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With Nightmare Night so close by, the residents of Ponyville are so busy setting up for the night's events. It'd be foolish for any pony to leave things to the last minute.
Well, then you have Queen Drinksalot aka Berry Punch; Ponyville's lovable town drunk. Who did something crazier than leaving things to the last minute, she left it to drunk Berry. Who knows what kind of mischief she got into last night, in preparation for Nightmare Night? It's up to Berry Punch to make sure Nightmare Night goes well for both Pinchy and Cheerilee or suffer the shame of spoiling the evening.

Chapters (12)

Five years ago, I screwed up. When I learned my daughter and Princess Luna were together, I tried to stop them. I ended up hurting my daughter, losing the love and respect of my family, and even driven out of Canterlot.

For five years, I have become a broken stallion, living in regret of my actions. With only a small shine of hope, I keep moving forward, hoping I can one day earn my redemption. And now I have a chance to make everything right again. Yet, the cost for doing this is high.

But that's alright. I'll do anything for Twilight.

Because I'm her father.

Note: It's not required to read the original story for this fic.

This is an Alternate Universe sequel of the fanfic To Love a Mare by Mayhem Darkshadow, the story follows on the premise that Night Light, Twilight's father, was exiled for his crimes against Twilight and Luna.

Chapters (4)

Granny Smith has recently passed away and it has come at a huge blow for the Apple Family. Because of that the family has to adjust and Applejack has been overworking herself. To solve that problem, Big Macintosh has decided to enlist the help of some family and friends in order to help cover up some of the farm work. Of course even with the Apple Family down a member, the family is still about to grow even larger then before.

Chapters (7)

The Great and Powerful Trixie turns to radical politics.

Chapters (7)

Equestria, a peaceful and loving land with but a few problems here and there like any kingdom. Co-Ruled by Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. Equestria, a symbol of equality and harmony.

Caballussia, a warring and spiteful land with but a few shimmers of joy here and there like any empire. Co-Ruled by the two most heinous demons that the pit has ever spawned. Caballussia, a symbol of inequality and disharmony.

Each the mirror of the other... Each with only one on the other side knowing about the other.

Chapters (14)

No pony deserves this news, not from a regular check-up. Certainly not Miss Cheerilee. But when she's told she has a week to live... what will she do? How will she tell her family, her students?

Chapters (7)

Cadance and Night Light share a pleasant conversation in a café. Everything somehow manages to get really weird, really fast.

Proofread by Octavia Harmony and Selbi.

Chapters (2)

Lyra Heartstrings is a up-and-coming musician living in the quiet town of Ponyville. Her marefriend Bon Bon owns and operates Canter Candies, the town's specialty sweets shop. They've been together for years, and everypony around knows what a happy couple they are. But any relationship has its ups and downs, and it's hard to ignore every awkward moment.

Like when Lyra's ex arrives in town.
Because she thinks Lyra still has a thing for her.
Because someone's been impersonating her for the past few years.

...Bon Bon might be in trouble here.

Thanks to Einhander for pre-reading and Exuno for editing!

Now with a reading by Goombasa!

Chapters (5)

When Twilight Sparkle comes down deathly ill, it is a race against time to get her the help she needs to recover. Will her friends be willing to accept any help to save her, even if it comes from the most unlikely pony imaginable?

Chapters (2)

Now has a sequel, One Year Later

After a vigorous day of organising and sending reports to Celestia, Twilight notices Spike is feeling a little ill. He slowly grows more and more cold, before finally falling into a coma that Twilight fears is her own fault.

Going to the Princesses for help, Twilight eventually is brought before an Elder Dragon and comes to the realisation that she may have failed as a caretaker, a friend and as an older sister.

*EDIT* Okay, okay. You guys win - I'll write an additional chapter or two. I've marked this story 'Incomplete' for now. Follow up chapter has been done. If you want more, let me know. I'm sure there are a few other characters I could write a chapter on (Except for the dragons, of course)

*DOUBLE EDIT* Okay, wow. I seriously didn't expect this to take off as well as it has. This is honestly probably one of the best days of my life. I'm so glad and happy that you've all enjoyed the story.

Chapters (4)