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Celestia watched as an injured colt was rushed to the hospital wing of the castle, clinging to life by a thread. Luna battles her demons as she tries to help the colt heal from his, all so that he may continue to live.
Both sisters struggle with the questions that arise from what they've witnessed.
Neither of them know what will happen, going forward.

"This is the first, and perhaps will be the only, male alicorn that Equestria has seen. He came not in radiant glory to battle with Chaos that We Know Well, The Lord of Shadows, the Magic Eater and other foes, as you and Princess Luna did. Neigh, he came upon us in his time of need. We were the ones to help him.

Your Highness, what do you think that says about where he came from?"

The Dark Tag is for specific scenes and situations, not because the overall story is dark.
[Danny Phantom x MLP Crossover, Both are AU, Mentions of Marvel Movie Verse and DP being in the same world]
[Side Story / Sister Fic / and What-If Off-Shoot to Spectrology on FanFiction and AO3 but reading it shouldn't be needed]


Chapters (7)

A target drone is dangerously wandering in the skies above Equestria and its up to the Wonderbolts to shoot it down.

Chapters (1)

Luna tries to convince Celestia that the sun belongs to her because it is a star.

Chapters (2)

Life in Equestria has been peaceful for a very long time; However, this kind of peace is not achievable with laws alone. Hidden, like a dirty secret, two societies fight against each other for a fair and just world. Despite their goals being similar, their ways of achieving said goals are far from compatible. One side will grow tired of the other and make a stand, while the other will retaliate so that their way of life will live on. The question is; Which side is right, and which is wrong? But, more importantly; Who will overpower the other?
Who's side are you on?

This idea has been festering for a while. It was inspired by the, always lovely, Lt.Lickme. You can find him on youtube, really wonderful human being. Seriously, check out his stuff. I recommend the ones that this story was inspired from. Anonymous Hacker and Stalker Trolling (More specifically, the stalker reboot: The Watcher)

CLICK HERE to see what I'm talking about!
Image is now a screenshot from this video linked in CLICK HERE.

Chapters (3)

'Caught' has been edited slightly. Re-read and try to spot what's changed XD

The crime rate in Canterlot was hitting an all time high, which was perfect for a young thief like Chase.

Unfortunately his fellow thieves started getting caught. And everypony knows what happens when you get caught.

You're taken to Celestia and interrogated in ways so horrible, so demeaning that the one caught is never the same again.

Chase knows this and refuses to let it happen to him.

For even if he is caught, he knows in his heart that he will never give up his life of crime. And nopony, not even Celestia herself can change that...


This story is just a bit of fun that popped up in my mind. Mostly because I wanna write Celestia in a good way for once XD

No possessiveness, no darkness, just a gentle, motherly Celestia.

I'm not sure about the tags, so if I'm missing something then tell me XD

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to Cuddle Time...Again!

You are a royal guard. You're having a particularly bad day, but the good news is that somepony is coming along today that might lift you out of your funk with some killer hugs.

The final installation in the trilogy which includes Cuddle Time and Cuddle Time...Again!

EDIT: Featured 8/1/17! Danke!

Chapters (1)

Before I became a fan of the show My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. I didn't much care for it , or it's fandom, but there was one reason I got into it. It was the day Princess Celestia somehow came to my home!

She was hurt, and drained of her magic so I helped her out, and showed her that well...she was part of a show!

We became friends rather quickly during those weeks and soon, when she left when she was able, she would come to visit, and even though I had a spare room for her, she always asked...well I'm sure you can guess!

(On hold until further notice)

Chapters (1)

The year is 22xx and virtual and augmented reality have come a long way to the point of even with a modest set up anyone can enjoy it. All you need is a computer and a special set of glasses. With VAR computers are capable of taking any image or video and in real time extrapolate a fully 3 dimensional view through the glasses allowing people to quite literally be a ghostly observer of their favorite movies or TV shows.

Thomas an avid collector of old forms of media from the 20th and 21st centuries manages to get a hold of a rare set of master discs for the animated series My little pony Friendship is magic. He decides to run it though the augmented reality program and watch it for the first time as if he was there. Things quickly take a turn for the weird. Will he hurt or help those around him, only time will tell.

Edited by Dark Chocolate

*Edit* Added the sex tag to this. There's nothing explicit nor anything actually happening, but since I mentioned it if figured I'd have to add the tag.

Chapters (11)

This story is a sequel to Cuddle Time

You are a royal guard, and Princess Luna has called you back to her room for another night of...only partially platonic cuddling and snuggling. This time, you and her learn a little more about her during a game of Truth or Dare!

Sequel to Cuddle Time and written over the weekend because I keep my poorly thought-out promises.

Some under-the-wire editing help provided by FamousLastWords.

EDIT: Featured 7/25/17! I love waking up to see these in the featured box- thank you!
EDIT: 11/17/17- I forgot to post this earlier, but this now has a YouTube reading, which can be found HERE.

Chapters (1)

You are a Royal Day Guard. You are surprised one day to be approached by the Princess of the Night, who asks you to appear at her chambers that evening to perform an unknown task...

Written because I needed Luna cuddles.

EDIT: Featured 7/21/17! Thank you!
EDIT: Now with a reading by Kinetic Heat on Youtube, here!

Chapters (1)