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Five stallions spend a night getting hammered at a bar in Canterlot, with cider and a round of poker to pass the time. No harm, no foul.

Cover art image owned by Littleivy25.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to First Night and Then Some

Almost a year has passed since Soarin and Rainbow Dash shared a now-famous kiss at Canterlot Stadium. Now, the blossoming relationship they share will be put to an unavoidable test. Their dreams for the future and dedication to each other will collide on the day Soarin dreads: Wonderbolt tryouts.

Chapters (1)

This is my alternate ending to Pegasus Device By: AuroraDawn
Rainbow Dash is faced with a choice, she can get everypony killed or try to make amends with the ghost of a mare that should be dead.
Absentia has her hooves on the liquid thunder valve ready to throw it open and end it all. End all of the lives in the room. But is that what she really wants?

You will need to read Pegasus Device. My story picks up in chapter four.
This is the first story I ever wrote. Please, let me know what you think.

Chapters (5)

The time has finally come for A. K. Yearling to sit down and immortalise the latest in Daring Do’s long line of adventures. However, like any other story, she couldn't possibly publish them as is.

Sometimes they just need a few, minor... adjustments.

Originally written in the week after Strange than Fanfiction aired, and forgotten for unknown reasons/too afraid to post it.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to A Little Push

He never seems to fit in. Some of them are dynamic and active, he is passive. Some of them are driven, he is lethargic. Some of them talk, he simply listens. Yet nopony doubts that he is a true friend.

Turquoise Blitz and Prism Bolt have a relationship, to the eyes of most ponies, roughly equivalent to what their mothers had. All it takes is one incident in their youth to form a bond with no words, no promises and total understanding.

And, as is often the case, the strongest bonds are christened in blood.

This is my entry to Kilala97's Fun Fact Fanfic Contest.

Proofreading done by Imaginary Valued.

Chapters (1)

Sunburst tries to calm down a seven year old Flurry with a fairy tale of the long forgotten past, which reveals how magic originally got to Equestria and the surrounding lands. The legend of Callidus, the pony who brought magic to all.

A story for the Monthly Contest Club's April 2017 challenge.

Proofread by themaskedferret.

Chapters (1)

What is but a small thing to one, is the greatest of gifts to another.

Spike decides to give somepony a very special gift indeed.

A Random little oneshot I hope you will enjoy.

Chapters (1)

After the second attack from Chrysalis, Twilight Sparkle considers getting her own Guard. She discusses it with her fellow Royals, including ways to make the Guard more suitable to Ponyville.
She gains five Guards, each with their own skills.

Part of the Cornerverse-MLP Universe.

Chapters (1)

The girls have run out of interesting stories to tell. Each one is either an adventure they've all heard or one they helped to make. In an effort to avoid a boring afternoon, Applejack and Rarity decide to tell a few tales of life in Ponyville before they all became a group of friends. After all, the two of them were born and raised in this town, so who better to tell stories?

Featured: no.9 (4/19/17)

Chapters (5)

Standing on the ruins of Chrysalis's fallen empire, newly-crowned King Thorax has a long overdue meeting with his former peers. Amidst their discussions, the reborn changelings are met by a coal nymph, forgotten in the hive's nursery. Scared and confused, the young drone shuts down towards all but Thorax, who consoles the nymph, and demonstrates the power of sharing love between changelings.

* Edited by Double R Forrest.
* Part of the Love Bug Continuity!
* Story artwork by Percy-McMurphy.

Chapters (1)