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The girls play a game of truth or dare whilst opening each other's gifts which leads to the group learning about Twilight's hobby which directly involves Rainbow Dash, much to her surprise.

Pre-read by Krebons12

Art by Wodahseht

Chapters (2)

Rainbow has been having problems. The type of problems you don't seek professional help for; the kind you seek the help of someone who knows what they're doing to patch you up. They're the kind of friend who has secrets all their own, but you can't deal with those obvious things right now. The type of thing where payment is simply "silence for silence". Unfortunately on this occasion, that code is broken,

Special thanks to Jim Beam, Captain Morgan, and James Bond for the courage to actually post this pile. Jim, ya started me off. Capn, you saw me through the squalls and the rough seas. Bond, well you're a hanger on only because I realized when I was writing this description that I had Martini ingredients.

Also authors, I wanna thank Kits, Ardensfax, Cloudy, Regi, KiltedKey, Chuck Palahanuikalingadingdong, Chengar, and a few others I can't remember right now. You've all been an inspiration to me somehow.

I await your hatred and welcome it.

Chapters (1)

After meeting Celestia in that strange place, Twilight came back to Equestria with a pair of gorgeous wings. But exactly how did she get those wings?

Just a silly one-shot idea I came up with months before the finale aired.

Chapters (1)

Just what became of six legendary Equestrian heroes? And where did the first Alicorns come from?

The answer is both more exalting and more disgusting than one might expect.

Rated “T” for Turbid, “IM” for immaturity, and “S” for unapologetic silliness.

The Critics Rave!

“…a classic undignified farce…”—A British Gentleman

“…I am impressed, amazed, shocked and appalled. I’m impramazocktapalled.”—AlphaBrony

“GGA burns the good faith I had in him after the Riverdream Manuscript…” — Anonymous

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to Be Mine

Twilight has been gone at a secret princess meeting for days now, and Rainbow dash got word earlier of her arrival back in Ponyville. Excited to spend time with her relatively new marefriend, Rainbow Dash stays up late to meet her at the castle. However, when Twilight finally arrives, will Rainbow be able to keep her eyes open long enough to have a decent conversation? ...Probably not.

Warning: Twidash cuddles may induce heart implosions from pure cuteness.

Dedicated to FrozenInTime

Cover art by Ambris.

Featured!!! 5th June, 2014! I love you guys!

Now available in Portuguese.

Chapters (1)

It was just supposed to be a little game, part of the very first slumber party held in Twilight's new castle. Neither Twilight nor her friends expected to learn life-changing things about each other. And none of them could have anticipated who among them had the most experience when it came to sex...

(Unless you read the comments. Spoilers!)

Reading by Max Kongo!

Chapters (1)

After storming into Princess Celestia's personal study unannounced, Twilight Sparkle soon learns her yearly battles against the forces of evil are a little more scripted than she'd thought.

And this year, Princess Celestia might've just outdone herself.

Now with a youtube reading! Here!

Chapters (3)

rainbow dash is tired of hiding her feelings for her marecrush princess twilight sparkle and so she asks her to have a ladies night out (image is not mine) (My first shipfic)

Chapters (2)

After a sudden realization about how Shining Armor became a captain in the Royal Guard, Rainbow Dash hatches an insidious plot to become Captain of the Wonderbolts by following in his hoofsteps in the only appropriate manner...

By sleeping with a Princess, of course!

A collab fic with Doccular42. Needless to say, neither of us were in our right minds when we created this.

Pre-reading done by PegasusMesa and PheonixStarr

Editing done by m1ntf4n.

all are awesome!

Chapters (1)

Winter is finally wrapped up and Twilight Sparkle is ready for a well-deserved rest, but Rainbow Dash has one last thing she’d like to share with Twilight.

Special Thanks to: tsitra360 for permission to use the art which inspired this story. And, my editor, whose endless support allows me to write when I can.

Chapters (1)