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When Angel returns from picking carrots, Fluttershy finds him to be more responsible and willing to be helpful without being asked. Her mood goes from delighted to confused when they are confronted by another "Angel"

Picture done by DA Artist Xyotic

Chapters (4)

This story explores a dragon's nature somewhat, and spins a narrative of a middle-aged Spike regaling a visitor about the favorite item in his hoard: a statue of his favorite pony. It is a story about Spike, Rarity, reminiscing, letting go, and preserving that which is most precious to us.

Chapters (2)

Ever since she was a filly Lyra Heartstrings dreamed of a filly as sweet and as amazing as her and her father's favorite treats. And every time she fell asleep she lived the life of Bon Bon, the filly of her dreams.

Ever since she was a filly Bon Bon dreamed of a filly that she drew. One that had the color scheme and body that she thought was the personification of her favorite flavor. And every time she fell asleep she lived the life of Lyra Heartstrings, the filly of her dreams.

Watch their journey as two dreamers, dream their dreams, and question where the line between reality and dreams being and end.

Inspired by a random comment by DeluxeMagnum69

Editor: AnonponyDASHIE

Coverart: The awesome and amazing IJAB.

Review: GrimWolf's Den. Tumblr by, GrimWolf

Now with a Youtube live reading: MLP Fanfictions live reading.


I had this sitting on my laptop for almost half a year now. So I thought that I would post it up.

Chapters (2)

When he was younger, Spike thought nothing would ever change. But part of growing up is learning that letting go is a part of life. He'd never forget them. Spike centric, oneshot.

Chapters (1)

This is a tribute to a series of fanfiction by Alex Warlorn called Pony POV Series.

The original can be found here: http://www.fimfiction.net/story/32519/Pony-POV-Series-Season-Zero%3A-Discorded-Ponies

This story takes place in one of the countless alternate worlds of Equestria. Here another version of Discord comes into contact with Truth, the mirror into parallel dimensions. There he sees a world where he rules over Equestria with the Mane Six as his minions.

It was also my first story, first shown on deviantart. Please comment.

The title image is "Discord Statue Vector" by dezufnocosem (http://dezufnocosem.deviantart.com/)

Chapters (1)

A story I wrote way back over the summer, slightly revised and brought over to Fimfiction. The basic idea was to take that moment in Suited For Success where Spike bursts in and says he convinced Hoity Toity to come see Rarity's show and expand upon it, exploring the implication that everyone's favorite baby dragon is a highly effective networker who's built up such a wide web of friends and acquaintances throughout Canterlot that he has enough clout to drag a big-shot fashion designer to a goofy little just-for-fun fashion show in the middle of nowhere. However, I found myself enjoying the characters and setting enough that it ended up being the start of a little fanon side-continuity I've taken to writing in, one where the action focuses on Canterlot and musicians have the spotlight.

Chapters (1)

Today is an extra-special day for Discord. One he's been looking forward to all year. Or rather all day, since he had just learned about it previously from Fluttershy. A day that's all about him, all about his needs, his greatness, and how truly awesome he is. A day to feed his ego like the gluttonous pig it is.

Why, it's Discord's birthday of course!

What, you thought it was another type of celebration day? Please, don't be a fool.

Super amazing awesome cover art can be found here!

Chapters (1)

Rarity bothers Maud.

That's just an unfortunate fact. Among all of Pinkie Pie's friends, Maud likes Rarity the least. She's too fussy, too picky... and she loves fashion, one of Maud's least favorite things in the world. For a mare with gems on her flank, the two of them simply do not get along.

Following the Grand Galloping Gala, Rarity approaches Maud about replacing that "gaudy old" dress of hers. Not wanting to be rude, Maud takes her up on the offer―but she quickly learns that dealing with an impatient fashionista like Rarity comes with problems of its own.

A short one-off about change and fashion.
Inspired by the PonyMania Maud toy, as well as a conversation with Hazeyhooves. Thanks to Pascoite for editing help.

Featured in Nonpareil Fiction!

Chapters (1)

Sequel to 'No Glimmer of Hope'

The wicked false former king of the Crystal Empire survived the power of the Crystal Heart, and since then had been wandering Equestria, waiting patiently as his strength slowly returned.

He stumbled across a snowy mountain, and found a cave in which he took refuge in.

The darkness in the mountains tunnels shall offer him no mercy.

Chapters (1)

Flim and Flam find themselves down and out in the Fire Swamp after another failed attempt at entrepreneurship. Turns out the inhabitants there aren't their typical kind of customers either...

A short, silly story written for the January Writeoff - The Best Medicine

Chapters (1)