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Twilight has an experiment planned, and it centres on Rainbow Dash.

As anxious as she is, Dash really has no right to complain.

It was her idea after all.

Fan Reading!

Chapters (1)

As the sun gives way to the night, a pegasus knocks on a window. She has a secret. One that, if revealed, would shame her forever. Yet she can't stay away.

Featured on Equestria Daily 1/29/2013

Chapters (1)

Twilight was expecting to have a nice, relaxing morning bath. What she did not expect, was for Rainbow Dash to interrupt her by crashing through the window. Twilight, instead of yelling at Rainbow, invites her to take a bath together.

Chapters (1)

An experiment gone right has successfully left Rainbow Dash's rainbow mane in Twilight's vial. But when Pinkie stops by for a visit and mistakes the rainbow for a drink, she decides that all of her friends must try this amazing creation.

How can this go wrong?

Side effects, of course.

Chapters (1)

What makes a good story? Is it delicate prose and captivating description, as Twilight Sparkle claims, or is it non-stop action and entertainment, as Rainbow Dash has been arguing? With a stalemate between them, they decide there's only one way to settle this once and for all—a write-off!

The prompt? "Romance."

Featured on Equestria Daily!

Chapters (1)

Just after the changeling invasion, there's something Fluttershy needs to tell Twilight... and Twilight has a lot of questions that need answers.

Including questions she doesn't realize. Like what it means to be a friend. And Rainbow Dash has her own answer to that one.

Inspired by GaPJaxie's story, among others.

Chapters (1)

Twilight has never been interested in romance, at least not for herself. But a rather flustered epiphany changes that and now she must try and work out what it is, exactly, that she feels for her athletic friend, Rainbow Dash. A friend she's convinced would never like her back in the same way.

It's going to take a bit of courage to measure the degree of her affections and to test the waters... but perhaps it'll be worth it.

Chapters (1)

Hate; Verb: a feeling of intense or passionate dislike for something or someone.

Hate is seen as a strong word. A word that rarely ever meets how much someone doesn't like something else or someone else. Usually people just exaggerate it but never truly hate anything or anyone. To hate hardly ever truly happens when you're just a child; you just don't know better.

Now, psychologists have been trying to explain that to Fleur for years. She couldn't possibly hate Twilight Sparkle. She hardly even knows her. But she hates... And her hate is deep rooted and it builds every single day.

Sure, no one likes Twilight at Crystal Prep. Really, who would? But Fleur hates. And her hate goes deep.

Based on Fleur's clear hate for Twilight in "Friendship Games".

Now has a sequel! “I Idolize You, Fleur de Lis”.

Reading by TheCaptainSand/CaptainBron3y HERE.

Chapters (2)

(Very loosely) based on the true story of a poly acquaintance of mine trying to find a restaurant on Valentine’s Day for herself and her two mates.

Twilight, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy are going out to enjoy their first Hearts and Hooves Day as a triad. Twilight has everything planned down to the dot, from when they’ll arrive at the restaurant in Canterlot to exactly how many rose petals will be on the cloud-bed at her room in the palace when they get home (forty five, and only true rose petals, no stamens – three roses for each of them, one red, one yellow, one dyed blue.)

Then she finds out about one technicality that never even crossed her mind. La Romanetique, Canterlot’s premier high-class dining establishment, only serves couples on Hearts and Hooves Day.

The earth shall tremble. The heavens shall fall. Tartarus itself shall disgorge its most feared inmates… but Princess Twilight Sparkle and her marefriends shall dine tonight!

Chapters (5)

Twilight demands a rematch against Rainbow Dash swearing she's better at soccer than she was before. The game eventually turns into a soccer lesson, which would be fine if only she could actually focus on the actual lesson and not on the body of her instructor.

Chapters (1)