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This story is a sequel to 2+2=3?

All artists want their art to be held in the highest regards. For Anon, that means she wants on the fridge.

Featured 1/26/21

Warning; Contains a drawing so horrendous, so terrible, your eyes may bleed. You have been warned.

Cover Sauce

Chapters (1)

From everyday tasks to world ending crisis solving, a lot of things can be shaken up with the addition of a high-tech firearm wielding sociopath, who claims to have once led an empire. Despite the overall weirdness of the situation, there is only one question that lacks any sort of an answer:

Why does a glorified salesman have more experience in direct combat and weapon crafing than he does in running a business?

Whatever the case may be, the only thing the ruler of Equestria wants is a day without news of him inciting mass hysteria in the population. At this point, she might just about start funding his questionable ventures if it means she can catch a break from property damage reports.

Chapters (3)

Ever since he was a foal, Light Flow had always known he was destined to be a villain—but not just any villain; no, he wanted to be a Necromancer.

He had always been obsessed with reading fiction stories about the forbidden practice of Necromancy, and much to his delight, his cutie mark spelled his unavoidable destiny as a member of his oh-so revered profession!

But Necromancy is extremely taboo, and very illegal. Equestria hadn't even seen a genuine Necromancer since the times of the fabled Nightmare Moon.

Substituting joy for dread, Light Flow knew that he would have to hide his especially special talent at any cost. Whether in his daily, mundane life as a bookish nerd, or in the heat of extreme danger.

Good thing he doesn't have any friends, right?



I have deleted the old AN in favor of a new one.

Hello all! If you don't know me, then good! I'm a stranger, and it'd be weird if you knew who I am!

This is my first story, and basically my first experience writing something long-term. To that end, the beginning of the story is a bit rough, but I grew as a writer somewhat significantly as time went on, so it doesn't stay quite as bad!

The story itself has somewhat wavered from goal to goal as I argued with myself about what I wanted from it, though I eventually managed to settle. In its current state, it's mostly managed to stick to a strange blend of comedic tragedy interspersed sporadically with magical jargon and slice of life.

An added warning due to justified complaining: this experience can be very subdued. Not for the easily bored or angered. Personally, I tend to use Background Pony as a benchmark for a person's capability to withstand words.

Prepare yourself for lots of rants and barely coherent plot-threads! :pinkiecrazy:

Also i'm an idiot who probably tagged wrong.

Also i'm a bad person who stole a Jargon Scott image for the cover. (And then a wonderful person named Adin Terim edited it <3)

Chapters (72)

An accident in the lab sends our favorite boy genius to Equestria, as a pony. What will he do and how will he get back? The answer: Science! (Cover Art Updated!)
New FAQ! and TV Tropes!
Planned Phrases from Dexter:
“Pinkie Pie! Don’t push that Button!” /to Pinkie
“Please, Magic is the word simpletons and the ignorant use to describe what they cannot understand.”/ to Twilight
“No, I didn't strap a rocket to you. I strapped you to a rocket.” /to Rainbow Dash
“Friends? Who needs friends?”

Dexter is a boy super-genius with a disdain for anything girlish and no desire for friendship. After an mishap in his lab, he gets stuck in Equestria. How will he cope with the over-friendly ponies, and the girlish everything?
For any who do not know Dexter's Lab: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dexter's_Laboratory
[RIP Christine Cavanaugh: 8/16/63-12/22/2014] - Dexter's Original Voice Actress

Chapters (16)

My name’s Marcus. Marcus Cortez. I’m currently a freshman at CUFTA. You don’t know what that means? Well, it stands for “Canterlot University for the Arts.” While it is a little unsettling to go to college in a completely different world from my own, and while being a human in a school full of mostly ponies is a little intimidating, I’m doing fine so far. I don’t have to worry about roommates, since I don’t live in a dorm. I live with my aunt.

Her name is Celestia. Princess Celestia.

You’re probably wondering how a human could be the nephew of a pony, and an alicorn princess, no less. Well, it’s quite the story.

In case you haven't guessed yet this is an anthro story, and my first time writing a story in first person, so we'll see how this goes.

The prologue for this story starts sixteen years prior to the return of Nightmare Moon and the story's main events take place after Season 3 ends.

The cover picture is an original drawing of mine.

Edited by danail24

Chapters (29)

What does it mean to betray Anon? What does it mean to challenge human destiny? Fate? A man in hard denial of his urges?

[Warning: An attack from an angry horny man in denial]

08/18/22 - 08/20/22 Featured?
[What is wrong with you]

Chapters (1)

Princess Luna, having been recently reformed and freed from Nightmare Moon, brings a stallion she just met with her to Canterlot.

Princess Celestia says nothing and goes along with it.

Princess Mi Amore Cadenza is thrilled to have a live test subject.

And Baked Bean has no idea that Alicorns like to compete over everything.

Edited by Georg, Double R Forrest, and Tek

Cover art commissioned by an anonymous fan and drawn by Apricalico

Chapters (5)

Walter, human who has a door in his house that just-so happens to lead into Canterlot castle, is popping around for a cup of sugar. Little does he know that his judgement is about to called upon in a way he would never have expected...

Chapters (1)

After an urgent summon from Fancy Pants, both Celestia and Luna attend Day court. However, a new precedent is set when Fancy Pants presents a male alicorn to the two princessess, one he found dumpster diving behind his house.

Not much else to say without spoiling a lot of the story. Just jump in and heave a read!

Chapters (17)

Jonathan was a human. That is until he woke up as a pony, in Canterlot. A magical alicorn pony... He is not particularly happy about that last one.

Description edited June 7, 2024.
Expect very slow updates. Might have an editor now. Will likely edit and modify old chapters slightly, but not to the extent of neglecting new content.

Story was almost cancelled, but then I realised that I still wanted to keep writing just a little further.
Just some forewarning though. This story is not for everyone. It is a slow-burn slice-of-life which lacks much serious threat. There is no big villain, and the storyline progresses quite slowly and you may get bored.
I am still new-ish to writing, so the writing quality (especially surrounding characters and dialogue) may leave something to be desired.

A story about someone with limited knowledge of the show, (basic facts on a small scale, no timeline stuff) wakes up as an alicorn (early-teen) in Canterlot. He is not happy about this fact.

General info:
No, they do not have OP alicorn powers. Yes, he is sort-of a foal, but not of baby age and this will not affect his personality or emotional-capacity in any way.
Gender swapping? No, I asked in the comments, people want a male alicorn.
Will this impact my other story (Clouds)? Probably, depends on if people want me to continue it or not.

Rating was changed from [E] to [T]. Don't expect content to change too much, it's mostly a precaution, but I will try to keep the story as close to [E] as I can for now. Change was made after Ch:11.

Tags will be updated with story.

Chapters (12)