O.V. change.

Chapters (7)

A day in Cloudsdale, just a routine day for many. But for two mares and a small filly it had been far from it ever since they received a simple letter three days ago.

This is a one-shot for darqfox's Twishygroup chalange.
No romance, but still a TwiShy fic.

Chapters (1)

I was just on my way through the forest when I saw her crash. I couldn't leave her there...what's a small detour on my usual trip. Never had a traveling companion out here before anyways.

Chapters (7)

It's game night and Twilight spends her time playing a game of Scrabble with the only other pony who will indulge her.

Chapters (1)