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  • Featured 23557 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

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Nobody knows this but long ago Princess Luna had a young alicorn colt but she never saw him again when Nightmare Moon took over. But now that Nightmare is no longer around, how will her son, Night Sky react and cope with his mother being Princess Luna. But Night Sky must chose, should he stay with his friends or be with his mother again, he can't have both, can he? And who is Ember Phoenix?

Chapters (9)

While on a visit to Canterlot, Twilight has a brief encounter with an odd stallion in a cloak.
As it turns out, he's an old acquaintance of Princess Celestia's. A very old one.

If you liked this story, please tell me! If you thought this story was a load of hogwash, then please also tell me! I adore feedback of any kind.
Thanks to R5h for suggesting the title.
Edit: Oh, hello there Popular Stories! Nice to finally meet you.

Chapters (1)

With problems on the rise, Celestia considers an option that which should never be considered. But luckily, a solution presents itself in the form of something no one would have expected. This may, or may not include, explosion(s), worshipping, randomness, and clashing of ideologies.

Don't take this seriously. It was something thrown together in 15 minutes as I ate a Twix.
Teen for 'strong language'

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to The One Who Got Away

A frustrated young orphan colt with a talent for painting is determined to run away from his dead-end rural village for the distant cultural haven of Baltimare. All he needs to do is slip aboard a raft and drift down the river Fen until he reaches his destination. It’s a simple plan, and would have worked just fine except for one thing.


Editors: Tek, Docontra, Themaskedferret,

Image credit: Pen Mightier(pencil) and Manifest Harmony (colors)

Now Featured on Equestria Daily
And a wonderful review by Paul Asaran
Available in paperback at Lulu.com at cost

Chapters (20)

When Gaberdine is awarded a noble title by Princess Celestia, he soon finds out that his new lands contain several surprises. For starters, there is no land in his new barony. Secondly, his new castle turns out to be a broken-down riverboat. And third is… seaponies.

Baron Gaberdine has a lot to learn about his new barony. And himself.

Fortunately, he has a very young teacher.

Now with a sea-quill (sorry) Drifting Down the Lazy River

Cover photo by PhoenixSwift
Editing/Pre-Reading assistance by Tek, Shaleclaw, Peter, Seether00, Monsieur Connoisseur, GhostOfHeraclitus, The Masked Ferret, Blue Paladin42 and Admiral Biscuit

Note: Unlike The Traveling Tutor and the Librarian, this is a single POV love story, like Changelings, Love and Lollipops. Only with fewer cannons and fountains.
Now Featured on Equestria Daily
With a YouTube Reading of the first chapter by BigAsh
And with a dramatic reading by Neighrator Pony and company Full playlist here.
Thanks for a wonderful review by Paul Asaran
Available in paperback through Lulu.com at cost.

Chapters (8)

I'm a human, and I just woke up in this really freakin' weird place. Why the hell does everyone hate me so much?!

anonpencil helped

Narration by Lector Readings

Chapters (1)

(Set after Season 6, completely disregards season 7 when that comes around, due to the nature of this story.)

It has been several months since Queen Chrysalis retreated from her hive, disappearing into the horizon of the badlands. Relations between Equestria and the Changeling Kingdom have improved dramatically in that time. But Chrysalis is still on the loose, likely playing it safe and quiet, feeding on scraps wherever she can.
It is on one night, at the edge of Ponyville that Tone Shift, an earth pony she had snacked on before, finds her. She is wounded, starving and weak. Despite not remembering their previous encounter, Tone Shift decides to help her anyway, taking the former Changeling Queen into his home to nurse her back to health. With little other choice, Chrysalis accepts his offer to help, wondering what fate has in store for her.

Check out my reading of this story over on YouTube: LINK HERE!

(Sex tag is mostly for suggestive dialogue and jokes, as well as maybe mild sexual content later on.)

Chapters (19)

Hi, my name's Nightingale and I think my Mommy's the best Mommy in the world. She doesn't just have one face, but many. And she always saves the very best face just for me.

Mommy has a great big list of ponies that hurt her before she adopted me. I really hope she gets to meet them all again. To make them apologize.

Artwork by LaurenMagpie.

Chapters (1)

Discord is bored, and up for a bit of sport. Luna and Celestia could do without the additional headache.

(Oneshotober 2014)

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Idle Claws

Well. It wasn’t that big a deal. He’d just put the sun out.

And now it was just a matter of causing enough chaos to recover his magic to a point where he could fix it.

Without causing so much chaos that he'd actually be in trouble for it.

All before Celestia woke up and noticed.

Discord was in for a long night.

Chapters (1)