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Celestia's dinner parties have one very simple rule: don't boop the Princess. Anthony has regretfully forgotten that rule.

Now, with Luna's aid, he is on the run for his life.

The epic conclusion to the "Anon-thony" trilogy.

Chapters (1)

Despite being a brony, I have never met the main cast of the show, despite having lived in Equestria for a decent amount of time. Instead, I'm working as a janitor in Manehattan, keeping my distance from the main characters of Friendship is Magic.

I blame EternityFlame for making me write this, direct all hate towards him.

Chapters (1)

Twilight takes Anon on a tour of Ponyville shortly after he arrives in Equestria. While showing him around, she forgets to mention other species. When she introduces him to her number one assistant, Anon naturally assumes Spike is a pony. A scaly, disfigured, diseased pony. Naturally.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to The Alicorn Instinct

Set after The Alicorn Instinct, but before The Endless Nightmare

Isn't it strange what one little argument can do?

Well as our Human and his pink Princess come to discover, one argument can cause so much more than a little heartache.

Cover Art done by the brilliant Shadow Bolt!

Chapters (2)

Feeding the ducks. Sounds simple but boring, right? Sam thinks so too so he always adds a bit of fun to it. Unfortunately his fun is interrupted by something that he doesn't even know the name of.

Chapters (1)

Perhaps there's more to immortality than we first thought. Perhaps it's not about living forever, but merely escaping Death's icy cold hooves.

And by staying one step ahead of him at all times.

Chapters (1)

A young unicorn is recruited by a group as part of an assignment to test for flaws in the security surrounding the vault in Canterlot Castle. What secrets await them in the Vault?

Chapters (1)

Here I am in an afterlife, of sorts. But somewhere along the way, I lost a large chunk of my real life.

There’s only one being who could have reasonably pulled any of this off. There’s a problem, though. She doesn’t exist.


Written for the December 2016 Writeoffs, where it placed sixteenth. Caution is advised.

This story is very non-canon Optimalverse, and should therefore be approached with even further caution.

Note the self insert tag. Blatant wish fulfillment ahead. Did I mention caution?

Chapters (1)

They say that love can drive a stallion to do anything for a lady, and that couldn't be more true for a single, lonely stallion. As Pen Name stands on a bridge in Canterlot while the rain pours down upon him, he waits in desperation for a mare he has never meet.

Link to the original short story: Rain on the Bridge (Original Version)

(Re-write) Edited by tommal & Princess Amore Dudette
(Re-write) Pre-read by link4
Artwork by Little Tigress

Based upon the song "I'm With You" by Avril Lavigne

Chapters (1)

It's time for your first date with Princess Celestia.

However, your idea of a romantic evening is vastly different to hers...

Comments contain spoilers.

Chapters (1)