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This story is a sequel to Lyra Visits Bon Bon in Jail

Bon Bon has been not entirely truthful over the years with her "Best Friend" Lyra, who finally she demands she come completely clean. Anything she's been holding in or just been embarrassed to say, she can confess in a completely non-judgmental setting. Bon Bon readily takes up her "Best Friend's" offer. Some of the secrets aired are mundane at best. But others? Well, you'll just have to read the story, won't you? :raritywink:

Rated Teen for reference to but no actual depiction of sex. | For more Bon Bon shenanigans, be sure to check out Bon Bon thinks Griffons Aren't Real. Happy readings!

A hearty thank you to my Patreon patrons Singularity Dream, ocalhoun, and Littlecolt!

Chapters (1)

Sparkler Doo has just started her first summer in Ponyville and already has plans with her family. Why should she have friends?

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle gets the chance of researching and questioning the first live specimen of a changeling since the Canterlot invasion three years ago.
Twilight goes in with a scientific mind and wants to figure out everything about these evil bugs, as clearly they have shown themselves to be nothing but cruel in the past. However, in an attempt to find a cruel primitive being, she instead finds something she did not expect.
A teacher.

Story Tags and notes: There is going to be no explicit sex in this story, but gender, sex, and general reproduction will be a subject, as well as love, affection, morality, society and any other subjects that boggles my mind.
This story is something I made out of a combination of my own headcanon for changelings, and with my frustration, yet love, for philosophy, which I study at writing moment at university. This story will have slow updates, but I will work on it. This is as much a work for me, as it is for you.
I hope you´ll enjoy.

Chapters (3)

Congratulations Prince Shining Armor, you have been selected out of every pony in Equestria and her neighboring lands to be this year’s winner in the “Best Equestrian Butt” contest.

This grand tournament is when we, the Committee Logistics Of Plots, judge every rump of every pony in size, shape, firmness, softness, flabbiness, edginess, and overall use of it in all forms both practical and sexual. As the winner, you will need to present yourself in Canterlot for the award ceremony. You are the first stallion to ever win this award since it’s founding over two thousand years ago. We hope you feel accomplished today and look forward to you and your butt appearing at the awards.


Despite what you might think, there is no clop in this. And I have Silver Quill's permission to use this art.

Pre Read and Edited by: ugugg93, Seether 00, and WIL_I_ZEN

Chapters (4)

Trixie returns after a long time with a completely new performance about the encounter between the Elements of Harmony and Nightmare Moon.

Is Trixie trying to humiliate the heroes again or did she change? Just read it and find out. And please comment.

MLP: FiM Copyright Hasbro.

Chapters (1)

Suri Polomare isn't just content stealing ideas for dresses. Watch as she steals famous ideas throughout history and claims credit for them, okay.

Chapters (1)

The autumn is coming, and our favorite bipedal unicorn, Lyra, is preparing for the big event of the season - the Running of the Leaves!

But how is Bon-Bon going to take it? And can Lyra's body take the bipedal cross-country race? Only one way to find out!

- - -

This whole thing was inspired by the cover image, made by thelivingmachine02 on deviantArt.

Chapters (1)

The so-called 'World Famous' Flim Flam Brothers, after being defeated by Applejack and her friends, decide that they just weren't cut out for the cider making business. So, in the small town of Horseton, they discover a mysterious new mineral that could revolutionise all of Equestria! Trouble is, there are also a lot of people in the town who will do whatever it takes to make sure they get it first.

Chapters (1)

Is Mr Cake literally a cake? Pinkie Pie seems to think so – but will her investigations really reveal that Mr Cake is made solely from delicious margarine, sugar and flour, or is something else afoot? One thing is certain – the Cakes are hiding something from her, and Pinkie will expose the truth no matter the cost!

Chapters (3)

How would a being like Discord want to be remembered after he's gone? Well, if you're curious, he did actually write a will. To the surprise of nobody, its contents are bizarre and mildly disturbing.

Part of the Borderworld.

Now with audio readings by NDLMongoose and MelancholyIguana.

Chapters (1)