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Equestria is in general a really kind, wholesome place. You've been around the block a few times, and seen your fair share of hardship. But honestly? Some of the slang that these ponies seem to be worrying about is just... out of line. Don't seven year old's say worse things on Xbox Live?

This Story Contains: Nothing to Worry About. Trust Me.

Don't you Trust Me?

Reading by Straight To The Point Studios

Chapters (1)

Twilight has a secret coltfriend who nobody knows about.  Not even her.

And he’s not too sure either.

Then Luna gets involved, and it only gets weirder.

Editors: Tek, Mitch H, Airy Words
Cover photo: Getty images

Chapters (19)

Spike's eleven year nap is interrupted by a little filly in his treehouse...

Third place winner in The Writeoff Association's June event, "A Matter of Perspective"

Now with a Spanish Translation, by SPANIARD KIWI.

Chapters (1)

Sweet Sauce was once a Stallion of renown and stature, a pony others respected and admired. Unfortunately for him, all that success eventually turned to pride, and ended with a sentence of banishment from Equestria.

There was no term to his sentence--but Sweet Sauce was not the kind of pony to surrender. He had centuries to reflect, to reconsider, and to gather power for his triumphant return. But perhaps he should've spent a little more time.

His incredible spell worked, returning him to the world of his birth. But instead of his own powerful body, he's now a small, useless earth pony, in a world that has forgotten he ever existed. Sweet is determined to make up for his mistakes, and to prove to the princesses of Equestria that he is a changed pony.

Too bad he looks like a homeless little colt without a cutie mark.

Updates Thursdays until complete. Editing by Two Bit and Sparktail. Coverart by Solder Point.

This story was written as a Patreon reward for Boopy Doopy.

Chapters (23)

This story is a sequel to Your Own Fault for Leaving Fruit Out

After the whole strawberry incident, Anon decided to switch to mangoes for a while.

Will this be any better?

Written for the One Thousand Word contest by Bicyclette

Chapters (1)

It's finally strawberry season.

They're big and juicy and just ripe for anything.

Especially...a fruit bat.

Written for the One Thousand Word contest by Bicyclette

Chapters (1)

Septimus isn't the luckiest guy. A musician that didn't quite make it in his dream career, he works part time as a sound technician. He's not terribly appreciated, and nobody cared enough to ask after him. The only thing keeping his life together is his nightly Parkour runs, free running his troubles away for a few hours.

But things get a bit interesting when he's visited by a mystery mare he hasn't met before, and can't seem to look at either, all on a Moonlight Promenade.

Chapters (18)

What would happen to someone, who bears the burden of fighting a war, when they are taken to a place where such a struggle is nonexistent?
Phillip Hutton, a USAAC pilot stranded in Equestria, is given a chance to reflect and rebuild the fragments of his humanity in a world full of magical, talking ponies.

Chapters (5)

This story is a sequel to The Voices Inside My Head

Nightmare Moon has. . . adjusted, to her "roommates". But that doesn't mean they still aren't as annoying as ever.

But that's a matter for a different time.

Right now, she has a country to run. Too bad she can't run it alone, if the voices inside her head has anything to say about it.

Featured 4/15/22

Chapters (3)