Other Stories 810 stories
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Tempest has nowhere to go, and nopony to turn to. Luckily, Twilight is willing to help. While Tempest suffers the consequences for her actions against Equestria, Twilight Sparkle helps teach her about friendship. Can Tempest redeem herself while still suffering the hardships of the past? Will she ever truely be free?

Chapters (2)

This is a collection of assorted short stories, drabbles, and flashfics I've written.

There is a prologue, and a bit of connecting narrative, but for the most part, each chapter will be a separate story or scene in itself. If it's been posted elsewhere, I'll try to have a link to where I originally posted it.

Chapters (23)

After the Storm King's defeat, the Friendship Festival was finally able to start. The Mane 6 are finally able to say goodbye to the new friends they made on their journey.

Major spoilers for My Little Pony: The Movie

Chapters (3)

After trading in a memory-erasing magic artifact for a second chance, all of Wallflower Blush's social insecurities were quickly forgotten.

Except for the part where that didn't happen. Instead, Wallflower now has to confront old grudges she's held against the students of Canterlot High School, along with the reasons she formed them to begin with. Some are petty, some are painful, but to Wallflower, they're all real.

Up until now, confronting them has always ended badly. However, after several chance meetings, Wallflower's odds look slightly better than usual—especially after bumping into a quirky indie movie director who seems to really enjoy her company.

Can Wallflower's blossoming friendships—and sudden romance—make up for the sadness and mistakes of her friendless past?

Part of the Montage Cinematic Universe.

Cover Artwork: Gabbslines

Chapters (17)

The sign by the tent which had mysteriously sprung up overnight seemed obvious enough, but Twilight couldn't help but be curious. Besides, she really needed it to move on. That's why she asked Spike to investigate... and here our story begins.

It's not what you think. Or, it may be exactly what you think. Hmm...

Chapters (3)

You are a big Wonderbolts fan, and after coming to possess some VIP Wonderbolts tickets, you have the opportunity to meet (and attempt to woo) none other than Rainbow 'Danger' Dash!

In this Choose-Your-Own-Adventure Romance story, the choices are yours to make! But beware! The consequences are yours to deal with, as well. There are 9 endings (can you find them all?), and hundreds of unique paths to take through the story!

Spiritual successor story to Cuddle-Your-Own-Celestia and Love-Your-Own-Luna.

Rated T just to be safe (mildly suggestive content is present but limited). Cover art by Probablydnon.

Now with an AWESOME SONG EDITION from Luck Rock!

EDIT: Featured 5/7/18!
EDIT: Featured at #2 same day. OH BOY!

Chapters (52)

It's true that the Pillars saved Equestria from many dangerous threats back in their day. And going off of just a select few examples, it seems their routine was always the same: Find a foe, combat it, and banish it to another realm. But Meadowbrook will be the first to tell you that was not always how things panned out. She recalls one particular threat that she approached in a different way; a way that Starswirl didn't approve of at the time. But given what happened to Stygian, perhaps her method was superior after all...

Chapters (1)

This is an anthology of my flash-fiction stories. Each story is exactly 150 words long. Some of them were written for the monthly Flashfic contest.

Each chapter is a one-shot story. Story context is provided before each story (e.g. story tags and origin).

Chapters (12)

When Starlight Glimmer feels left out as everypony else spends time with their little sisters, she seeks someone of her own to bond with: Diamond Tiara. And apparently, they share a lot more in common than either of them had ever realized.

My tags: Uplifting Heartwarming

Comedy tag is for light comedy, as it is not the main focus.

Vectors: Starlight , Diamond Tiara

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Know your Mare

It was the simplest of simple days when a mother gave her charming son a cookie. But what's one colt to do with a whole cookie?

One-shot fluff. Enjoy.

Chapters (1)