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It's been a long time since Shining Armor has seen his parents. So, upon discovering that Cadence and he are going to become parents, the couple decides to reveal the happy news to them.

They pick a rather exclusive restaurant that happens to be a favorite of Night Light and Twilight Velvet's to break the news. However, Cadence and Shining Armor may not be the only ones who have something to reveal at the dinner that evening.

Chapters (1)

Ember wants to see the rise of a smarter, friendlier dragon society in the future. For her dragon subjects, this presents quite a steep learning curve.

Chapters (1)

When Scootaloo and a new student get into a fight at school, it's up to Rainbow Dash and Twilight Sparkle to teach her the importance of Griffon/Pony relations by reading the story of the first encounter between a Griffon huntress and a Pegasus soldier.

Now on Equestria Daily

Cover Art By

Editing and Pre-reading done by

Chapters (2)

I write short little stories when I'm warming up the gears for my larger works. This is where they'll be deposited for your viewing pleasure. Each story will be a stand-alone, unless specifically stated as such.

1. Feelings
Tags: Romance, Slice of Life
Description: There's NO POSSIBLE WAY Rainbow Dash likes Twilight! I mean, that'd be absolutely, positively, uncool... right?

2. The Deal
Tags: Romance
Description: Sometimes, deals are simply too sweet to pass up...

3. Curiosity
Tags: Romance, Comedy
Description: A question has been nagging at Twilight for weeks now, but she may not like the answer!

4. Seven Minutes
Tags: Romance, Comedy
Description: Sometimes, it's good to be stuck in the closet...

5. Chocolate
Tags: Romance, Comedy
Description: How can one day be such a big problem?

6. All Your Fault
Tags: Romance, Sad, Tragedy
Description: You said you could handle it—and you certainly didn't...

7. Moonlight
Tags: Slice of life, Romance
Description: Twilight has been missing for hours, and Celestia is worried.

8. Beach
Tags: Adventure, Human
Description: Our favorite heroines hit the beaches in force.

9. Journalist
Tags: Slice of Life, Random, Comedy
Description: Scootaloo's on a search for a good story.

10. Static
Tags: Slice of Life, Romance
Description: Ever feel like you've been stuck in a rut?

11. Sixty Minutes
Tags: Slice of Life, Romance
Description: Tick, tick, tick....

12. Munchies
Tags: Slice of Life
Description: Twilight weathers a break-in

13. Grapefruit
Tags: Slice of Life, Romance
Description: Twilight tries to get Rainbow Dash to eat grapefruit.

12. Love Knows No Bounds
Tags: Random, Comedy
Description: Truly, this is a love for the ages.

13. Sleep
Tags: Romance, Comedy
Description: Rainbow Dash likes sleeping a little too much.

14. Arson, Murder and Lifesaving
Tags: Romance, Adventure, Dark
Description: All that stands between Rainbow Dash and saving her friends is a giant warrior moose. This'll be fun.

15. Armor
Tags: Slice of Life, Sad, Romance
Description: Sometimes, we all need a little reassurance.

16. Chocolate II
Tags: Romance, Comedy
Description: That one day is still a huge problem...

17. The Staring Contest
Tags: Romance, Comedy, Slice of Life
Description: Rainbow Dash always wins. Always.
18. The Leak
Tags: Comedy, Romance, Random
Description: Simple solutions to complex problems.

Chapters (26)

A sequel of "Be Like You." Spitfire calls Rainbow Dash into her office to give her some news. Long after the greatest flyer in all of Equestria has achieved everything she ever dreamed, an echo still resounds.

Chapters (1)

Fast pace one shot

A creature of light and dark stands before him. Only he stands between it and the mare he loves and her daughter. There is no chance of him wining here is were he will die. The least he could do is fight till he is nothing but dust in the wind. Anything to save the ones he loves.

Chapters (1)

This is a short story about Starswirl the Bearded. It is also a story about an Earth Pony. However, this is not a story about two ponies. This is a story about one pony.

One shot.
Depending on reader response, I may do more stories about Starswirl.


Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to A Pie Without Filling

Set two months after the events of A Pie Without Filling, reading that story first is advised. :twilightsmile:

Cheese lets his thoughts wander as he strolls around town. Only to find that a solution might be right under his nose.

Chapters (1)

It's open-house day at Twilight's new tree-castle in Ponyville. Ponies from all over the land have come to visit the princess's home. One small filly is especially excited to see Twilight and her friends spread the magic of friendship over Equestria.

An episode-style slice of life story. Takes place during season 5.

Chapters (1)

Cloudsdale's Winter Rollout announcment for a white winter all season long puts everypony on the Ponyville weather team in a jovial mood. A wonderland with holiday cheer and snow-filled festivities all winter long will make the end of the year one to remember for sure, that is except for one rainy mare.

Sprinkle Medley, the newest and youngest pegasus of the weather team, feels buried alive in the news with depression overwhelming her like an avalanche. Skipping her daily duties, she retires to her living room with a roaring fire and a nice cup of cocoa to keep her company as she tries to ride out the flurry of emotions alone.

Proofread and Pre-Read by Nopony_Important, Sky Shocker, and mattstheman
Cover Art Princess of Rain III by bluemeganium

Chapters (1)